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Big Vince

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Everything posted by Big Vince

  1. Needs to be put on a diet of eggs and red meat and when he's not eating that he needs to be in the Colney weights room pushing iron. By the end of the season he needs to have the physique of Vasily Alekseev.
  2. If he turns out to be that good then the Delaware Capitalists would sell him at the first opportunity. Therefore no point buying him. He wouldn't be around long enough and we would be back to square one again.
  3. On the other hand it has been contended that managers criticising players in public is a slippery slope which ultimately leads to a sacking.
  4. Credit where credit is due. Players did their defensive duties today after Palace omnishambles. Delia looking positively evil in the photo.
  5. Dale Gordon. Remember that goal he scored at Old Trafford breaking through the middle of the park.
  6. Agreed. They've taken their time. Maybe Delaware Capitalists more savvy?
  7. He can do tackles. That'll be a revelation for a player in yellow.
  8. Is this Billy as wee as the previous one from Chelsea? Wee Billy Gee. How poetic!
  9. I suppose going to a club like Galatasaray there are going to be greater pressures to deliver. After all, they are paying him four times what he was getting here and so that comes with certain expectations that did not exist here. I mean, Norwich fans would be happy watching us play Wroxham every week.
  10. The Delaware Capitalists will sell and we will go to L1.
  11. Norwich City just wanted to get the money for him. They weren't bothered who came in and whether this move was good for his welfare and career. Norwich City are evil.
  12. No one has 100% possession so you have to be able to defend without the ball. Norwich City aren't able to defend without the ball for the same old reasons and with the same old culprits.
  13. I see no sign whatsoever that Throwup can fix the defending. He will eventually have to be sacked because he is out of his depth. Then it will prove that both Napper and Mr Norfolk are no good as well. Emperor's new clothes....
  14. Parma has talked sense on this thread. You cannot be conceding such high numbers of goals. Norwich have gone from Farke to Smith to Wagner and back to Farke (Throwup) again and still not solved the fundamentals of steel in the middle and taking no prisoners at the back. Even when they had Tettey and Skipp you always got the feeling it was masking a soft underbelly. Take them out and that is what you've had since.
  15. But Sara handled himself as a model pro leading up to his move and penned a nice goodbye to fans upon leaving. Sara is just a good guy. Rowe is a ****.
  16. Norwich City con other clubs out of their money by selling players who turn out to be no good. Pritchard, Aarons, Lewis, Godfrey, Big O, Idah. Conclusion: Napper, like Webber, should come with a health warning.
  17. What a shambolic performance from all concerned. From the board to the fans. Mr Norfolk and the boy Napper say the recruitment strategy of the club is to be led by data. Well, one of the very first things you should be looking at, especially with physicality of English football is height and weight. The boy Forson has absolutely nothing on him in this regard. It is well known that Palace have big units. So what happens? Along comes a physical contact and he puts his shoulder out. Why are we buying midgets and beanpoles? That Mateta is the kind of physique required in this country. What is Throwup doing here? I thought there was supposed to be possession football in this new era. The first goal conceded was an aimless long punt upfield where possession was immediately lost and they scored. The second goal was a good finish but if a defensive midfielder had been working between the lines that ball into the box could have been intercepted. The third goal the Palace boy had so much space in the middle of the box he could have smoked two cigars and still had time to pick his spot. The fourth goal was ridiculous. The Palace boy went on a dance across the edge of the box, no Norwich player made any attempt at a tackle, instead getting in each other's way before the boy pulled the trigger and scored. What a fiasco. I don't know what they teach them down at Colney, but it certainly isn't tackling and putting your body on the line. I heard after the game Norwich fans said we played well. What? You lose nil four and played well. How does that work? Norwich fans proved once again what ace, ace, numpties they are. I tell you what, if Norwich lost every game 25-0 there would be happy fans just because we looked good in losing. They seriously need to look at opening up a new brain transplant unit at the NNUH as there are clearly thousands of patients waiting.
  18. Maradona had a lot of beef on him for his size.
  19. I think what we are saying is that we have internalised the fact that we can never be top 17 so we are giving up on the football aspiration side and instead concentrating on being a player trading model which is a stepping stone for players in their professional development. We are definitely saying this out aloud more than any other club. It is a sad, tacit admission that we are inferior to Bournemouth, Brentford, Fulham and Brighton, all former tier 3 clubs.
  20. Norwich City still in the business of playing/signing midgets. Eadie, Cureton, McVeigh, Fugelstad, wee Billy and now Forson. Crnac and Forson will need to be put on a diet of eggs and red meat before hitting the weights room.
  21. Essex should not sell by coercion, only if he is willing.
  22. Goes to prove you can't have poor people owning football clubs. Presumably Ressler has much greater financial muscle and real estate acumen to increase capacity from its current woeful level and thus break this cycle of decrepitude.
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