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  1. Well, some posts have definetly been deleted. Looks like we have a few answers for those who read through this earlier. Nail, hit, head.
  2. http://www.twtd.co.uk/mb.php?m=v&t=119212#10Seems he has a twtd account - and is getting quite defensive about his... art.
  3. [quote user="John"][quote user="Polar"]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/b/brighton/9362809.stmGus Poyet after todays match, 2.20 onwards about Bennett, and then going on about keeping his squad together. He sounds worried....[/quote]^ Refer to my last post.[/quote] My bad, didn''t see it.
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/b/brighton/9362809.stmGus Poyet after todays match, 2.20 onwards about Bennett, and then going on about keeping his squad together. He sounds worried....
  5. “You have seen the statement and I am happy with that, It’s all about the game tomorrow and trying to get through that. I’ll say it once and once only - ask me about the game. That is all I am here for. To win a game of football. Don’t push me on anything because the statement is there.” Depends what you focus on."You have seen the statement and I am happy with that,"    - staying"I’ll say it once and once only - ask me about the game. That is all I am here for. To win a game of football."   - only a game of football? not promotion, only focused on tomorrow? gone after the game?"Don’t push me on anything because the statement is there" - statements there, all there is to say, i may be staying but im not happy, or i''m going regardless. Pick your favourite.
  6. Found a few choice comments on an Ipswich Messageboard, i''m sure more will come when they all get back into binland. Hard to work out who they hate more between Keane and Holt.Great result"We have f*ck all in the midfield that can make a pass. Norris,Colback and Leadbitter can all tackle,but do bugger all else ! Since Garvan left we have had no-one in the midfield who have an eye for a pass. Yet Norwich find someone out there. What are our scouts and manager looking at when they look for players ? We end up with Colin Healy. Keane hasnt a clue,time he said good bye. He doesnt know what he is doing. Its clear to see this afternoon for everyone.""Wow, just wow. We''ve been outplayed by a team that''s been made on a shoestring budget and a loan policy, that only just rejoined the division. Outplayed completely. This is an absolute disgrace and it''s about time we started looking at a replacement for Roy Keane.""get your coat Roy! embarassing and an absolute shambles!""(quote) Grant Holt is indeed a fat cheatin b*stard. He goes to ground EVERY TIME. (quote)Can we have a fat, cheating b*stard who scores a hat-trick?""the reality is we are going to leave this league for many years yet!""what an ugly munter Grant Holt is. not sour grapes, he is a good player but even so.maybe a bit of a Keane post match interview and see what he has to say for himself after this crap. totally deflated.""BLUE SPECS BRIGADE 6 POINTS OFF THE PLAY OFFS WOOOO!!!!!!f**king absolutely terrible performance, f*ck off the lot of ya.""I have not been a 100% Keane out til now, this is embarrassing, making sh*t like Holt look world class""has Holt got a problem with his legs or something, or he still hung over from last night ? more time on the floor than actually moving about.""Well the sending off means nothing with that 3rd...., enough players in there to deal with that. Fkin pish. Keane and several players out. It''s now just turned into a f**king DVD release.""he is not that good though, we were just that bad"
  7. depending where i am, i may look into it mate.
  8. I''m in the Berra and don''t have foxtel, so if anyone has any other streams aside from the one above then that would be awesome, can''t wait for this game, Canaries player or whatever its called now hasn''t been to reliable on the live commentary of late. And its an early start.
  9. Seriously, are they trying to get relegated? they aren''t THIS bad
  10. [quote user="Yellow Fever"][quote user="I am a Banana"] [quote user="Big Bob"]And leave out Hoolahan, arguably our best player.[/quote] totally agree, he makes norwich tick, he is a cheap kaka [/quote]   Whereas Cureton is just plain Kaka . . . . . . . .   [/quote] i see what you did there....
  11. ok... cool...     so whose organising the intervention?
  12. [quote user="canarydownunder"]It''s winter in Australia.[/quote]don''t remind me... i''m in Canberra.... weather is not cool. i know what you mean by the happy summer feeling, this team isn''t looking too bad thus far. still early days however.
  13. I''m pretty sure the transfer window hasn''t even opened yet.but this is typical Smudger, he said we were going down for god knows how many seasons before we actually did, then stepped up and said "i told you so!" great, well done you, you got lucky... now looks like the same things going to happen in League 1 - we''re going down, we''re going down, look at me everyone i''m attention seeking again, we''re going down, i''m talking! we''re going down, me me me me me, we''re going down, etc. The guys a first class prat and doesnt even know anything about any of these players we''ve signed, the kids may not even get on the bench this season but they have pro deals and that gives them a chance to help out if need be, gives us some depth... hasn''t foulger said money is available from the first of July or something like that? haven''t really followed that story too closely, if thats the case then logically more signings are on the way anyway and Smudgers just shouting off another ''look at me'' thread. Last time i checked it was still June so Gunn doesn''t have that much to work with at the moment.Smudger do us all a favour and just press that ''sign out'' button and don''t press the ''sign in'' again unless the outside chance of us being relegated comes up - that way you can come back and do the whole ''told you so'' rubbish and we don''t have to put up with the frequent attention seeking.Besides, Wiz is optimistic and if thats happened we should all be optimistic as well.
  14. This is irritating. Special1TV was the best thing i''ve seen on television for a long time!
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