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Fans lack of ambition holding back the club ?

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At the moment it doesn''t seem as if the fans level of ambition matches that of the club. We are still in touch with 9th place - and would have been much closer but for a few recent dodgy decisions from the ref, and a bad decision from Holt (missed penalty). Succouring 9th place will deliver an even higher amount in prize money,  and the extra over last season will more than cover the costs of the new expanded academy. An academy that will begin delivering PL quality players in a couple of seasons.


The CEO and board that shook the club up in the summer of 2009, bulldozed their way out of League 1 and battled their way to an automatic promotion are not the same folk who share the fans ''little ole Norwich'' mentality. There was no wringing of caps last season, no aiming low, no accepting defeat and believing that 17th place was good enough from them.


Sadly the club is lumbered with a number of fans who don''t see it that way. The gutter is good enough to be in if you never look up. The same fans who endlessly bemoaned the supposed lack of ''hambition'' a few seasons back, are the same fans who aspire to nothing better than to be able to touch their forelocks to ''our betters''. The same fans who are still embarassingly bleating about us being ''safe''.


There are 24 points still to play for, if we were bottom as QPR, we would be talking of 5 more wins - as it is we have fans wanting us to be ever so ''umble and grub about for 1 win (if the others don''t mind) and a couple of draws, or perhaps just the 1 draw, if we are lucky. 


Whenever I see flags flying over Carrow Road or being carried around the pitch they look to be yellow, yellow and green not white. Never mind there being a standing section at Carrow Road, it might help if we had an ''off you knees'' section on the Pinkun forum.


Onwards and upwards




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City1st is getting a little worried about his earlier lofty predictions but hiding behind bad refereeing, missed penalty, downward looking fans.

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What a load of nonsense.

Talking about 40pts as the main target (which Hughton has been doing, not just the fans) is not showing lack of ambition. Every fan wants us to win every game, finish on 58 points and get somewhere around 7th or 8th. Realistically that isn''t going to happen but making sure we are in this division is the most important goal and everybody knows it. Thereafter, we want to get as many points as possible, and next season most fans will want to see the club pushing on towards a points total in the 50''s. Gradual progression is what it''s all about.


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So your saying it isn''t up to the players, board, manager etc that determine the results, its the fans?


Everyone realizes the fans play a big part at any club (apart from wigan) and although norwich fans aren''t the loudest, i still think we know what the plan is for the next few years;


this season= stay in the prem, preferably with a few games to spare - on course to do so

next season= strengthen squad and become more of a unit defending and attacking (much like everton)

season after= look to finish 10th (or even higher)

4th season= by this time hughton should have his squad solved looking to become the next everton

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There are 92 league clubs and 20 in the premier league. All our fans want to remain in the premier league so that means being one of the most successful 17 clubs in the country. Because we do not want to be in annual relegation scraps most fans aspire to be  14 or above accepting that with the big clubs inthe country it is unrealistic to break into the top 8. I would say this is all fans being very ambitious to be one of the top 14 clubs in the country. The lower leagues are fullof teams who have over extended themselves in pursuit of short term gain we do not want this. Regular lower mid table and the odd cuprun will do me

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[quote user="YankeeCanary"]



City1st is getting a little worried about his earlier lofty predictions but hiding behind bad refereeing, missed penalty, downward looking fans.



oh dear, one ''make up'' artist disappears another steps into the breech


I have never predicted where we will finish, I HAVE stated taht we should aim for 9th .... which is coincidentally the place I talk of above



"Talking about 40pts as the main target (which Hughton has been doing, not just the fans)"


err when ?


ps 40 points gurantees nothing, teams have been relegated on 40 points


get off you knees



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Totally agree with City1st, it''s not the finances, or the lure of our club, the fact that we are not a fasionable club that is holding us back but the fans, those plastic fans or binners on here that just won''t accept that we will win our last 8 games and get to 58 points........come on you lot, why be so happy with 17th, the more of us who believe the more chance the team has of beating everyone we come up against.


Think positive, I''m looking for us to go unbeaten in 2013-2014 and if enough of us believe there is no holding back this club.


Now no more negative posts ever, no mention of losing and believe in the dream, believe that we can be great once more, beating mighty Bayern again to lift the champions league.....I love it.


Such a simple title but so true.

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[quote user="City1st"][quote user="YankeeCanary"]



City1st is getting a little worried about his earlier lofty predictions but hiding behind bad refereeing, missed penalty, downward looking fans.



oh dear, one ''make up'' artist disappears another steps into the breech


I have never predicted where we will finish, I HAVE stated taht we should aim for 9th .... which is coincidentally the place I talk of above



"Talking about 40pts as the main target (which Hughton has been doing, not just the fans)"


err when ?


ps 40 points gurantees nothing, teams have been relegated on 40 points


get off you knees







Get off you knees!!!!!! i hate them they must go

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Some of the points you make here are fine C1st. We''re still in touch with 9th - yes, we could be right up there but for a couple of harsh decisions/penalty miss, the CEO and board are ambitious and do have big aspirations for NCFC. All these things are right.

But to then say that some of our fans are somehow some sort of hinderence to those ambitions, to the club''s progress, is, i''m afraid, codswallop. Can you provide some examples of how these fans you describe are actually "holding back the club?" Also, a fan that would be happy for us to simply avoid relegation this year does not mean they aren''t ambitious for the club. Everyone is aware of the importance of survival this year and that is the priority. Personally, i think we''re getting stronger for the run in and will finish pretty much bang on where we did last year which will be fine for me.

