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benjamin james

Undisclosed Fees in Transfer Dealings

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Why is Safri''s fee "undisclosed"?

I hope there''s a reason instead of:

The fee being embarassingly low and being a preventative measure in not angering us as fans.

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Unfortunately I think you are correct and we have got next to nothing for him. I am sad that we have lost such a talent although I can see that the rift between him and Grant was so big he had to leave really. I do wish like you the board were more open with fans and just say it as it is and tell us what we got for him!

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[quote user="benjamin james"]

Why is Safri''s fee "undisclosed"?

I hope there''s a reason instead of:

The fee being embarassingly low and being a preventative measure in not angering us as fans.


Got it in one!

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football league rules state all transfers are''undisclosed'' it is up to the clubs agreeing to announce the transfer fee if they choose.


i''m with you though i''d rather all transfers disclosed..

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You are missing the point, we have got him off our wage bill and there is now one less player who is not committed to the cause. I believe the dead wood has been cleared out and we now have players who want to play for our club. Its not always the best team who gets promoted but the ones who want it the most!!

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What''s new?  They''ve been conning the punters for years and are simply hiding yet more information which will show them up for what they are......a bunch of amateurs simply playing at business. It''s laughable.

So the question is......how much more convincing are the naive going to take?


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[quote user="Cluck "]

What''s new?  They''ve been conning the punters for years and are simply hiding yet more information which will show them up for what they are......a bunch of amateurs simply playing at business. It''s laughable.

So the question is......how much more convincing are the naive going to take? [/quote]


Its not just our club that do that Cluck.

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It is the buying club who chooses whether or not the fee is undisclosed.  The reason it is undisclosed is becuase it is probably a complicated deal with intricate payment terms, add ons, bonuses atc. etc.  After all Southampton are hardly awash with cash are they.

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[quote user="cityangel"][quote user="Cluck "]

What''s new?  They''ve been conning the punters for years and are simply hiding yet more information which will show them up for what they are......a bunch of amateurs simply playing at business. It''s laughable.

So the question is......how much more convincing are the naive going to take? [/quote]


Its not just our club that do that Cluck.


I find myself agreeing with you once again CA - watching SSN this morning and seeing all the Premiership ins and outs, the majority of them are undisclosed.  However, this doesn''t sit well with all the conspiracy theorists, does it?

Maybe, just maybe, Southampton don''t want the fee disclosed because their fans will feel it''s too high?  Oh no, sorry, that can''t be right, can it?  Then our board wouldn''t be at fault for anything..........

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No conspiracy kids. It''s the buying club who gets to decide whether they want to disclose the fee or not, so go cry and bleat to Burley. Honestly - every single little happening in this club and suddenly the illuminati is once again controlling the world...

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[quote user="Jim Kent"]

I agree it would be nice to know, but I don''t really care .  The important thing is we have got rid of him.


Agree... we don''t need players with that attitude at the club, most, if not all, of them have gone now thankfully.

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How many times do we need to have this conversation?! Every time we either buy or sell a player (with the exception of minimum release clauses) the fee is ''undisclosed'' so why do people insist on starting a new thread complaining about it each time? It makes absolutely no difference to any of us what the fee is so what''s the problem? Yes, it would be nice to know but it makes no odds to us - all we can do is speculate. Doncaster has explained this situation on countless occasions - the fee is undisclosed in order to keep our cards close to our chest in terms of how much we have financially so that we are not at a disadvantage in the market place. Do people on here just keep forgetting this explanation, because it''s rolled out each and every time? It really is becoming tedious.

At times I think Doncaster''s monicker ("Doomcaster") would be better applied to half the people on here! Positivity bypasses required all round. We obviously got an acceptable price for Safri because we accepted it! I''m sure we could have got more had other clubs been unaware of his totally unacceptable antics leading to the fall out but at least we have a troublemaker out of the club so why complain?

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[quote user="cityangel"][quote user="Cluck "]

What''s new?  They''ve been conning the punters for years and are simply hiding yet more information which will show them up for what they are......a bunch of amateurs simply playing at business. It''s laughable.

So the question is......how much more convincing are the naive going to take? [/quote]


Its not just our club that do that Cluck.


So......two wrongs make a right now do they?  I''m not remotely interested in what other clubs do....only NCFC.... and I''m afraid their cynical attitude towards those of us who have bankrolled their dolls house for far too long speaks volumes.

The club and it''s Board view us all as a bunch of turnips....and it makes me wonder how they have got away with it so long. We are a necessary evil only to them so that they can carry on playing their little game of Monopoly. If they could lock the doors and shut us out they would.....but they need the cash. This is why I have thrown in the towel until they clear off......and it''s just a shame that by doing so others perceive it as being "anti club".....when it is infact quite the opposite.


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[quote user="Cluck "][quote user="cityangel"][quote user="Cluck "]

What''s new?  They''ve been conning the punters for years and are simply hiding yet more information which will show them up for what they are......a bunch of amateurs simply playing at business. It''s laughable.

So the question is......how much more convincing are the naive going to take? [/quote]


Its not just our club that do that Cluck.


