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1 hour ago, Commonsense said:

That is patently untrue and you know it. If it were the ONLY thing why were their so many other near misses, including Norwich in the away match at West Ham that same season?

I was in that crowd at West ham. It was seriously overcrowded and absolutely rammed solid where we were (near one of the gangways half way up). I was a fit young man, but even then it was very uncomfortable and hot. However, the fans were well behaved and generally respectful of each other and the situation. Took an age to get out at the end. 

Lots of inflatable canaries as well. 

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14 minutes ago, Nuff Said said:

What is wrong with you?

Unless you are illiterate, severely educationally challenged or a hermit, you know that the causes of the Hillsborough disaster were identified by both the Taylor Report and the Hillsborough Independent Panel as safety design issues at the stadium, but largely gross negligence by the police and ambulance services. The stories about drunken, aggressive fans were fictious excuses made up by those who failed as a desperate attempt to evade responsibility.

If your post had described Black people, Jews, women, gays or other similar minority groups instead of “scousers” you would be on very shaky ground as regards hate speech. I see little difference in practice.

People like you who perpetuate hatred, in particular based on lies, are beneath contempt.



Excellent response. I was going to reply to him but I couldn't be bothered. The lies spread by the police and The Sun perpetuate to this day; the institutional contempt for football supporters (and scousers in particular) was disgusting. I highly recommend the BBC documentary on this for any of those who still think that Liverpool supporters were even partially to blame. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07bgnkn

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31 minutes ago, Nuff Said said:

What is wrong with you?

Unless you are illiterate, severely educationally challenged or a hermit, you know that the causes of the Hillsborough disaster were identified by both the Taylor Report and the Hillsborough Independent Panel as safety design issues at the stadium, but largely gross negligence by the police and ambulance services. The stories about drunken, aggressive fans were fictious excuses made up by those who failed as a desperate attempt to evade responsibility.

If your post had described Black people, Jews, women, gays or other similar minority groups instead of “scousers” you would be on very shaky ground as regards hate speech. I see little difference in practice.

People like you who perpetuate hatred, in particular based on lies, are beneath contempt.



Really well said. Very depressing people still think otherwise. Kelvin MacKenzie has a lot to answer for

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1 hour ago, Nuff Said said:

What is wrong with you?

Unless you are illiterate, severely educationally challenged or a hermit, you know that the causes of the Hillsborough disaster were identified by both the Taylor Report and the Hillsborough Independent Panel as safety design issues at the stadium, but largely gross negligence by the police and ambulance services. The stories about drunken, aggressive fans were fictious excuses made up by those who failed as a desperate attempt to evade responsibility.

If your post had described Black people, Jews, women, gays or other similar minority groups instead of “scousers” you would be on very shaky ground as regards hate speech. I see little difference in practice.

People like you who perpetuate hatred, in particular based on lies, are beneath contempt.



Shouldn't you add a litte criticism though for Thatcher and her ilk who worked for so long to cover it up?

Duckenfield was clearly negligent on the day in failing to get his brain to change wavelengh to Public Safety. He was in a short time span decision making situation though. The politicians and establishment can't use that excuse.

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1 hour ago, East Rider said:

I was in that crowd at West ham. It was seriously overcrowded and absolutely rammed solid where we were (near one of the gangways half way up). I was a fit young man, but even then it was very uncomfortable and hot. However, the fans were well behaved and generally respectful of each other and the situation. Took an age to get out at the end. 

Lots of inflatable canaries as well. 

So was I. The fans were well behaved, and pushed back so that people who were passing out could escape. The worst aspect was that despite the terrace being overlooked by a police control room we kept being told to move forward, even though people were shouting that there wasn’t any room.

As a complete contrast the replay at Norwich a few days later was superbly organised even though large numbers of people had to pick up tickets.

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8 minutes ago, Wibble said:

Who is Alan Gee and what is City Elite ?

That is a very good question. The title relates to a quote in yesterday's EDP from an apparent NCFC fan representative upon the subject of potential hostility at Leeds on Thursday Night. 

The fact is that few people know how many and what fans they represent because NCFC's fan representative network is completely pants.

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2 minutes ago, essex canary said:

That is a very good question. The title relates to a quote in yesterday's EDP from an apparent NCFC fan representative upon the subject of potential hostility at Leeds on Thursday Night. 

The fact is that few people know how many and what fans they represent because NCFC's fan representative network is completely pants.

Change the record. Please 

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4 minutes ago, essex canary said:

Well at least I was happy to be of service.

You bang your own drum. Relentlessly. 


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54 minutes ago, essex canary said:

That is a very good question. The title relates to a quote in yesterday's EDP from an apparent NCFC fan representative upon the subject of potential hostility at Leeds on Thursday Night. 

The fact is that few people know how many and what fans they represent because NCFC's fan representative network is completely pants.

I thought you were a member of the canaries trust so surely you know how many paid up members they have or is it a secret

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4 hours ago, Scrivvy said:

I assume it's just me who didn't understand any of that, so I Googled the bits of it.

I still don't.

