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Kris Commons?

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Very good news, if true.

I''ve actually muted this one a couple of times before as he would, hopefully, link up again with Gary Hooper. The combination was prolific at Celtic.

It would be Adams''s best signing so far and would markedly improve spirits and our chances of success this season.

BUT! Where is that defender we need so badly to bolster that defence?

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Always liked Kris. Fear we may be a few years late to get him at his best.

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The express say we are looking at £4m, but transfer market place his value at £3m.

If that is all true, then looks like we could be paying over the odds for someone with a year left on contract.

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Any more than £2.5m will be a bit much. Good player tho. Signings like that will all depend on how Celtic get on in there next champs league qualifier games.

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But he''s 30 ffs and just wants a last big pay day. [:S]

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And how do you know that Wiz? Are you his gardener or something? Stop making out as though you have some sort of insight. You don''t have a clue.

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[quote user="splutcho"]And how do you know that Wiz? Are you his gardener or something? Stop making out as though you have some sort of insight. You don''t have a clue.[/quote]


Its called intuition and past experience splutcho.[:|]

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Was disappointed we got Hooper instead of him when we were originally linked with a Celtic striker.

Saw him a couple of times in the Champions League against decent opposition and really liked the look of him. For the right price, yes please - as long as there''s something left in the kitty for a couple of defenders.

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in attacking options we have (currently) fer, redmond, bennett, grabban, howson, wes, murphy x2 & surman. Will adding Kris (a talented player at champs level) really add to this? This signing of attacker after attacker while leaving the back 4 thread bare and thin on quality seems to becoming obsessive.

When are we going to realise its not the who but the how that is preventing us from scoring goals?

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Whilst Commons is a good player I cannot see this happening.We will not pay £4 million for a player that will have little or no resale value due to his age (31 this month)Effectively he will cost us over a million a year in depreciation plus his wages on top.

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I listed him in possible replacements for pilkington. I don''t agree with you Molly tbh, I think we need to buy quality; if a 30 year has the quality to get us promoted then £4m for a key member of the squad then we''ll be laughing at the end of it, however as I say in the thread (link below, but there''s no reason why people would be interested) I''m not sure if K. Commons has the quality to help get us up, £4m seems an awful lot for a player of his ability.


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He does look to be a very similar player to Hooper, not sure where we would play him, who`s place he would take or what he would add.If we have £4 million to spend I would rather we used it on a top class right back.

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[quote user="pablofarmer"]The express say we are looking at £4m, but transfer market place his value at £3m.

If that is all true, then looks like we could be paying over the odds for someone with a year left on contract.[/quote]


Transfer market doesn''t have real transfer values. Its a website. Its not run by the clubs who put up their selling price. Even If he''s valued at £3 million he''s obviously going to go for more as why would Celtic sell one of their stars for the going price? They wouldn''t. Hooper, Forster, Wanyama etc....

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Well we need to replace pilks with a left footed winger and we also need a CB (unless people want Martin at CB all season which is a scary thought)

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"if" true, then no complaints from me, he is quality and if he has looked after himself is not old and has a few years in him, check out the like of Gerrard, Lampard and several others, many players now go on in the EPL beyond 33, even 34.......particularly midfield players

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Commons can play out wide or as a number 10. We need another wide-midfielder (only Redmond and Bennett left as senior options) and we need someone to challenge Hoolahan for that number 10 role. What''s not to like? (other than his age, but 31 isn''t as old as some people seem to think it is in the modern game)

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Agree with age not being an issue - old or young. The issue is if the commitment and hunger are there.

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