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no news on Cully and Karsa

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[quote user="Ncfc"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"]Right this is getting fucking ridiculous now.


WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE.[/quote]The thread title clearly told you the subject matter so why open it ? [/quote]

Cos he gets off on having a go at people on the internet.

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[quote user="im spartacus"]

[quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"]Right this is getting fucking ridiculous now. WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER BLOODY THREAD ON THE SAME SUBJECT EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMETHING HAPPENS. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE.[/quote]

we never needed your boring podcasts either but we still got them [:D]

[/quote]Some coffee just came out of my nose [Y]

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[quote user="im spartacus"]

[quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"]Right this is getting fucking ridiculous now. WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER BLOODY THREAD ON THE SAME SUBJECT EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMETHING HAPPENS. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE.[/quote]

we never needed your boring podcasts either but we still got them [:D]


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I think it''s a good thing that Lambert''s back-room staff are scurrying off to Villa to be with him.....Good clear-out and the new boss doesn''t have to deal with it.....Fug ''em, football goes on....

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''Sky Sports sources understand that he has put pen to paper on a three-year contract and will bring his assistant manager Ian Culverhouse with him from Carrow Road.''

Doesn''t quite sound official on this front yet, but I cant imagine him staying unfortunately. Would have been interesting to see Lambert''s abilities without Culverhouse...

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[quote user="morty"]Source for this?

Probably Twitter Morty so it must be true hey ?[;)] Mind you it is obvious i suppose as the three come as a package.

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[quote user="GJL Mid-Norfolk Canary"]

[quote user="morty"]Whats the source here, SSN saying its not confirmed yet.[/quote]

jesus christ Morty?!?......are you denying the holocaust aswell ?!?

[/quote]I am asking for a source.Is that okay with you?It makes me wonder why, if he has gone, that McNally didn''t make him an offer he couldn''t refuse.And there would have been something very interesting about seeing Lambert having to do without his team for a change.

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[quote user="Farewell Lambo"]I thought he would follow his master. The last remaining member of Team Lambert, Gary Karsa, next?[/quote]

Ah, you mean Gary "WTF did he do?" Karsa?

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I have seen it posted on Wotb that Karsa is Lamberts brother in law , dont know how true that is but may explain his doing nothing in a jobs for the family type of way.

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[quote user="morty"][quote user="GJL Mid-Norfolk Canary"]

[quote user="morty"]Whats the source here, SSN saying its not confirmed yet.

jesus christ Morty?!?......are you denying the holocaust aswell ?!?


I am asking for a source.

Is that okay with you?

It makes me wonder why, if he has gone, that McNally didn''t make him an offer he couldn''t refuse.

And there would have been something very interesting about seeing Lambert having to do without his team for a change.

I think the same with Lambert. As soon as a successful season was over surely it would have made sense to sit the manager and his support team down and offer them all improved contracts. This would have spiked any approaches from other clubs. A big mistake IMO.

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[quote user="morty"][quote user="GJL Mid-Norfolk Canary"]

[quote user="morty"]Whats the source here, SSN saying its not confirmed yet.

jesus christ Morty?!?......are you denying the holocaust aswell ?!?


I am asking for a source.
Is that okay with you?
It makes me wonder why, if he has gone, that McNally didn''t make him an offer he couldn''t refuse.
And there would have been something very interesting about seeing Lambert having to do without his team for a change.





This occured to me too.   I can only think that the deal with the three stooges and AV was done before McNally would have had a chance to make any kind of offer.    Culverhouse and Karsa would have had little option but to go with Lambert  or face possibly being put out of a job anyway if they stayed.     Because all this was done cloak and dagger,   even if it occured to Culverhouse that he might like to have stayed and become manager, it would have been too much of a gamble to go against the deal that was on the table.    Probably though the three would have discussed it and are all quite happy to go anyway.   





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[quote user="paul moy"][quote user="morty"][quote user="GJL Mid-Norfolk Canary"]

[quote user="morty"]Whats the source here, SSN saying its not confirmed yet.[/quote]

jesus christ Morty?!?......are you denying the holocaust aswell ?!?

[/quote]I am asking for a source.Is that okay with you?It makes me wonder why, if he has gone, that McNally didn''t make him an offer he couldn''t refuse.And there would have been something very interesting about seeing Lambert having to do without his team for a change.[/quote]

I think the same with Lambert. As soon as a successful season was over surely it would have made sense to sit the manager and his support team down and offer them all improved contracts. This would have spiked any approaches from other clubs. A big mistake IMO.

[/quote]Maybe that happened, who knows?McNally was quite clear on the facts about finances on SSN yesterday. I suspect it wouldn''t have mattered what we offered Lambert.

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[quote user="morty"][quote user="paul moy"][quote user="morty"][quote user="GJL Mid-Norfolk Canary"]

[quote user="morty"]Whats the source here, SSN saying its not confirmed yet.

jesus christ Morty?!?......are you denying the holocaust aswell ?!?


