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  1. Ipswich at home last season. 😃 lovely jubbly.
  2. Be hilarious if they miss out on the play offs by 2 points.
  3. Imagine lots of cheap tat and food coming in from India putting more Brits out of work.😁
  4. Property speculation should have been taxed out of existence a long time ago. it’s based on increasing property demand and value by increasing personal debt and nothing more. Banks have way to much power.
  5. Yes. Should be gone tomorrow IMHO. Its an archaic and outdated idea that holds Britain back in a big way with its inherited privilege, wealth and thus power.
  6. Nothing to do with that. To my mind, French are patriotic whereas generally Brits are nationalistic. There is a distinct difference. The lack of investment in Britain is more to do with the fact nearly everything of any value in the UK has been sold off to the highest foreign bidder to enable a quick profit for shareholders. Even our water companies and railways are mainly foreign owned ffs, that should never ever have been allowed to happen. JLR, Bentley, steel industry….. all foreign owned. Loads more examples to.
  7. It’s a two way thing. As a general rule I would always lean on the side of the employee but the older I get and the more I see, there are a significant number of people in work who will do the bare minimum they can, skive off sick when they can and use any excuse to work as little as possible. And all those are carried by those employees who do much more than their share. Productivity in the Uk is one if the lowest in Europe because businesses don’t invest in future improvements. Cheaper to buy from abroad than invest in the future. Go to France and Italy and many of their products for sale are made in their country and will have a mark to say that, they are proud of that fact. Yes there is a price company to the consumer for that but at least the money stays in the country rather than ending up in China or India.
  8. Ther is a lot of misguided ideas that unemployed people are unemployed because am immigrant stole their job. Many Brits are unemployed because they are useless to any employer, as they have no skills. That is the fault of Government not addressing the problem and the individua; for being bone lazy. One of my client's got told by one of his staff that minimum wage means minimum effort despite the fact he has no qualifications, did not train for employment but still expects plenty for very little. He still expects more than ÂŁ11+ per hour!
  9. Not all workers coming from EU countries were low wage and low skilled. The reality is that unless we start paying the going rate to care workers, doctors, nurses and health conbsulatnts there will be none of these who are UK born in 20-30 years time, ( and none at all if we dont allow then into the country from abroad) getting old then is going to be a nightmare.
  10. And also the point of democracy is that if in the future, a majority vote for a return to the EU, then it will happen.
  11. Immigration is a worldwide problem not just a British problem. As such it needs a worldwide solution. A good start would be not to go bombing and destroying the Nations the immigrants come from nor supporting and supplying weapons to other Nations who do. The reality is the ONLY way to stop immigration is to make their Country so much better they have no wish to leave.
  12. If the nations of the world don't work together as one then the human race is ultimately doomed to extinction. The introduction of ETIAS and EES will see a lot more Brits pissed off with Brexit and their loss of freedom of movement.
  13. The EU were prepared to give UK citizens some better movement mobility but the UK government chose not to take it. It looks like Starmer wants to re attempt to get better mobility for us and with the new EES and ETIAS visa requirements due over the next year I really hope he is successful. It will be interesting to see on what misdeamours in everyone’s past life, the EU will refuse a visa. I would guess football hooliganism is a given.
  14. I wouldn’t waste my money tbh. Each to their own but going abroad to me involves far better things than bang average football. Just spent three weeks in France seeing some new places, watching the Tour de France, lying in the sun, eating the best food and generally having a great time. Wish I could spend all summer here.
  15. I went to Birmingham when Netherlands played Scotland at Euro 96. It was a fantastic atmosphere. It’s England fans that lack soul and class. Singing songs about the war is pretty pathetic way of supporting the team.
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