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still holding out for new heroes

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Everything posted by still holding out for new heroes

  1. they''re watching over your shoulder aren''t they, say no more, when the sun sets on Rouen Road look to the East, we will be coming for you....LIBERTY OR DEATH!!!! HUZZAH!!!
  2. shhh...Pete if you''re secretly being held at gunpoint and being forced to write positive messages regarding the new NCFC Junta, use the password frottage in one of your posts and we''ll make some arrangements to bust you out
  3. Stephen is it true that this photo was taken when one of your editorial team suggested running a slightly negative story on Delia yesterday
  4. [quote user="First Wizard"] City Angel I post regular on the best site on line carrowroad.net, and Cam now posts on there too, and yes, I''ve been impressed ith his info and posts on there, I''m warming to him, simple as that. [/quote] love is in the air  
  5. [quote user="John"]Smudger, i realise this proposition is completely out of the ordinary, utterly off topic, and for those that have read my posts before, it''d probably seem out of character, but could ''you'' by any chance, at some point (not necessarily today), have an argument with a regular poster on this forum that goes by the name "Houston Canary"? I always envisaged it as one of those scenarios where the "Unstoppable Force" meets the "Immovable Object", both truly embedded in their ways, and both relentlessely scorn those who oppose them.......... It''d be epic![:D] [/quote] lets hope for some ''mutually assured destruction''
  6. [quote user="Canaries Utd"]typical, another opportunity missed, but all is not lost, apparently the BBC have rights to the St Johnstones Paint Trophy.[/quote] we haven''t got a chance it looks like St Johnstones name is already on the cup...or maybe it''s the Ian St John and Greavsies Pants Trophy
  7. [quote user="Big Dave"]Can''t believe this. Talk about the old boys network. So far I''m very glad I claimed my rebate. Pie shops will be happy anyway![/quote] Hmm I''m quite up for this, he looks in fairly good nick in the photos, we''ve got few options down the left hand side, wages wont be huge and he''s only 31, if he can prove his general fitness in training I can''t seethe problem.
  8. [quote user="Loan City Fc "][quote user="cityangel"] People can put whatever spin they like on the figures but we all know deep down that the majority of people claimed their rebates back because 1) They didn''t want to pay championship prices for League 1 footy 2) They didn''t believe that the money would be spent wisely 3) They wanted to send a clear message to the board that we''re not going to be a soft touch anymore. I would stake my house on the fact that over 80% people claimed their rebates back for one of those reasons if not all of them [/quote] And 4) They didnt want Bryan Gunn as manager . [/quote] that was what swayed me, had our board appointed a decent manager I probably would have let them keep my money, they indicated with Gunn''s appointment that they''ld learnt nothing, so why should I throw more good money after bad.
  9. [quote user="coops"]If Rudd is good enough then he is old enough. Put him in for gods sake. Fabregas and huddlestone were holding down first team places at 16. If these players aren''t given a chance then no one would know if they are good enough. If we don''t play him, expect him to leave and become another Joe Lewis. Norwich never learn.[/quote] 46 leagues games plus lets say 2/3 FA Cup games, a couple of league cup games, plus a few games in the JPT, could be close to 60 games next season, thats a big ask for an untested kid regardless how good he may or may not be  
  10. Yes and absolutely the correct decision, Marshall was no real loss, and with 2 young keepers almost ready, a permanent signing would hinder their progress and we''d be back to another Joe Lewis situation, a loan is a perfectly sensible answer to get in a more experienced keeper, giving Rudd the chance to develop before becoming first choice this season or next.
  11. I''m personally in the not bothered if he goes camp...never really got what he brings to the team, yes he has some skill and can dribble a bit, but prone to losing the ball very cheaply by either poor passing or holding on to it to long and not having enough strength, little end product for me and doesn''t weigh in with enough goals for an attacking midfielder.