I am asking for a source.

Is that okay with you?

It makes me wonder why, if he has gone, that McNally didn''t make him an offer he couldn''t refuse.

And there would have been something very interesting about seeing Lambert having to do without his team for a change.

I think the same with Lambert. As soon as a successful season was over surely it would have made sense to sit the manager and his support team down and offer them all improved contracts. This would have spiked any approaches from other clubs. A big mistake IMO.


Maybe that happened, who knows?

McNally was quite clear on the facts about finances on SSN yesterday. I suspect it wouldn''t have mattered what we offered Lambert.

I doubt it as they have made it clear that they were sorting out players contracts, excluding Holt. I think penny-pinching and not looking at the bigger picture has cost us.

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[quote user="paul moy"][quote user="morty"][quote user="paul moy"][quote user="morty"][quote user="GJL Mid-Norfolk Canary"]

[quote user="morty"]Whats the source here, SSN saying its not confirmed yet.[/quote]

jesus christ Morty?!?......are you denying the holocaust aswell ?!?

[/quote]I am asking for a source.Is that okay with you?It makes me wonder why, if he has gone, that McNally didn''t make him an offer he couldn''t refuse.And there would have been something very interesting about seeing Lambert having to do without his team for a change.[/quote]

I think the same with Lambert. As soon as a successful season was over surely it would have made sense to sit the manager and his support team down and offer them all improved contracts. This would have spiked any approaches from other clubs. A big mistake IMO.

[/quote]Maybe that happened, who knows?McNally was quite clear on the facts about finances on SSN yesterday. I suspect it wouldn''t have mattered what we offered Lambert.[/quote]

I doubt it as they have made it clear that they were sorting out players contracts, excluding Holt. I think penny-pinching and not looking at the bigger picture has cost us.

[/quote]Do you really think McNally is that niave?Lambert had made his mind up to go, nothing would change that I suspect. And I would be extremely surprised if McNally hadn''t done everything possible to keep him.

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[quote user="morty"][quote user="paul moy"][quote user="morty"][quote user="paul moy"][quote user="morty"][quote user="GJL Mid-Norfolk Canary"]

[quote user="morty"]Whats the source here, SSN saying its not confirmed yet.

jesus christ Morty?!?......are you denying the holocaust aswell ?!?


I am asking for a source.

Is that okay with you?

It makes me wonder why, if he has gone, that McNally didn''t make him an offer he couldn''t refuse.

And there would have been something very interesting about seeing Lambert having to do without his team for a change.

I think the same with Lambert. As soon as a successful season was over surely it would have made sense to sit the manager and his support team down and offer them all improved contracts. This would have spiked any approaches from other clubs. A big mistake IMO.


Maybe that happened, who knows?

McNally was quite clear on the facts about finances on SSN yesterday. I suspect it wouldn''t have mattered what we offered Lambert.

I doubt it as they have made it clear that they were sorting out players contracts, excluding Holt. I think penny-pinching and not looking at the bigger picture has cost us.


Do you really think McNally is that niave?

Lambert had made his mind up to go, nothing would change that I suspect. And I would be extremely surprised if McNally hadn''t done everything possible to keep him.


I didn''t think he was but now I''m having doubts about him. I''d like to hear a statement from the club that Lambert was offered an improved contract in order to allay my fears.

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I''ll stop quoting, it gets annoying lol.I think you can take it as read that McNally did everything he could.

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[quote user="morty"]I''ll stop quoting, it gets annoying lol.

I think you can take it as read that McNally did everything he could.

Well, I''d like to hear that Lambert was offered an improved contract, because otherwise I won''t believe that McNally did everything that he could have. He also forced Lambert into a corner by refusing permission to talk to Villa .. another mistake IMO as Lambert was not given any chance of returning after giving his resignation, and who knows but he may have rejected Villa.    

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[quote user="paul moy"]

[quote user="morty"]I''ll stop quoting, it gets annoying lol.I think you can take it as read that McNally did everything he could.[/quote]

Well, I''d like to hear that Lambert was offered an improved contract, because otherwise I won''t believe that McNally did everything that he could have. He also forced Lambert into a corner by refusing permission to talk to Villa .. another mistake IMO as Lambert was not given any chance of returning after giving his resignation, and who knows but he may have rejected Villa.    

[/quote]Cast your mind back just over 3 years ago.Robbie Cowling "Okay Paul, you can go have a word with Norwich, but don''t sign anything"Paul Lambert "Aye, sure Robbie"David McNally " Hehehehehehehe"See my point lol?

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[quote user="morty"]I''ll stop quoting, it gets annoying lol.I think you can take it as read that McNally did everything he could.[/quote]

I personally think you and everybody else should cease putting McNally up on some kind of freakin'' pedestal - among other questionable decisions that have been unraveling the past couple of weeks a mere million quid in compo for Lambert is being reported.Great business acumen my anus.

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