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Everything posted by alex_ncfc

  1. Dreadful news. May he rest in peace.
  2. This is quite a poignant thread for me right now. Norwich 3 Chelsea 0, December 10th 1994 - my first game aged 9, with my dad as well as my lovely sister, who sadly passed away last week 😔 it's a game I always remembered fondly anyway, but it will forever be even more of a special memory for me now.
  3. I can see him being at the next World Cup. His ego won't allow him to not set some sort of record for oldest player at a tournament or something or other. It's shocking that he played every minute of every game for Portugal. Totally ineffective. And you can see it's all about him. In the shootout the other day vs Slovenia, I am only surprised that took the first pen and didn't take a later penalty in the shootout so that he could whip his top off after potentially scoring the deciding kick.
  4. That's true, I just thought he might have been tested in the cup games ahead of Long. But we'll see what happens this season.
  5. I really hoped Barden would push on and get more opportunities after he played in the first team 3 or so years ago. He did really well.
  6. Also the whole "I understand" thing. We're all as much a journo as he is.
  7. I am rapidly finding myself falling out of love with football due to the constant changes and interpretations of the rules (VAR) and also the lack of a level playing field for all, meaning that even us supporting Norwich is becoming increasingly pointless - what can we ever realistically aspire to without a billionaire coming in and totally transforming the club? And at which point, is it even the same club? We will never win the Premier League, which is something that 95% of other clubs in the 92 can also say. It goes without saying that money has ruined the game, probably beyond repair. The new "innovations" such as VAR are just the final nail in the coffin when it comes to enjoying football as a form of entertainment. I honestly find myself looking forward to each season less and less.
  8. This isn't sexist though. They are there because they are footballers, but that's where the similarities end - they are commenting and giving their opinions on a standard of the game that is worlds apart from their own, and quite frankly, it's embarrassing to listen to.
  9. Gunn will never be a Premier League-level keeper. He showed at Southampton just how poor he was against that sort of quality, which he'd be facing every week. If he was that great then someone would have taken him off us by now.
  10. If that kn*b Reeve gets the gig (either of them actually) then that's my Radio Norfolk listening days done with. Insufferable.
  11. Poch leaves Chelsea 😂 all going to kick off now
  12. They seem to have this deluded notion that McKenna is going to take them to Europe next season. I know it's been over 20 years since they were last up there, but they have no idea 😂 Can't wait until he bins off the Binners for the mighty Brighton.
  13. Think he was hard done by to be honest, Wagner must have had some input about his arrival so to not use him or give him a proper chance must have been beyond frustrating.
  14. I can't see him leaving the scum right now but you never know - money talks.
  15. Yep, but "who cares?" remember, as our esteemed ex manager pointed out.
  16. Proper club with proper fans, Leeds. It was a hell of an atmosphere. Carrow Road is just full of people who see it as a "nice day out" these days. Only one stand in the ground sings/chants, it's an absolute library at the best of times. Even our "pitch invasions" are ridiculous, you see these other clubs' fans piling on the pitch to celebrate in their thousands, yet I can't recall one promotion where we've had one. The one we did have vs Ipswich in the playoff semis had about 50 fans on the pitch. Is it all a bit too boring at Carrow Road these days? It's like the supporters are asleep, surely there must be a way to liven it up a bit? Where is the noise?
  17. I read about this on Twitter the other day and found it all a bit odd - this guy was literally obsessed with NCFC. As has been mentioned, he was also obsessed with Daryl Sutch, when he left it was Gary Holt, Adam Drury, and I recall it being Carlton Morris and then Adam Idah too. He even used to have his own column on the PinkUn homepage for many years back in the day and buy all the merch etc. To then just change teams, and to Luton Town of all teams 😂...truly bizarre. I have also read that it was something to do with the club not putting on a big welcome for him as they had done in the past. I wonder if he still visits on this board?
  18. Will probably end up being a classic compared to our bore-fest. West Brom in the final would be my choice, if we should get there!
  19. Sara. Seems to love it here and gives no vibes off that he's desperate to leave*, something Emi always had about him. *yet
  20. Spot on, these were far better. Green was exceptional.
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