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Peter Crouch

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Can''t even get into Southampton''s team.

In hindsight, we''ve spent £1,000,000 on Jonson and £750,000 on Doherty and we still have *supposedly* around £500,000 left for another striker.

No offence to the above mentioned players, especially Doc who has played his heart out for the cause but why didn''t we just buy Crouch for £2,000,000 instead them?

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Why don''t we just wait until the January transfer window and see who is available then?  Worthy did the right thing in not competing for Crouch at 2 million, wait a bit longer and we might get him on loan.

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Probably because spending £2m on a player who isn''t a proven goal scorer in the Prem would have been utter madness for us this summer. Had we been able to sign him for a lower fee (£1m at the most) then I would have been happy to have seen him re-join, but £2m was way above what he is worth.

The fee was a reflection on how Villa drastically overspent on him rather than what he is worth. A guy who didn''t figure much for Villa last season (and don''t forget how small their squad was/is in Prem terms) and who was sent out on loan to a Div One side (quality though that side was!!!) is not worth £2m. Worthy was completely right not to spend that sort of money on Crouchy.

This topic makes me a bit mad to be honest! Jonson is a player of genuine quality who before the Spurs game had only had something like 5 full training sessions with his new team mates so far due to international commitments. Couple that with adjusting to life with a new club, a new league and in a new country and it is hardly surprising that it is taking him a bit of time to adjust. But he will come good and prove to be an excellent player for us.

I hate the way some people like to write off on our players without giving them a chance. With a bit of time and support Jonson could prove crucial in our attempts to stay up, so why do some "supporters" not want to give them their full backing? The fact we spent what was in fact somehting like £700k up front on Jonson, a current Swedish international, makes £2m for Crouch look even more ridiculous.

In fact this topic shows exactly why Worthy has done well this summer with his budget. Spend £2m on Crouch, or a combined £1.3m (est.) on a quality Swedish international who can play upfront or on the right wing and a 24 yr old Republic of Ireland interntational who can play upfront or in central defence. Top work Worthy, just like buying Charlton for £250k and selling Malky for £300k.

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I totally agree Beds Canary. I have been saying this for weeks. What''s done is not done though and we could still try and go for him.

He is a proven goal-scorer and just what we need at this moment in time.

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no way.

worthy was dead right to not buy crouch. i don''t rate him much higher than doherty and imagine how bad it would be if we did get him and he didn''t deliver.

and the negativity around the jonson signing is dead wrong. yes, we know he is not playing well...not at all. but we also know he''s had little time to get in with the lads. give him time. and helveg. they will come good.

it''s fair to say that neither is ready for a first team place right now and that both will probably be ready in the future and show what great signings they are.

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I love these debates - it really shows just how much we run the risk of believing all the hype of the Premiership if we''re not careful, and have forgotten the pain and hurt of paying the price of getting the game wrong. Look down the road at Suffolk, the fizzy league 2 at Bradford and Sheffield weds for all the evidence you need.

We are 6 games into the season, are 1 point away from "safety" (although quite what that means befoire septembers even finished God alone knows), we''ve played 4 of the Top 7 from last season and only lost to Arsenal (who doesn''t) and Man Utd at Old Trafford (more will lose than not there this season as well).

As stated earlier in the thread we''ve done some good business this close season (Charlton +50k for Malkay as much as it tugs at the heartstrings is a step forward) and the scandinavians have spent more time on aeroplanes than at Colney!

I''ve said it all along that our season really begins on October 2nd - sure we''ll have to scrap and show a bit more cut then, but we don''t look out of place in this league, we will get some wins, the new boys will improve and I for one will contnue to enjoy the ride.

I understand you all care passionately for the club and have best intentions at heart (we wouldn''t be regular posters on here if we didn''t) but patience is a virtue - judge us come mid November!

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I wouldnt knock Jonson..i have a feeling he may turn out to be the best buy of them all when he is settled in. It cant be good living in hotel rooms in a foreign country to start with. Once he settles into Norfolk life i think he will be a supreme asset to the team.

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I agree that while Couch did a good job for us last season he could have been an expensive mistake.

Jonson looks like he is picking up and Doc WAS signed as a defender so he doesnt come into the equation.

I agree with Shrops though - I too have long said our true season starts in October once the fantasy stuff is over.  Judge worthy by mid oct when he has played moe than half of those 10 crucial games.  If we are still in the bottom three then we know that is where we belong.  At the moment we can remain hopeful in the (possibly deluded) belief that most teams would have struggled to get many more points from our first 7 games...

I think we will climb the table and soon.


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Canary boy - PROVEN GOALSCORER??????!!!!!!!

When, in the last three years, did Crouch prove himself to be a proven goalscorer??!

And in answer to the original thread, I would rather have three good players than one over-priced Peter Crouch. I would love to see him at Carrow, but I don''t think he''s the man we''re looking for.

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i agree to sign crouch would be a mistake we need someone who can stick the ball away two from the past ted mcdougall and kevin drinkwell type players anyone know any modern equivelents

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Probably because Crouch isn''t a proven goalscorer, and was average at best in the first division whereas Jonson is a proven goalscorer at international level, will justify being the club''s record signing and has a beard!

