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Stowmarket Canary (not Delia)

Man Utd considering Wellbeck loan to Reading.

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not the first time I have heard they are looking to loan him.      I dont really rate him for england but is an interesting option,  keeps holt out of the england squad and is fantastic at link up play and has a bit of pace.


If manure pay most of his wages - maybe

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Would not want him. 1.) No loan deals please2.) he''s United3.) he''s very over-rated IMO4.) even if he was good for us, Fergie would yank him back any time he wants. We''d never end up signing him.

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[quote user="TheRock"]Would not want him.

1.) No loan deals please
2.) he''s United
3.) he''s very over-rated IMO
4.) even if he was good for us, Fergie would yank him back any time he wants. We''d never end up signing him.




1) We aren''t a big enough club not to do loans

2) So what, we don''t have grudges against United.  They have about 17/18 players who''d walk straight into our team.

3) He''s better than Moro, Jacko and Kane, and, probably as good, but slightly different, as Holt

4) So what, if we only got 6 or 7 games out of him, during February and March, we have winnable games to get us to that 40 point mark.


We need a striker, we need someone to get us 5 or 6 goals in the second half of the season, Welbeck could easily do that...


Doubt United will loan him though.

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[quote user="Grant Holts 3 year contract"]No bloody thankyou!

So over-rated it''s laughable!

The only thing that''s laughable is that you wouldn''t want him at Norwich because you think he''s overrated.

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Anyone who wouldn''t take him on loan is halfway to being a nut case. I would obviously have him as he is better than any of our back up strikers and would cost relatively little, however he has an appalling strike rate. I remember seeing the stats before the Euro''s and his shot to goal ratio was much higher than any other English striker. Not sure he would be ideal in a lower team who dont create as many chances as Manure

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Agree with Pricey. Welbeck is a very, very good player and tbh I can''t see them loaning him out. He''s just unlucky to have RVP and Rooney in front of him. I think Hernandez wants more games so it''s still slightly possible that Welbeck will be loaned, but I''d honestly be surprised with it unless he wants to put Kagawa as 2nd striker in some games. The thing that really surprised me about Welbeck when I''ve watched him (particularly for England) is his strength and ability to hold the ball. Could be perfect for us, but again I doubt he''ll go out

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[quote user="baldyboy"]we cant loan anymore unless Garrido orKane either sign permanently or go back


As an international loan Garrido doesn''t count towards the loan quota.


Anyone saying we should get Welbeck if the chance came up is mad.

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No thanks did nout on loan at Sunderland, even i could get a couple in Man U team, go with others who thinks he is overated, would be nowhere near England team if he was not playing for Man U.

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I hugely doubt without bringing someone in Fergie would let Welbeck go out on loan. He said at the start of the season he wanted to have 4 key strikers to use as he felt it was important to have that choice and rotation in winning the league. Welbeck is a good prospect too, for those saying he''s overrated - he''s definitely the best up and coming England striker in the international setup at the moment.

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Agree with TheRock - Danny Welbeck is the most over-rated player in the Premier League.

To score 9 goals playing the majority of last season up front for Man Utd is a poor total. He missed so many chances for them.

1 goal this season, he''s beginning to be found out.

No idea why he got the nod over Holt for England last season. Reading are too good for him also, he''d be better off dropping down to the Championship or League 1, learn some finishing rather than big wages.

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Would Sir Alex rather have Welbeck, Morison or Jackson in his team?


Would Rooney/RVP rather play alongside Welbeck, Morison or Jackson?


Would Chris Hughton rather have Welbeck, Morison or Jackson if money was no object?


Welbeck would be the answer each time.


He''s not overrated, most sensible football fans know he needs to improve his finishing but appreciate that he has a lot else to offer to his team and as an attacking threat.

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[quote user="ricky knight"]other side of the coin put them in united team see how many they would score, more than wellbeck imo[/quote]100% agree.Also, this will not happen because we already have the max. number of loanees, 2. (Garrido and Kane)

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TheRock, it has already been stated in this read Garrido does not count, this will probably sound harsh bit I cannot believe the amount of people who still fail to understand this, it''s been covered many times on here this season, and has been before. I thought it was common knowledge? International loans, aren''t loans, they are temporary contracts, essentially that anyway.

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[quote user="Gingerpele"]TheRock, it has already been stated in this read Garrido does not count, this will probably sound harsh bit I cannot believe the amount of people who still fail to understand this, it''s been covered many times on here this season, and has been before. I thought it was common knowledge? International loans, aren''t loans, they are temporary contracts, essentially that anyway.[/quote]


Perhaps he''s had one too many tombstone piledrivers and its affecting his memory?  Cut him some slack GP...

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Think too many people are looking at the club he plays for. Just because he plays for Man Utd doesnt mean he is a world beater. Really dont rate him much. Its true that he has flashes of good play, but is nowhere near consistent enough.

Would go as far as to say that he cost Man Utd the title last year. A better striker would have scored the goals to take Man Utd past Man City.

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[quote user="Henry"]Think too many people are looking at the club he plays for. Just because he plays for Man Utd doesnt mean he is a world beater. Really dont rate him much. Its true that he has flashes of good play, but is nowhere near consistent enough. Would go as far as to say that he cost Man Utd the title last year. A better striker would have scored the goals to take Man Utd past Man City.[/quote]

And there are some people who don''t realise the club he plays for is a reflection of his ability.


Perhaps a better striker (like RVP) might have seen them win the title but they still finished second (only just missing out on the title at the death). Welbeck is/was playing upfront for one of the biggest clubs in the world that were runners up in the one of the best leagues in the world. Do you think you do that kind of thing if you''re not a very good player?


I can appreciate he''s not quite the finished article yet but it just seems staggering that someone who plays for Man Utd and England (has already scored at a major international tournament) isn''t seen as good enough for Norwich City.

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And on topic, I can''t see why anyone would say no to Wellbeck?

I too, think he''s overrated, but only a bit. He does play for Manchester United, and by play I actually mean play, not sit around only getting one game being built up like some superstar then sent off to another team to have an average career. Fergie is probably the best manager ever, he likes him, its taken probably the best out and out centre forward in the world to come in and keep him out of the team, last season he was playing more than Berbatov and Hernandes. He offers more than just goals, I can''t believe that when we have a striker who optimises what a striker can bring to a team other than goals, some fans still bang on about goals and nothing else.

Have any of you watched many WHOLE Man.U games with Wellbeck playing? What exactly is his role? I''m fairly sure it isn''t get in the box and score, its more involved than that, sure he''s supposed to be scoring goals as well, but after only 7 or whatever someone said he scored last season, Fergie still wants him? How odd, maybe one of you should give him a call, tell him he doesn''t have a clue... (although he does appear to be going a tad senile at the moment)

I like Morison and Jackson, but there is a reason they play for us, and Wellbeck plays for Man.U.

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From BBC sportslive


Reading boss Brian McDermott plays down rumours of a loan move for Manchester United and England striker Danny Welbeck. "I can''t see Sir Alex Ferguson sending Danny out to any club. I don''t know where this has came from, it''s got nothing to do with me."


Just another dodgy rumour then?

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Just to bring this back up, he caused Liverpool all sorts of problems today in Utd''s vital 2-1 win and was named Man of the Match.


Guess he''s still not good enough for us/overrated?

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