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Norfolk Mustard

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Everything posted by Norfolk Mustard

  1. I'll happily admit there is nobody close by who crazes me in the Upper Barclay. Been in the same seats there with my sons since 2003/4 season & we have some lovely folk around us...
  2. If anyone doubts the importance of culture - in particular inclusion & welcoming a new team member, Núñez' reaction says it all! By comparison, Rachica looks morose...
  3. Attitude-wise, I'm delighted both new signings were not put off by what happened to Christos Tzolis. I'm hoping they each have self-belief in abundance because that is what NCFC have been missing...
  4. Wow, all this Kenny-bashing is a bit depressing to read! He's an influential contributor who's likely to thrive by having an injection of talent around him....
  5. I think there's a potential top performer in Tzolis - I'm delighted it's only a loan. Hope he turns it on & enjoys himself next season...
  6. I think Pukki has plenty more to offer Norwich City. In an ideal world, I'm hoping he helps us gain promotion & is rewarded with a decent contract extension. If he continues to look after himself, he can easily emulate Vardy...
  7. Just watched a Levi Colwill highlight reel. He looks incredibly sharp & extremely effective at picking out an accurate forward pass. He's likely to be in high demand...
  8. Was that when Captain Sensible came out on stage stark naked playing his guitar? If so, I was there...
  9. I detest all these thumb-sucking & shushing the crowd celebrations. Same with opposition players standing in front of the ball to prevent a quick free-kick being taken - youngsters imitate their behavior & it pollutes youth football. I'd like to see more discipline in the game & welcome players being booked for silly behaviour. Perhaps it will make them think a bit? Far fewer players take their shirts off to celebrate nowadays - they're aware if they do, their team mates may have to play with 10 men.
  10. I wonder how much effort was put in from NCFC to encourage yellow & green colours? We managed it before with Woodfordes...
  11. If Anglian Home Improvements can provide windows in any colour, why can't they put up a sign to match the rest of the stadium? Been to Carrow Road today to buy my son a shirt & we both thought that signage just looks wrong. Be OK at Bolton Wanderers maybe, but we play in yellow & green! I wonder who at NCFC 'negotiated' this sponsorship? Poor procurement...
  12. I've just remembered; I was given a NCFC shirt as a present last August - it's never been out of the bag. I'm not even sure where I put it. Kind of sums up last season really. And my lack of enthusiasm for whatever kit is coming next...
  13. Maybe Stuart Webber will go all-out for Callum O'Hare? He looks the nearest to an Emi replacement I've seen...
  14. I'm totally with Cambridge - unless Specsavers are to become NCFC's No.1 sponsor, what on earth is that font all about? It's horrible - disjointed & hard to read. The polar opposite of what it's supposed to achieve. Yes, NCFC may have copyright for it, however it's unlikely anyone else would want to use it anyway!
  15. Sorry, I don't rate Dowell at all. He's not delivered anything of note apart from a well-hit free kick on one occasion. Looks lethargic & that's not a good influence on the rest of the team...
  16. I'm frustrated at the current state of affairs, and envisage a 4-season departure to the Championship.Hope I'm wrong! Thanks LDC for an uplifting post at a time when most choose to offer only criticism. Of the 92 clubs, NCFC were in position #21 12 months ago & progressed to #20 this season. At least it shows consistency...
  17. No, the player wasn't crap - the (lack of) service to him was...
  18. Given we need results, this kind of pressure (I see it as encouragement) sounds ideal!...
  19. Krul is #1 - we'll need his leadership tonight.
  20. Given he's made it clear how much he's enjoying his time here, he may want to keep the door open to a permanent move? No one is trying harder than him to keep Norwich in the Premier League...
  21. Cedric is such a kind man who loves to help others; that last sentence 'Mr Anselin said he did not wish to comment out of respect for those who are yet to receive their settled status' says it all. Really pleased for him.
  22. That would've been one of the softer tackles when I played school vs school football! 🙂 Our Captain's rousing pre-match message seconds before each KO was: "Remember lads. if you can't get the man, get the ball!". That ironic intent used to get a chuckle, however we were programmed to compete physically that's for sure. The other side played in a similar manner, which is why we needed to match them if we wanted to win. Nowadays it's a different world. Kane was out-of-control (unable to pull-out of the challenge), so it should've been an instant red card.
  23. Like many, I have lost patience with Todd Cantwell now. He had a wonderful opportunity to step-up this season yet he appears disinterested. Where is his personal desire? I'm not surprised If Chris Sutton has called him out. He's falling way short of what's required... At least Jacob Ramsey demonstrated what's possible with a well-focussed mindset!
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