  12. Given the likely outs I reckon there are still are few obvious holes in the squad but some solidity elsewhere GK - 2 younguns both highly rated but an experienced keeper ideally on loan (to not block the kids progress) looks a priority LB - Drury with Lappin as back up - probably ok at this level, but Drury''s fitness is a question mark - perhaps a loan if required RB - Otsemebor and Spillane and Korey Smith as back up - I''d like to see Otsemebor replaced , but probably ok at this level CB - Doc, Stefanovic, Nelson and Spillane - pace would be a worry at a higher level but looks good enough for league 1 LM - perhaps Hoolahan will stay or Hucks will arrive, I certainly don''t want to see Lappin start there this season, otherwise short RM - kids only - priority 1 in my opinion CM - Gill and Tudor Jones look first choice with Lathrope, Adeyemi and Spillane - probably good enough ST - Martin, Cureton, Macdonald, woefully short of a targetman or two   So as it stands I reckon: Essential signings: Target Man, RM, Goalkeeper (loan), LM (if Hoolahan goes) Desirable signings: Second targetman, 2nd RM, LM, RB, LB
  13. [quote user="JuanVelasco"] [quote user="Canary_on_the Trent"]Norwich: Marshall ,Sutch ,Fleming ,Roberts ,Mulryne ,Russell ,Dalglish (Coote ,61 ) ,Forbes (McVeigh ,85 ) ,Kenton (De Waard ,82 ) ,Llewellyn ,Mackay Subs not used Green,Walsh, wow that team was pretty shocking, had we not had the likes of Eadie, Bellamy and Roberts we would have been relegated in the late 90''s because some of the players back then make the current crop look good[/quote] 7 of those players were with us in the promotion seasom, so they cant have been that bad. [/quote] The main reason we were so bad at the time was the genius management of Brian Hamilton...no doubt he described this performance as ''superb''
  14. Gunn has first hand experience of what happens when you chuck in a good but untested keeper into a team (relegation with Andy Marshall) It''s sensible give Rudd a chance but know you''ve got experienced cover if required, but don''t sign someone on a 2/3 year deal to block the path of a decent youngster (as Grant did ahead of Lewis)
  15. Looks like a decent signing to me 1. free / probably cheap wages 2. knows the league 3. plays passing football 4. wants to be here 5. well liked / rated by current supporters 6. decent age I''d not heard of Clingan or Holt before we signed them, can''t really see what people expect, this is exactly the type of player we need to be building a squad from  
  16. [quote user="SA Canary"] I think I have to agree with banana, look at hearts that man turned hearts into the lithuania national team, refused to let any manager pick their own team and generally spent money on ridiculous foreign signings. [/quote] That would be the Hearts that have finished 3rd in their league and will be playing in Europe next season, god forbid that should happen to us..
  17. [quote user="barryevans"]ncisa don''t do jack to be honest i think the fans need more than 1 major group[/quote] Splitter!
  18. Here''s the latest photo campaign from the Kitty organisers http://www.oldmovies.net.au/userimages/user1367_1163481308.jpg  
  19. [quote user="Spartan"]Boothroyd was asked who the biggest Championship under performer was this season in his opinion and the answer? NCFC of course! He suggested that a club with 25,000 fans on a good day and large catchment area should be doing so much better, nad needed to get their house in order pronto. Not telling us anything new of course, but was spot on. Whilst dopey Delia and her puppet are in place we have no chance of reversing the current spiral towards obscurity. Never mind, there are plenty of fans who think it will all be OK in the end, so carry on dreamiong and doing nothing![/quote] good point except it was Mark Clemet on Radio 6 but apart from that you''re spot on
  20. [quote user="LQ"]Keep your fingers crossed that these potential buyers/investors don''t read the forums. They might see how viciously our fans turn on people who have chucked millions into the pot! [/quote] ''Abandon all hope ye who mismanage here''
  21. [quote user="Camuldonum"][quote user="cantseethewood"] Has he surfaced yet? Has he gone to the press with his excuses yet? And - will he find another club daft enough to hire him?  I would so laugh!  [/quote] a) Yes he is fine and was in good spirits at a do this week b) No but we are working on it c) Scouting for a Premier League club [/quote] Here''s the latest on the journo''s attemps to interview him http://www.bluechameleon.org/Forum%20Pics%202006/-%20What%27s%20under%20that%20rock.jpg
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