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Everything posted by Nexus_Canary

  1. Yeh thats the one that really confuses me, unless hes an absolute liability off the field and the news story hasn't escaped yet (doubtful) then WTF.
  2. Please tell me that was from a black and white computer mah bob. If not it looks like someones nan stuck it on a high temp and washed it for 48 hrs
  3. After last night I genuinely thought I was watching Norwich under Wagner. Pragmatic back passing, No clue how to even attempt breaking through Snore worthy
  4. And people say the Prem is not corrupt!! As a Norwich fan " HAHAHA unlucky Ipswich HAHAHAHA" As a football fan , this genuinely stinks.
  5. That injury was the end of Hanley, you dont recover from that post 30. Hell you would be lucky to post 25.
  6. I think the new league table was published in anticipation for next season. Ipswich are currently 10th. Out of respect can we all stand and celebrate their highest league position of the 24/25 season with them.
  7. sorry mate, there was a spelling mistake, corrected it for you 🙂
  8. He best bloody not dare! I still remember Sebastian Bassong thinking he was Franz Beckenbaur and running to about the half way line and falling over then waving his arms around like he was fouled then they scored off of his clown shoes move. Still gives me PTSD - no dribbling out of defense thanks!
  9. No I don't because frankly if your a homophobe you should keep that bigotry to yourself. Hiding it behind a religious curtain does not make it ok. Move to Russia or somewhere that backwards thinking is supported. ( I'm not aiming that at you fen I'm aiming it at the player as the wording could seem a bit iffy)
  10. I think when it comes to tolerance - be it religious, sexuality or race there are no excuses. Be tolerant or do not be involved very simple. its one thing covering up something to do with alcohol or gambling but he deserved the ban. Its not a case of believe what we believe its a case of following the ethos of your employer - which in this case is tolerance. Long and the short of it - life is too short to be a bigot of any nature.
  11. The whole "Prem model" or idea of football is pointing at find yourself a nice non league team and support. Although tell that to Wrexham! So no body is safe from the pageantry! I would be interesting to see some of Wrexham's oppositions and club rivals over the last 2-3 years. The whole Deadpool thing have made non football fans interested which is good / bad. But has the arrival of the non league Moneycheat Citeh had a similar outcome on lower league fans / clubs?
  12. Do you read what you type or do your fingers just defecate across the keyboard?
  13. Shouldnt you be over on TW@TD in full melt down over McKenna leaving along with the other yokkels?
  14. I was more worried about Brentford tbh Dont think Farke ever wanted Sarge tbh
  15. Sunday - Bank Holiday Monday I know the press is still working but a lot of the agents players etc are not. (Why do you think the Norwich reports said to wait 48 not 24 hrs) Wait till Tuesday 🙂
  16. Come on Leeds, you know what to do...... Dani boy time to come home ❤️
  17. I had wondered if a couple of camps had developed - one with the Scottish players vs others *cough* Cantwell *cough*
  18. But thank god we did! We need a total restructure and any manager knows its a lost cause in the Prem. I think Ipswich will discover how hard it is to find a manager when McKenna jumps.
  19. And the rest we can get £30 plus add-ons from Celtic now
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