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Clever Farke

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Everything posted by Clever Farke

  1. Hopefully Sara and Hayden will do that solid job. Gibbs and Ramsey made a hell of a difference linking up with Nunez. We suddenly looked a team and finding all kinds of space. Some sublime moves that give me hope that with a solid base in midfield we will be tasty. Just keep Kenny out of midfield from now on.
  2. So disappointed with Rashica. That was just garbage. Championship may well be his highest level. Glad to see Rowe given the nod.
  3. Springett reading Pukki’s change of direction to perfection. Haven’t seen that telepathy since Emi. The boy has something!
  4. They certainly rolled the Dyche.
  5. We did well to only lose 2-0. Still I think Smith is playing a blinder with this squad he has. Interesting to see how he’s is managing to kind of keep us in games despite our obvious horrendous shortcomings. Honestly, with a certain previous manager I dread to think what the results of the last 3 games would’ve been. Keep Deano for next year and we’ll be all right.
  6. Blatantly wrong and corrupt. Pathetic. Just an effing circus.
  7. What on earth is going on in training? It’s almost like someone has told them they can move the ball forwards towards the opposition’s goal. First Idah, now Sargent and then Gunny with a clean sheet. Melou looking class. Some serious magic dust going on. Hope some of it rubs off on Kenny too! Well done Smith and Shaky!
  8. This! Hope he takes after Idah’s example. Time for the next generation to step up. Come on Gunny!
  9. It doesn’t matter if he scored off his ahs! It’ll mean the world to him and fully deserved after the work he’s obviously been putting in with the new management. Onwards and upwards for Idah now.
  10. Smith may actually make Idah into a player. I’d pretty much written him off but credit due tonight. It’s the first time I’ve seen him do anything but trudge about looking clueless.
  11. Not looking forward to this. The soccerbot picks the team these days seems like. Hope we at least avoid breaking some records. 😬
  12. I don’t think it’s possible to enjoy this season. With all due respect, it is xxxx.
  13. The idea may have been to have their values increase in the Champs as happened with Emi. Knowing how long it takes players from abroad to settle (Vrancic, Stieperman and of course Emi etc). Only an utter fool would think these players would perform to the level required immediately. So Webber is either only interested in playing the long game or he is in fact an utter fool.
  14. We were as woefully under prepared this season as the last time around. Webber will probably disappear into the sunset soon enough leaving Adams in position. I’m sure he’s had enough, maybe he’ll do better a formula one?
  15. He is not our player. A hastily arranged sticking plaster for the loss of Olly Skipp? We got that one right but what were they thinking with Gilmour? We need to be playing our own youngsters now. Tzolis is younger but has a better physicality for the Premier league and more bite in the tackle. I’m sure he would also be capable of playing safe passes backwards and sideways!
  16. Byram was the pick of a rotten bunch. He should keep his place.
  17. The usual suspects shocking as usual. Championship squad players Gilmour, Mclean, Gunn.
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