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I don''t think we are going to find a modern day Ted McDougall playing for the likes of Bournemouth, or a Kevin Drinkell playing for a Grimsby - shame, but true.

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ahhh kevin drinkell. now that''s a blast from the past. while we''re at it, i''d take a modern-day john deehan. and then again, mick channon was a blast to watch when he played with the canaries.

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I''ve said it all along, Crouch done a decent job here when on loan but his goalscoring record is poor apart from one blinding season at Pompey. Villa saw potential and paid the money which didn''t work out. He was no way worth £2 million and we rightly said thanks but no thanks.

I think a favour was done when he went back as we brought in McKenzie and Svennson who both put in the net on a more frequent occasion for half the cost

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[quote]I totally agree Beds Canary. I have been saying this for weeks. What''s done is not done though and we could still try and go for him. He is a proven goal-scorer and just what we need at this moment i...[/quote]

WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON........Proven goal scorer......ha......ha

Crouch failed to score for Villa and did not exactly set us alight with his goal scoring.

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[quote]Probably because spending £2m on a player who isn''t a proven goal scorer in the Prem would have been utter madness for us this summer. Had we been able to sign him for a lower fee (£1m at the most) th...[/quote]

mcsncfc - you have hit the nail on the head with another excellent reply.

Could not have put it better myself.



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Peter Crouch IS a proven goal-scorer. When he left us last season, David O''Leary wouldn''t give him a 1st team start because of J P Angel. But when Angel was out, Crouch came in and scored nearly every time...even getting 2 or 3 goals in one Premiership game towards the end of last season.

Remember that year he got nearly 20 goals for Portsmouth?...and the guy is still young. I say we should have bought him, you can''t loose at his age...2 million well spent.

An ageing Svensson whoose not performing or a no-pace stand in striker who is supposed to be a defender up front is not the answer in this Premiership!

We need goals!!!

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proven goal getters cost money..and I don''t think crouchie quite fitted into that category.. he did score 20 for pompey..but were they in the prem..?   I can''t recall

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[quote]Can''t even get into Southampton''s team. In hindsight, we''ve spent £1,000,000 on Jonson and £750,000 on Doherty and we still have *supposedly* around £500,000 left for another striker. No offence to ...[/quote]

HE will never sign. So live with it,  Savvy!.

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I totally agree with peter. Crouchy is not a natural goalscorer - which is what we need at the moment. To be fair, there are players around who are in our price range who could do the job. Bolton have Davies and Pederson up front, both are poor footballers technically, but they will score goals. Have to say that i am swaying towards the Dean Ashton brigade

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Why do people keep going on about Peter Crouch as if he is the next Pele.  Yeah he did OK with us - but only OK - and at the end of the day he is now with another club.  Forget it and move on and lets get behind those that are here now not those that were here and have left for pastures new.

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[quote]Why do people keep going on about Peter Crouch as if he is the next Pele. Yeah he did OK with us - but only OK - and at the end of the day he is now with another club. Forget it and move on and lets...[/quote]

I''ll quote that when we are relagated if/because we can''t score goals!

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I only started this thread because I can see us struggling to score up front without a target man. No matter what anyone says, we are not good enough to play without a target man. If we had £20million to spend then maybe we would be but we''re not.

I hope that Jonson can prove his worth and come good I really do, but if he doesn''t then thats £1,000,000 wasted on a gamble when Crouch had proven he could play with in our team and score goals.

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Im not saying that we do not need another striker - we do - but the fact of the matter is that Peter Crouch has left us and left Villa to join Southampton.  End of story. 

The fact we need another striker is obvious but we arent going to get him so lets concentrate on whoever Nigel ends up with come January.  If we go down we go down but I am sure it wont be for the sole reason we did not sign Peter Crouch.  It takes 11 men to make a team not one. 

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I was also keen on Crouchy. But in the Iwan autobiography Iwan says that Hucks prefered playing with the "gapped toother Gypsy". How much of this you can believe I dont know but maybe they didnt complement each other as much as we thought. Don''t get me wrong, Im not saying for a moment that Hucks should be picking the players.

Where in the rules does it say you have to have a big striker?? Did Villa not play last season with Angel and Vassell.....admitedly my examples are running out there.....sorry I''m drunk and waffleing!! I say at least give Mackenzie another go....and thats not the drink talking!!


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This really is a pretty stupid thread for the simple reason that we did not sign Crouch; that we are not going to sign Crouch; and we don''t have £2 million to spend anyway

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NavMan talking total sense again.   Yes it would appear that we do need a striker but I do not believe that he was the man we are looking for and indeed if it''s just because he''s big and causes problems in the penalty area then we don''t have a suitable foil for him anyway as Huckerby is not a player in the mould of say, Owen, who is the consumate goal hanger!  
 We need a player who can, like Huckerby, bang them in from all parts of the pitch and not occasionally hope that a ball cannons off some giraffe-like legs or a luckily placed head!

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