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  1. Agree but it's who would want these players and do they have the means to cover their wages . At their respective ages its not so simple.
  2. It's propaganda , let's move on. He will be playing for Rotherham on loan by January , having a cuppa tea with Higull bitching about Wagner.
  3. Moussa Diarra perhaps in our sights ? https://footballleagueworld.co.uk/norwich-city-moussa-diarra-west-brom-land-cedric-kipre-replacement/
  4. 15-17 million. No less then Norwich deserve https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/13109061/marecelino-nunez-fires-in-free-kick-to-give-norwich-lead-against-ipswich
  5. I see this as noise from the other clubs trying to force a move. Very cheeky. We have proved in the last few windows (Omibamidale) that we wont sell unless the price is right even if the player wants out. No news here , Norwich have a price which will be far more than quoted in the tabloids and unless that is met jog on .
  6. Maybe to Roma ? https://romapress.net/roma-make-contact-with-gabriel-saras-entourage/ ? Tho the source does look very dubious
  7. https://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/stoke-norwich-season-ticket-price-9353461.amp Maybe something to bring up at the next AGM ?I know there is a waiting list and all but its still pretty gaulling.
  8. Let's be honest 2-3 Million at his age and we would snatch it . I think Kenny has been a great servant to our club , but I also think its time to move on and let some other players into our team. I can't see him getting any better for us
  9. Evidently there are various opinions on this , my initial post here is due to the fact it seems neither club nor country have acted or have seemed to have reprimand the player. A player who both Norwich and Irish youth team players are supposed to look up to . Personally I would of fined him at club level on the spot for inappropriate behaviour and left him out of the Irish squad . I probably would have benched him for that first game at Leeds minimum or dropped out right.Leave any further consequences to the english legal system and revisit at club and international once legal judgement has been made .
  10. https://pinkun.com/sport/norwich-city/24351868.norwich-city-john-oshea-shane-duffy-drink-driving-case/ I was genuinely upset at the fact he was selected for both ties of the Leeds play-offs . I have lost a family member to drink driving and thought this was the wrong signal to be sending out . Yes he didn't kill anyone but he was caught 3 times over the legal limit a couple of days before our biggest game of the season and there seemed to be no visible repercussions from the club. The fact now he has been selected for International duty actually wants to make me vomit . Regardless of personal circumstances of why he was drinking he is supposed to be senior member of our squad and international team and this totally sends out the wrong signals. Will there be any repercussions? It doesn't seem so and what a poor message this sends out .
  11. Looks like all out of contract will be released apart from Soro. Maybe he will be out new left back 😝
  12. Still is a terrible appointment ! Check is record out. Not the manager we need
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