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Norfolk Mustard

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Everything posted by Norfolk Mustard

  1. [quote user="norfolkbroadslim"][quote user="CT"]Greeno made some great saves in his time here (at home to Stoke the season we got promoted is an exxample) but I cant find any links or videos on the web. If anyone has links to saves Greeno made at City, I would greatly appreciate them being posted. Thankyou OTBC [H] [/quote] And he couldn''t save a penalty even if his life depended on it. [/quote] Can''t save penalties? Best you watch that You Tube tribute Brendo''s posted on here - there are several examples in that!
  2. Typical British Doomcaster! Can''t resist your desire to give everyone a ''reality check'' eh? ''Perception is reality''; I''m glad I don''t share your outlook!... On a practical level, I think the signings so far are good quality acquisitions to bolster the squad. Two or three higher profile signings and we''ll be as well equiped as any other team. Then it comes down to coaching and management - with the current leadership team at Norwich we have every right to be confident. Nothing wrong with a bit of realistic optimism!
  3. [quote user="city till i die"]Adrian Chiles aint a pundit, he is just a cheap presenter...[/quote] Cheap? A £6m deal to obtain his presenting services isn''t exactly cheap!
  4. [quote user="NCFC-47"]Say there is a PC tomorrow this board needs a lift becoming quite dull since fox signed[/quote] There must have been some bright moments since Ruel Fox signed?...
  5. Fergie was fiercely protective of Ryan Giggs when he was 17 - no media interviews etc - and look at the outcome; Giggs has become the most decorated player in the English game. There''s a lot to be said for nurturing - mind you, Man Utd''s ''success culture'' enabled Giggs to grow - it''s different at many other clubs where the expectation can weigh them down. For Englands sake I too hope that doesn''t happen with Wickham!
  6. [quote user="TheNewBoy"][quote user="Norfolk Mustard"][quote user="Canary_on_the Trent"]The biggest striking prospect in the country has to be worth a fair bit surely. Obviously lots of hot prospects fall by the wayside but Wickham has it all and he''s only just 17, big, strong, quick, great finisher and a footballing brain. Why should Ipswich sell him cheaply if they believe he''s going to go on to play at the very top level? [/quote] I''m making the observation that strikers need to score; and 1 in 5 is nothing remarkable. We have better than that in Chris Martin... Wickham may go on to be world class, but right now he seems to be rated incredibly highly - without the end product called goals! I doubt Robbie Fowler, Michael Owen, Wayne Rooney etc commenced their careers with stats as low as that?[/quote] Your opinion seems completely void of any sort of genuine consideration or analysis to be taken the slightly bit seriously, your follow up is non-factual and inaccurate. Firstly he has only just turned 17, so 6 goals in 29 appearances were scored by a 16 year old. A little bit of research, as now for some reason undertaken by me on your behalf, confirms the following: Robbie Fowler did not make his Liverpool debut until the age of 17 and a half. Michael Owen did not make his Liverpool debut until the age of 17 and a half. Wayne Rooney began playing for Everton as a 16 year old but scored just 8 goals in 37 appearances. Wayne Rooneys 8 in 37 is a scoring rate of 4.625, in other words 1 in 5. A higher proportion of Wickhams appearances were from the subs bench. Chris Martin was almost 2 years older than Wickham when making his Norwich debut. Chris Martin''s first season wielded 4 goals in 18 games, the equivalent of 1 in 5, with most of his appearances being starts. Quite why you would want to bring statistics in the game when judging any kid is beyond me though, all that matters is what he looks like on the pitch? This post probably loses you a bit of credibility to be honest, I will put it down to bias. If you want to judge footballers by statistics then Michael Ricketts would have been better in the 2001/2002 season than Fernando Torres was in 2009/2010 season and Simon Lappin would be better than Darren Huckerby based on his ''assist statistics''. Anybody with any ounce of knowledge about football, having seen Wickham play, would have worked out that Wickham is twice as good as Chris Martin within about 5 minutes. Connor Wickham has been attracting the attention of the big four since he was 13, he hasn''t suprised anybody. Either you haven''t seen him play and you have based your opinion on a few numbers on a computer screen, or you don''t know how to spot a good player, which is it? Statistics were brought to football by poncy French managers and made mainstream by the armchair fan. I hate them. But if you want to argue with numbers, I think I have just beat you sir. [/quote] Blimey, you really have provided a comprehensive response! No, I''ve not gone to see him play - I prefer watching my own team. I was just wondering why this lad is being touted as being worth all that money without scoring many goals? We''ll all find out soon enough - probably when he starts netting a few! I genuinely look forward to it.
