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Everything posted by Scrivvy

  1. Scrivvy

    Nature watch.

    That's a very small hedge then
  2. Or he may have given Aboh more time, who knows?
  3. So he has 2 years left - that's about £3 million. Whatever it takes, I really don't want to see him next season.
  4. Unless De Zerbi is Carrow Road bound
  5. You mean Shirley Potter?
  6. I assume it's just me who didn't understand any of that, so I Googled the bits of it. I still don't.
  7. And Barnes is the best exponent in our squad of the ancient art of football sh!t-housery. That could come in handy for Thursday.
  8. Possibly, but more likely that Sunday morning is regular car wash time, and they're not going to mess up their schedule for this. Also, although I'm not certain about this, but Highway Nurseries may have price reductions on bedding plants. Not to be missed for just another game that has to be paid for as it's not even included in the season ticket price.
  9. There's supporters from plenty of the other clubs in the Championship who'd love to have the opportunity we're about to get - to see their team contest the play-off with a chance of promotion. Feels like there's quite a few of ours who'd like us to contact the Football League and forfeit our place in the play-off - just in case we win them.
  10. If we don't beat them but still finish in a play-off place, of course we will deserve to be there. It's not just about this game.
  11. I thought that as a season ticket holder of 1 season's standing, it would all magically happen with little or no effort on my part. Maybe not then. But I don't think I will bother stressing about this properly until about 1430h on Saturday (hopefully).
  12. Has he commented on the NCFC Player of the Season vote?
  13. Yes, as presumably more people voted for him than for any other player (unless there was electoral fraud). Anyway, at least it peed off the people who are a couple of rows behind us, as they're real haters.
  14. In an ideal world, that would be true. Trouble is, quite a largish proportion of people around us can't be arsed to don't get to their seats until the last possible moment pre-match. And a few seem happier in the bar until about 10 minutes into both halves. Exception being the Ipswich game. I don't get it really. First time I have had a season ticket since 1985, more of a casual supporter between then and the start of this season. I know football's changed etc, and that back in the dark days of mid-winter, things looked a bit bleak and it was difficult to be very enthusiastic. But this is meant to be exciting. Forget about how crap we might be if promoted - that debate's for another day. I realise the atmosphere today is unlikely to be like it was for Ipswich, I get that, but if it is the same as it was for Bristol City - even if we're struggling in the game - then there's a problem. There was a couple near us who, on about 85 minutes into a crucial game, were discussing the various cash-flow issues in their respective businesses. So many times, the manager and players say how the atmosphere helps. If you're cynical about this, you'll probably say, "Well you get paid enough, just play well and entertain me". But when they're out on the pitch, I doubt they're considering their finances. NB - I don't consider myself to be either a happy clapper, nor rigidly in one of the percentages a lot of posters like to quote. NB2 - Agree about the drum - wouldn't want to be next to it, but it does at least get people going.
  15. Unless our ground staff are not very good with parallel grass cutting, in which case - who knows?
  16. Ah well, being caught like that comes with age I guess. On the other hand, the article still makes some good points and I'm a confirmed advocate of the theory (until next week) I believe in everything and nothing, or somewhere in between. Depends on weather, day of the week - anything except firm unequivocal evidence.
  17. That was an interesting read. I'd heard of the theory before, but never really gave it much attention. Not sure I agree with the assertion the article makes that the theory is now confirmed, but it's food for thought.
  18. I once had the opportunity to ask Howard Kendall (RIP) a question at the Q&A part of a dinner he was the guest speaker at. So I asked him a question about that game. He wasn't impressed.
  19. Think their algorithm might've gone a bit wrong for the Premier League predicted table. Maybe not the positions, but for the number of points.
  20. And they've got Leeds winning all their final 3 games. The way they're playing at the moment, they may not win any of them. Predicting the result of most football matches is difficult. Predicting the result for matches at the end of a Championship season is virtually impossible.
  21. According to that table, Hull are only getting 2 more points from their final 4 games. Think they'd be disappointed with that.
  22. According to someone on here, that'll be another story Wagner has made up. The same someone will have it on good authority that his wife's not pregnant, and in fact he hasn't even got a wife.
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