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Norfolk Mustard

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Everything posted by Norfolk Mustard

  1. Beautifully written post FTW! I think SW will indeed want to leave a positive legacy - and right now, he's unlikely to be sitting on his hands wondering what to do about team performance & a seriously disengaged fanbase. Exploratory talks with potential new head coaches are almost certainly under way...
  2. That certainly puts a bit of perspective into what we normally chat about on here - I hope you and your family find all the strength you need Ricardo.
  3. Given all the questions will be sanitised by the club, the end product will be pretty much as they might have scheduled anyway. Putting a specific fan's name next to a question thinly comes across as 'fan engagement'. In reality, there's a huge disconnection of their own making.
  4. In the last month or so, he's gone from: "Integrity is a real big thing for me, and loyalty..." to "Hello Scotland!". Good example of someone changing their beliefs and values!
  5. Even my 17 y/o commented that the 2-minute period of respect hadn't been followed correctly. I also spotted some complaints from NCFC veterans on Twitter - hardly surprising. The whole thing appeared to be rushed...
  6. Interesting pov! Not one I share, that's for sure. Chris is highly emotionally intelligent & a genius at relationship-building. His black book of NCFC contacts is to die for. I see a super-fan who is incredibly modest - and given his back story, I am in awe of his achievements so far.
  7. Lots of empty seats around me last evening. Mixture of casual fans & ST holders appear to be voting with their feet. The football was slightly better, however we're now NINE points behind leaders Burnley! No entitlement; however we should confidently expect to beat QPR at home. I remain unconvinced by the current regime - whatever is going on behind the scenes needs to be sorted out. On the basis passive acceptance isn't going to achieve valuable league points, I'm beginning to wonder whether the NCFC board are planning to remain in the second tier...
  8. Hayden looks to be coming on nicely to me!
  9. Totally agree! Give the Ref a fair decision to make & it's much more likely to go in our favour...
  10. As a high empath, I feared the effects those flashing lights might have on epileptics. Having experienced the show last night, I thought along with the sound system, it was pretty good. Felt like 'showtime' when the main lights came on for the game, so excellent build-up. Shame the players didn't raise their game to the same standard...
  11. I'm perfectly happy with how BBC Radio Norfolk operate as I already know what I think about NCFC's recent performances...
  12. The first I saw was a red card held aloft. No-one around me knew what it was for. However the video replay appears to show the Luton player holding Kenny back which should be a yellow card offence & a penalty awarded. In my view, *if* a red card was deemed appropriate for the raised hand (I can see why it would be btw), Norwich should still have had the penalty & played out the game with 10 men.
  13. I suspected Norwich wouldn't beat Watford because we were (and barring a miracle, still are) on a downward trajectory. Most of us can see the team is less-than-buoyant - and lots of things need to change. I predict another defeat simply because the other team are likely to be better organised with more motivation. Norwich 0-2 Luton. Hope I'm wrong!
  14. Stuart Webber literally revolutionised Norwich City! Inevitable he'll move on; when he does, it'll be a huge loss...
  15. Set pieces could decide this game. Mazy runs from players like Cantwell, Dowell & Nunez will encourage a few reckless tackles outside the box. Achieving centrally-located free-kicks likely to make the best goal-scoring opportunities. Attacking full-backs + Hernandez need to win plenty of corners too...
  16. Excellent point LDC - it's scientifically proven that the human brain loves what's familiar. Marissa Peer talks about it here:
  17. Given a desperate Premier League club 'may' stump-up £10-15m for his services, doesn't that show how valuable his all-round play & goals (still) are? Similar to Jamie Vardy, he's looked after himself; I hope Norwich do all they can to retain his services for another 2 years. Sargent & Idah are not (yet) adequate for a starting place in the Premier League, that's for sure...
  18. Steve Cooper was struggling to get the cones out at training this morning... https://twitter.com/agb1nufc/status/1577020487024058368?s=20&t=tkMZ-I-WTeLkgcdtwfvkXg
  19. Out with 'Farkeball' & in with 'Turgidball' doesn't sound particularly attractive...
  20. I see people are calling LDC names again! I see things both ways; LDC makes extremely valid points. Others don't agree, citing the obvious - namely Potter 'proving himself at a higher level', 'short career', 'making more £' etc. - as if that's all that matters. Thing is, whatever any of us choose to do in life depends on what we believe & value. To assume anyone believes the same as us, or automatically values the exact same things as us is folly. We're all different - and that's why we each make different decisions. Personally, I think Chelsea FC has a notoriously toxic work culture. If Potter had the same values as me, he'd steer well clear because he'd value peace-of-mind more than £. Potter has made a choice based on his personal level of emotional comfort. Good for him - he's having a go & will be well-paid. Maybe it'll work out for him, however my gut feeling is Chelsea are unlikely to achieve Champions League status this season...
  21. That's a very good point; I used to love watching Hucks draw two defenders in & then bisect them with neat acceleration & leave both behind. It was his trademark move to get into advanced space. Rachica appears to possess similar raw potential, but little desire to produce. Perhaps Dean Smith should send Rashica for a beer & a chat with Eadie & Hucks - followed by some personal coaching to learn how to do it...
  22. I think Pukki needs adequate recovery - as @Mason 47 says, the guy has barely had a break in 4 years! Providing we can out-muscle & out-play other teams using other resources, it will serve everyone well to slowly re-introduce Pukki for the last 20 minutes of the next few games...
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