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Everything posted by Grando

  1. I wonder if his favourite film is 'Kill Bill'?
  2. Why? It's been a long, long time since they were last there...
  3. Could it have been Heisenberg? Walter White would certainly take no nonsense from opponents…
  4. I’d rather have Leonard Rossiter.
  5. I don’t think Sorensen bolsters any position. That’s why I’m surprised at all the people on here advocating he plays as CB or in the middle. If they’re not going to play Duffy I suspect the only realistic alternative is Hanley, as Kenny has to play CM given injuries.
  6. I do wonder if people’s opinion on sacking/dropping etc would be the same if we were talking about Sargent or Sara being the guilty party…
  7. I’d disagree - we really do need our wingers turning up at Leeds…
  8. I’ve Ben Nevis on many occasions this season when watching the way we play out from the back…
  9. He’s not going to be jailed, he’ll get a long driving ban and perhaps some community service. He’s a ****, but given that he was lucky and didn’t injure anyone then I don’t get where all this ‘we should sack him’ is coming from. Let’s see what his sentence is and if he displays contrition and some humility. If he doesn’t then maybe it’s time for a conversation about his future… As to whether he plays on Sunday I guess it comes down to whether Hanley is up to speed.
  10. I'll just ring Mark up and ask him. Will let you know.
  11. I remember when Ron Saunders used to have the lads run up to the summit of Everest for training on a Sunday morning. Those were the days. Jumpers for goalposts...
  12. There were trains in May 2015! I went on one, albeit via Cambridge!
  13. And that's why I'd make an excellent Championship referee!
  14. Really it's £37.00, because they add a £1.00 admin fee, and as you have to purchase remotely then there's no way to avoid that.
  15. So, I don't really understand what some people on here want. Was it for us not to make the playoffs? Would that have been better?
  16. If you own shares do you automatically get a free ticket to both legs...
  17. The same could be said of Leeds, too, however. Maybe we should save the angst until we've played them.
  18. Poor as we were today, the fact that Birmingham needed to win, were at home, and we didn’t really have much realistically riding on it, should perhaps temper some of the pant-wetting going on…
  19. She's good when she drops the Philomena Cunk stuff.
  20. The logic of that is all well and good. But then, of course, we rested Barnes on Saturday and brought him on as sub for 10 minutes in which his injury flared up. Sod's Law that you rest a player and bring them on if things get dicey, only for them to then get crooked...
  21. I’ll be dressing like Noddy Holder c. 1973. I’m sure I’ll blend in with the locals.
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