I suggest that rather than worry about whether or not low expectations affect the clubs ambitions, you think about what unrealistic expectations do to a club. Least of all this one after it was relegated from the EPL in 2005. There''s a much stronger case to be made about how unrealistic fan expectations negatively affect a club. Wolves would be another classic case. Unrealistic expectations at Molineux have hindered that club for as long as i can remember and looks like helping send them down to L1 after failing to cope with the expectations of getting back up to the EPL after relegation, despite having a very strong Championship squad.

If you think NCFC fans have a lack of ambition, think about the alternative of unrealistic expectations and the affect that has.

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43 points looked about right before the season started. Whilst always hoping for more, I think it will end up close to that mark.

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"But to then say that some of our fans are somehow some sort of hinderence to those ambitions"


err, I didn''t say that you did. I asked the question that''s all (the clue is in the last ''digit'')


"If you think NCFC fans have a lack of ambition, think about the alternative of unrealistic expectations and the affect that has."


It wass a ''number of fans'' I referred to, likewise I never mentioned anything about expectations either. I''m afraid you are entering the ''make it up and answer that'' school of reply.


What I talked about was ambition, aspiration. That is about how we see a possible win at Wigan.  Looking up or looking down. Being satisfied with 17th or aiming for 9th.


Thankfully the club will be focussed on the latter.



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Most of us ''ever so ''umble'' fans tend to temper ambition with reality and are quite content with steady progress.My personal forecast of a 46 points total for the season is still on target and our final position will be what it will be. The other teams will also have their say.

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[quote user="thefutureisyellow"]What a foolish post. Who are these fans ? I think you must be mixing with Binners![/quote]


I think we probably all are thef. In our cities they say we are never further than 10 feet from a rat and on here I reckon we are never further than 10 posts from a binner....



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Another attempt at a troll from the closet binner no.1. His tactic is to aim as high as possible in ambitions and when the club inevitably can''t reach it, blame the forumgoers and fans of NCFC. Why am I not suprised?

Him and his little gang and minions should soon jump on me ASAP and try to ''put me right'' in the name of the confederacy of city1st. It''s time everybody ignored this troll.

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[quote user="Orford65"]Most of us ''ever so ''umble'' fans tend to temper ambition with reality and are quite content with steady progress.

My personal forecast of a 46 points total for the season is still on target and our final position will be what it will be. The other teams will also have their say.



the reality is that we are closer to 9th than 17th





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Smells of fifth column this thread. Trying to stir up trouble and cause more fighting and bickering amongst genuine City fans.

No better than one of Wiz''s sunday morning fishing excursions.

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Glad someone is familiar with our recently departed (left here) troll and his times, purpose and intent.


Case of priorities, I suppose



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Precisely Herman. The objective of this thread, and many others before it, is to divide the people of the forum into "fans" and "binners". Already, two posts after mine I have been accused of being an Ipswich fan. They have a very effective attack, to pick and pick at you, but little defense.

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Oh my word. Now here is a good conspiracy theory for the anti Holt brigade to get their teeth into. Holt decided to miss the penalty against Southampton. Ooer.

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[quote user="Cluckin Nora"]Another attempt at a troll from the closet binner no.1. His tactic is to aim as high as possible in ambitions and when the club inevitably can''t reach it, blame the forumgoers and fans of NCFC. Why am I not suprised? Him and his little gang and minions should soon jump on me ASAP and try to ''put me right'' in the name of the confederacy of city1st. It''s time everybody ignored this troll.[/quote]

So says someone who has only been registered for 3 days and this being their 10th post.Now call me old fashioned but such claims in this particular post tend very strongly to point that you have another account under a different name but i do not expect you to come clean and tell us who you really are so let''s just sit back and wait for the slip up oh not forgetting the personal insults that will come my way for this post.

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[quote user="dpit"]. Holt decided to miss the penalty against Southampton.[/quote]has



Even after being banished from this parish the spirit of singuptheriverend still lives on


with even more ''making stuff up; and replying to it



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Here come the ''golden oldies''. Tilson the ''young and fit'' copper...eddie the bingo caller and city1st the poor suffolk peasant, I am sure. Perhaps it time you guys sit down before you crack a rib or something. Your trolling days are very much numbered, no longer able to bully people in real life, you have resort to the internet. Nobody can take you on in here. You''re the king of the castle and everyone else is a dirty rascal...just as the children say.

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Oh my word. Now here is a response for fans of City 1st to get their teeth into. Our favourite somethingorotherfinder general overacts to a tongue in cheek aside.

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pointing out a lie is now over reacting


dearie me, dear me




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Cluckin,Dont worry, anyone that forgets their old password and creates a new user name is automatically a binner or liar! I got called both within a few posts because I forgot to bow before posting.

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Blimey Cluckin Nora you have the potential to be the next First Wizard. could almost be related.

As for the original OP, I respect your view but think you have read it wrong regarding some fans lacking ambition and holding the club back.......all I see are many, who quite rightly understand how tough it is in The Premiership and the challenge the club has in its second season back..... a few who just dont get it at all...and a few who are totally unrealistic in what they think the club should be achieving this season. That said, we all all supporters of the club and I am sure ALL want the club to achieve the highest position possible....non of us are holding the club back! 

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