  7. [quote user="When Saturday Comes"]I think this is just a bit of jealousy really - let''s just accept that Ipswich have a VERY good player on their hands. I reckon in 4 years time we''ll all be supporting him at the World Cup. He is that good, and good luck to him. Seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. [/quote] Guys - no jealousy whatsoever from me - I love watching football of all types. I coach kids, am Vice Chair of my local club, Child Welfare Officer etc too - so I''m well involved and appreciate the game. If Wickham plays for England I''ll be delighted. If he score a hat trick against Norwich next season I''ll gracefully ackowledge his achievement. I haven''t seen him play; the point I was making is his stats aren''t brilliant. If he''s come off the bench maybe that''s different, but doesn''t that beg the question why if he''s supposed to be so good? Rooney was let loose to start and complete 90 minute Premiership games at 16 - David Moyes showed there''s no need to hold back major talent if they''re strong enough.
  8. [quote user="Canary_on_the Trent"]The biggest striking prospect in the country has to be worth a fair bit surely. Obviously lots of hot prospects fall by the wayside but Wickham has it all and he''s only just 17, big, strong, quick, great finisher and a footballing brain. Why should Ipswich sell him cheaply if they believe he''s going to go on to play at the very top level?[/quote] I''m making the observation that strikers need to score; and 1 in 5 is nothing remarkable. We have better than that in Chris Martin... Wickham may go on to be world class, but right now he seems to be rated incredibly highly - without the end product called goals! I doubt Robbie Fowler, Michael Owen, Wayne Rooney etc commenced their careers with stats as low as that?
  9. (Article from Sky Sports News): Ipswich Town are adamant teenage striker Connor Wickham will not be leaving Portman Road for a Premier League club this summer. Wickham is one of the brightest prospects outside the top flight and scored six goals in 29 appearances in all competitions last season ... ------------------------------------------------- I realise there is more to a player''s game than simply scoring goals; but six in 29! That''s a ratio of 1 in 5. Hardly prolific for a striker is it? Nonetheless some parts of the media claim he''s valued at millions and attracting attention from Premiership teams. Whatever does this make Chris Martin - a proven 1 in 3 player worth I wonder? (37 goals in 108 games; Luton & Norwich - source Soccerbase)
  10. People will disagree I know but I honestly think that this will be the case. If I were to predict I would say Holt to get 13 goals and martin to get 16/17. If that''s all you think our two front players will score, we definately need some new additions!
  11. My thoughts exactly!...Cowling will urgently need Max Clifford''s services at this rate.
  12. Even Real Madrid have discovered recruiting a team of expensive ''Galacticos'' does not work 100% of the time! Mourinho has been brought in to shift the way they go about things there; PL and Norwich (albeit on a smaller scale) is not dissimilar. PL gets into the players hearts and minds - and keeps it simple. Seems a good recipe to me!
  13. ''Keeping it Simple'' = an effective leadership trait! It works!
  14. Just wanted to say it''s good to see some sensible interaction on here Mike; and apologies for those yellows who struggle to remain decent.
  15. I wouldn''t be at all surprised to see Russell and Doherty sign for Leeds. That would be a definate ''two-fingers'' to Norwich in the process wouldn''t it?
  16. [quote user="Big Slob"][quote user="RUDOLPH HUCKER"]I cannot agree that Smith is inconsistent. For a very young player his consistency is outstanding.[/quote]Some games he''s outstanding, others the game by passes him.[/quote] Granted, Korey struggled a little when asked to play left back, but apart from that he was very consistent all season!
  17. [quote user="NCFC-47"]Too cocky ? [/quote] Successful players need sufficient self-belief; hasn''t done Chris Martin much harm?
  18. Robbie Blake is leaving Burnley - he could add goals. Could we afford him?
  19. Kevin Phillips. Not quick, but even aged 36 would put ''em away for us. Converting chances is paramount next season - taking 4 attempts to get a shot on target will not be viable if we want to be a top 6 side. Phillips is more like a 1:2 player(attempts to goals ratio). 1:1 sometimes! Could be a really good signing for just one season when we need to convert to the max? Especially if Charlie Austin is not available.
  20. I think he''ll go - we have recruited new players and Korey is coming though. I agree with another poster he never seems a very happy bunny does he? Strange really; he got huffy last year about the Burnley thing yet stayed and had a great season - he seems a bit mixed up to me. Money talks, if a good pay package is offered in Yorkshire I reckon he''ll take it this time. PL won''t be held to ransom - and I think Darel is well aware of that!
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