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  1. I mean, I'm loving this guy at the moment. Making this forum a good laugh. Pretty sure when everyone went in on him recently and he complained about bullying, he's taken on board a few comments and decided to go full ITK parody account. I'm enjoying it personally! 8 minutes and counting for the first name. I'm setting my alarm for 9pm for the big announcement... if the pinkun don't censor him first!
  2. Clearly the club and others see him as a talented youngster. Had a good late spell at Pompey by all accounts. To me though he looked far off the pace in pre season. Question is how do the club see him developing over the next couple of years and how hard they will fight this request. It does seem out of the blue though having been involved in the squad so far this season. I wonder if this is genuinely a problem with loaning youngsters. They get the experience playing regularly for a league 1 team and when they come back and can't be guaranteed that immediately they prefer to move on having had a taste of playing week in week out.
  3. This guy is clearly Stuart Webber. Leaking info from Zoe. Club had to put a stop to it 😂
  4. I was fairly impressed by our pressing. I thought we pressed high and well as a unit for large periods of the game. Blackburn played well playing out of it most of the time but we did catch them on a few occasions which could have led to goals. However, you could see the effect it had on the players from 75 min onwards. They looked knackered and that is my main concern, especially when our bench is relatively weak currently. The Blackburn equaliser was always coming with the players running on fumes. I still think we need another three / four signings this window. Unfortunately we are a bit hampered in defence with the large contracts for Duffy and Hanley, so I don't see us resolving the RCB issue this summer, probably a job for next season. Striker, winger and CM a must though.
  5. I have to say, I thought the loan in January was a strange one when we were still pushing for promotion. However, it's now looking like a bloody master stroke!
  6. TBF you do come across as if you do have such bee in your bonnet. I really have no idea why Chris or Jack get so much rubbish on here, just a couple of young fans who enjoy speaking about their club and have done wonders in the community. I don't know them personally, just listen to TNC every now and again, but the number of fans who seem to take a personal disliking to them bemuses me. I do suspect a bit of jealousy more than anything else. Very sad state of affairs but that's human nature. Edit - just caught up with the rest of the chat and all seems fine. My point was more general than aimed at someone. I think we should appreciate it when someone who actually has some inside info shares it. I do understand there are still many kids out there who enjoy spreading some fake news, but I really think that's the minority
  7. Do we have any idea who the new signing Thorup alluded to in the post match presser yesterday? Is Doyle still away with City?
  8. Wasn't he at Newmarket races the day this happened? Not sure personal circumstances come into play here. I can't condone drink driving in any situation anyway, if this has gone another way be could have killed somebody. Shocked that both club and country have backed him to be honest.
  9. If this is a true I think it will be the end of his career. Why do it, he could give his "friends" more money than I suspect they earnt from these bets
  10. The guy is a good championship striker. There is no way he moves to a premier league club. He has a chance of competing for championship top scorer next year if we aren't promoted. Don't think his career will ever go higher than that. A very likable guy though.
  11. As a season ticket holder, am I right in thinking our match day ticket just gets uploaded to our season ticket and we use that as normal? Just got slightly confused by the email after purchasing the ticket about the app and print at home tickets
  12. It got me on first reading as well! I very much suspect he will be gone on 13 November. Club seems happy to throw away another 3 points against Cardiff - that in itself is baffling!
  13. I believe this is fake news. I saw the tweet from "TNC" yesterday and when I checked it was a fake account. I have checked again today and cannot see any such tweet from either TNC or Nick.
  14. The midfield has been a problem for years now, but so has the defence. We've gone from Hanley being third or fourth choice to the first name on the teamsheet. It drives me mad we spent over £5m on promotion on a loan CB rather than investing into the future. My main issue with the midfield is the shape, watching the game on Saturday and many others this season, it has reminded me of one of Farke's worse games, being Leeds in his final season. The midfield is non-existant. You have the defence and Hanley and then a 40 yard gap and the strikers and other midfielders. There is noone playing in between the lines for the majority of games. We saw it for 20 mins on Saturday when we had some structure but it then disappeared. I don't know if it's fitness or something the players are told to do but the shape of the midfield has been driving me nuts all season.
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