Just to update you, Stoney is so old hat nowadays gone the way of Burberry and Fila. Much better to wear CP Company and Moncler for the modern "dresser"!

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2 minutes ago, nutty nigel said:

Glad was just out watering her tomato plants singing a Peter Shelley song...

I'm impressed. That is a great song! Glad, I'd love to have a flick through your playlists!

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30 minutes ago, shefcanary said:

Just to update you, Stoney is so old hat nowadays gone the way of Burberry and Fila. Much better to wear CP Company and Moncler for the modern "dresser"!

I’m still into the height of fashion at Man at Oxfam……

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42 minutes ago, shefcanary said:

I'm impressed. That is a great song! Glad, I'd love to have a flick through your playlists!

There's six 45s on each list. She's got what she calls "one of them noofangled gramufoons". It plays six stacked. She reckons by the sixth drop "the needle's gorn up and down like billyoooo"

I did suggest she put a ha'penny on it...

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1 minute ago, nutty nigel said:

There's six 45s on each list. She's got what she calls "one of them noofangled gramufoons". It plays six stacked. She reckons by the sixth drop "the needle's gorn up and down like billyoooo"

I did suggest she put a ha'penny on it...

Love an old Dansette! Reminds me of when I was a lad - straight after the top 30 run down on a Sunday on with the six 7inches stacked. Usually finished up with the Norwich City Calypso! Perhaps Glad was there one night?

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1 hour ago, Greavsy said:

I thought you were a member of the canaries trust so surely you know how many paid up members they have or is it a secret

Yes I am and I am sure that it has far more members than City Elite though still not nearly enough.

As for Alan Gee maybe he is Ali G or Alan Lee in disguise?

Why on earth don't the Club have an approved list of Supporters Representatives agreed with Newsquest and based on Memoranda of Understandings etc?

Whatever happened to Stan Springall.

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1 hour ago, Well b back said:

Another thread dragged totally off track by Essex. He ruins everyone.

Whatever happened to John McEnroe?

Any extra protection you get tomorrow night may come courtesy of the Canaries Trust. You should be grateful to those who have paid their fees.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Nuff Said said:

What is wrong with you?

Unless you are illiterate, severely educationally challenged or a hermit, you know that the causes of the Hillsborough disaster were identified by both the Taylor Report and the Hillsborough Independent Panel as safety design issues at the stadium, but largely gross negligence by the police and ambulance services. The stories about drunken, aggressive fans were fictious excuses made up by those who failed as a desperate attempt to evade responsibility.

If your post had described Black people, Jews, women, gays or other similar minority groups instead of “scousers” you would be on very shaky ground as regards hate speech. I see little difference in practice.

People like you who perpetuate hatred, in particular based on lies, are beneath contempt.



That is all true.

But you don't hear Liverpool fans say much about the Heysel disaster 4 years earlier do you, where Juventus fans were crushed escaping an attack from Liverpool fans, an incident which had almost certainly contributed a lot to the assumptions that many made and then propagated about the causes of the Hillsborough disaster and behaviour of their fans. 14 Liverpool fans were convicted of manslaughter.

Some would say that the Hillsborough blame was all coordinated establishment stitch up, others would say that Liverpool fans reputations preceded them, and the reality is probably a good mix of the two.

Edited by JonnyJonnyRowe
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He got very lucky once by signing Oasis and now thinks he can dictate whether people should go to a footy game, ridiculous.

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10 minutes ago, essex canary said:

Yes I am and I am sure that it has far more members than City Elite though still not nearly enough.

As for Alan Gee maybe he is Ali G or Alan Lee in disguise?

Why on earth don't the Club have an approved list of Supporters Representatives agreed with Newsquest and based on Memoranda of Understandings etc?

Whatever happened to Stan Springall.

So how many members does the trust have? 

Again you aren't comparing like with like.

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8 minutes ago, Greavsy said:

So how many members does the trust have? 

Again you aren't comparing like with like.

I believe it is a little above 1,000 including life members but best to ask say @GMF for accurate figures.

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16 minutes ago, essex canary said:

Whatever happened to John McEnroe?

Any extra protection you get tomorrow night may come courtesy of the Canaries Trust. You should be grateful to those who have paid their fees.

I can look after myself sunshine, I am guessing then they are the ones at Watford attacking their own fans that ran off when we challenged them. I should stress I am only guessing they are the ones.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, essex canary said:

I believe it is a little above 1,000 including life members but best to ask say @GMF for accurate figures.

1000 out of an estimated 200,000 worldwide wow

Edited by Well b back

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20 minutes ago, essex canary said:

Yes I am and I am sure that it has far more members than City Elite though still not nearly enough.

As for Alan Gee maybe he is Ali G or Alan Lee in disguise?

Why on earth don't the Club have an approved list of Supporters Representatives agreed with Newsquest and based on Memoranda of Understandings etc?

Whatever happened to Stan Springall.

This is because many clubs have organic self organised fan groups along with the official ones, often for younger fans. City Elite don’t represent me, and probably represent nobody over the age of 25, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a presence. Earlier this season many fans welcomed the change in atmosphere the drum created ( cue lots of posts on here from people who didn’t).

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