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  1. Youre right why worry. Hernadez will probably have a brilliant season with an assist per game rather than per season. Defense will be rock solid as always. No striker injury worries. Why worry, all is fine, carry on, same again please.
  2. 2 weeks to go, Sorenson as CB, Kenny playing sideways passes, no threat upfront - Its like we never stopped last season
  3. Well we see, we arent going to run away win it and win the league, but i dont think we will be fighting at the bottom either. A fairly meh season I predict.
  4. Rowe and Sargent. Rowe short contract - Not as effective as he thinks he is, spends most of the time on his **** with arms in the air asking for a foul. Sargent - Purely because of ball control and injuries - would like to see him as a 10 as can head quite well and has stamina
  5. You maybe dont have enough followers on various platforms,having followers seems to be the key, amongst other dubious posts. Its all a load of bumfluff anyway, just more self importantism, im a better fam than you. Jesus, its 2 hours in a stadium once a week. Why do i need all this information, i dont want them to care what i do and i definatley dont care what they do. Entertain me for 90 minutes, rest is worthless drivel
  6. But where are you, lets be havin ya. You had me on the palm of your hand, you had my vote, and now you let me down.
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