So......two wrongs make a right now do they?  I''m not remotely interested in what other clubs do....only NCFC.... and I''m afraid their cynical attitude towards those of us who have bankrolled their dolls house for far too long speaks volumes.

The club and it''s Board view us all as a bunch of turnips....and it makes me wonder how they have got away with it so long. We are a necessary evil only to them so that they can carry on playing their little game of Monopoly. If they could lock the doors and shut us out they would.....but they need the cash. This is why I have thrown in the towel until they clear off......and it''s just a shame that by doing so others perceive it as being "anti club".....when it is infact quite the opposite.



And how is this relevant, in the face of the evidence presented to you?  You still blame OUR board, when this is standard practice among football in general.  Why should we be any different?  It''s all very well you not being interested in what other clubs do, but this is the way the business operates.  DEAL WITH IT!

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[quote user="Temp the Revelator"][quote user="Cluck "][quote user="cityangel"][quote user="Cluck "]

What''s new?  They''ve been conning the punters for years and are simply hiding yet more information which will show them up for what they are......a bunch of amateurs simply playing at business. It''s laughable.

So the question is......how much more convincing are the naive going to take? [/quote]


Its not just our club that do that Cluck.


So......two wrongs make a right now do they?  I''m not remotely interested in what other clubs do....only NCFC.... and I''m afraid their cynical attitude towards those of us who have bankrolled their dolls house for far too long speaks volumes.

The club and it''s Board view us all as a bunch of turnips....and it makes me wonder how they have got away with it so long. We are a necessary evil only to them so that they can carry on playing their little game of Monopoly. If they could lock the doors and shut us out they would.....but they need the cash. This is why I have thrown in the towel until they clear off......and it''s just a shame that by doing so others perceive it as being "anti club".....when it is infact quite the opposite.



And how is this relevant, in the face of the evidence presented to you?  You still blame OUR board, when this is standard practice among football in general.  Why should we be any different?  It''s all very well you not being interested in what other clubs do, but this is the way the business operates.  DEAL WITH IT!


Sonny....I''ve been in business for more years than I care to mention....and I fear I may well know considerably more about it than you. There are open deals....and there are hidden deals. My businesss involved no other person other than the tax man....whereas NCFC is/was bankrolled by the likes of me and thousands of others. I therefore have a right to know what is happening to my "investment" and why the club is in such a sad state. Hiding facts equals hidden issues....and reasons why we are £20million in debt and heading South.

I suggest that I am dealing with it very nicely thanks. I''ve bunged in my tickets and learned the mentality of "distant" supporters such as you who claim to know best. May I suggest then that you begin following your own home team of Crewe?

I''ve met a million people like you on my travels....all of whom apparently know best.....so I will treat you just the same by letting you get on with it. You don''t bother me one little bit sunshine....but it''s interesting to note that I bother you so much. Control freakery on your part perhaps?

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Hey cluck,if you have met a million people on your travels,how do you find time to post on here,or could that million people be a figure you plucked out of the air just like most of your posts LOL

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[quote user="Cluck "][quote user="Temp the Revelator"][quote user="Cluck "][quote user="cityangel"][quote user="Cluck "]

What''s new?  They''ve been conning the punters for years and are simply hiding yet more information which will show them up for what they are......a bunch of amateurs simply playing at business. It''s laughable.

So the question is......how much more convincing are the naive going to take? [/quote]


Its not just our club that do that Cluck.


So......two wrongs make a right now do they?  I''m not remotely interested in what other clubs do....only NCFC.... and I''m afraid their cynical attitude towards those of us who have bankrolled their dolls house for far too long speaks volumes.

The club and it''s Board view us all as a bunch of turnips....and it makes me wonder how they have got away with it so long. We are a necessary evil only to them so that they can carry on playing their little game of Monopoly. If they could lock the doors and shut us out they would.....but they need the cash. This is why I have thrown in the towel until they clear off......and it''s just a shame that by doing so others perceive it as being "anti club".....when it is infact quite the opposite.



And how is this relevant, in the face of the evidence presented to you?  You still blame OUR board, when this is standard practice among football in general.  Why should we be any different?  It''s all very well you not being interested in what other clubs do, but this is the way the business operates.  DEAL WITH IT!


Sonny....I''ve been in business for more years than I care to mention....and I fear I may well know considerably more about it than you. There are open deals....and there are hidden deals. My businesss involved no other person other than the tax man....whereas NCFC is/was bankrolled by the likes of me and thousands of others. I therefore have a right to know what is happening to my "investment" and why the club is in such a sad state. Hiding facts equals hidden issues....and reasons why we are £20million in debt and heading South.

I suggest that I am dealing with it very nicely thanks. I''ve bunged in my tickets and learned the mentality of "distant" supporters such as you who claim to know best. May I suggest then that you begin following your own home team of Crewe?

I''ve met a million people like you on my travels....all of whom apparently know best.....so I will treat you just the same by letting you get on with it. You don''t bother me one little bit sunshine....but it''s interesting to note that I bother you so much. Control freakery on your part perhaps?

[/quote]what gives you the devine right to assume you know best over others?

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