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Ashton nailed it.

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He said the atmosphere is terrible. The main reason really is most of us don't want to go up because of the past. This squad gets destroyed in the prem,  so what's the point. Some will say we get the Premier league money,  but unfortunately under Delia and Michael we can't afford to buy any premier league quality players, not their fault before people pile in. So what are we there for? To be entertained and win some games but not want to go up. Personally after 50 years of supporting the club I have never know my feelings to be such a mess where the club is concerned. And it all still comes back to what is the plan,  the take over can't come quick enough. Again we are arguing over the more vocal fans , but we keep over looking the 3 stands that seem to sit in silence. What do all you as fans want from this season and where do you see us going forward?

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I want us to do as well as we can, finish as high as we can and take it from there.  It really is rather disturbing the number of people who are “scared” of promotion; maybe worry about it If it happens, rather than now.

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You have to be optimistic, & you have to take the situation for what it is.

When I was 11 I played for a team of 11 year olds competing in a league of 13 year olds. I think our best result was about 11-1; if we scored in a match it was like we'd won a cup final. I never lost hope though.

And no matter what all the pundits & experts may say, things are not cut & dried. I cite Luton as a perfect example.

Norwich drive me nuts with their continual foot-shooting, but they're the team I support, warts, frustration & all & everything else included. Frequently hacked off at the end of a game, but it soon passes, & there's always the next match ...

Edited by ron obvious
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3 minutes ago, Branston Pickle said:

I want us to do as well as we can, finish as high as we can and take it from there.  It really is rather disturbing the number of people who are “scared” of promotion; maybe worry about it If it happens, rather than now.

So go up and stink the league out again? I would rather worry about it now , and would like to see what the plan is of how we try and do it differently. This team gets destroyed in the prem every week. There would be no fun in it like the last time. 

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1 minute ago, ron obvious said:

You have to be optimistic, & you have to take the situation for what it is.

When I was 11 I played for a team of 11 year olds competing in a league of 13 year olds. I think our best result was about 11-1; if we scored in a match it was like we'd won a cup final. I never lost hope though.

And no matter what all the pundits & experts may say, things are not cut & dried. I cite Luton as a perfect example.

Norwich drive me nuts with their continual foot-shooting, but They're the team I support, warts & frustration & everything else included. Frequently hacked off at the end of a game, but it soon passes, & there's always the next match ...

I get all that , but the last season in the Premiership knocked the stuffing out of our fanbase.  We turned up knowing we had lost, we couldn't compete or even get close to teams by the end of it. I actually have been enjoying the football on the pitch but the atmosphere is terrible.  I don't personally want to turn up in the prem again knowing we can't compete,  and at this moment this squad is miles away from it, and a summer transfer window would change nothing. We are in such a strange position,  if we had done nothing for 10 years we would all be loving this and the unknown of getting back to the prem.  

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51 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

So go up and stink the league out again? I would rather worry about it now , and would like to see what the plan is of how we try and do it differently. This team gets destroyed in the prem every week. There would be no fun in it like the last time. 

I guess that’s where we differ - the point is to try to get as high up the ladder as you can. If we go up, we have an entirely different set of coaches/SD to last time, and many different players; one other thing is Attanasio…it could well help enhance his involvement 

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1 hour ago, Sufyellow said:

He said the atmosphere is terrible. The main reason really is most of us don't want to go up because of the past. This squad gets destroyed in the prem,

The squad would be built by Knapper if we went up.  I find that quite an exciting prospect.

I can't see why anyone would want us to fail and be forced to fire sale our better players,  this is a much more concerning position.

Do you not want players like Sara, Sarge, Sainz, Rowe & Gunn to be the backbone of a team that gains promotion?  That's 5 of a starting 11 already at this club that to build around.

in addition to that, we have reliable squad players with prem league experience (Gibson, Kenny, Dimi, Stacey etc), and as yet relative unknowns such as Nunez, Van Hooijdonk and McCallum.

Plus some very promising youngsters coming through, which only increases when you're a club that's offering a path to prem league football.  An example of that is Aboh, who many clubs are chasing, and prem league may likely secure his name.

But most importantly we've made the mistakes as a club, and we can learn from those.  It's not an easy league of course, but we're more than capable of putting a good showing in - First season under Farke in the prem league was actually quite enjoyable I thought, Covid was a bummer though.

Edited by Google Bot
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I think this squad with this manager likely breaks Derby’s premier league record. But I’d take that if so - as it would mean having beaten Ipswich to get there in the play offs and securing over 100m and parachute payments once again. It would be a game changer for this club as it stands right now. However, I don’t think Wagner is good enough to get us there anyhow. 

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6 hours ago, Sufyellow said:

He said the atmosphere is terrible. The main reason really is most of us don't want to go up because of the past. This squad gets destroyed in the prem,  so what's the point. Some will say we get the Premier league money,  but unfortunately under Delia and Michael we can't afford to buy any premier league quality players, not their fault before people pile in. So what are we there for? To be entertained and win some games but not want to go up. Personally after 50 years of supporting the club I have never know my feelings to be such a mess where the club is concerned. And it all still comes back to what is the plan,  the take over can't come quick enough. Again we are arguing over the more vocal fans , but we keep over looking the 3 stands that seem to sit in silence. What do all you as fans want from this season and where do you see us going forward?

Completely agree with all of this. We're haunted by the past. If Wagner's reign and same results/style came before Farke, 99% of the fans would be happy as we have a shot of promotion. However, we've played miles better football under Farke and had much better quality and still got thumped when promoted. 

The gap is simply too big. Look at the bottom 3/4 of the EPL and the top 3 of the Championship this year as firm evidence.

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4 hours ago, Google Bot said:

The squad would be built by Knapper if we went up.  I find that quite an exciting prospect.

I can't see why anyone would want us to fail and be forced to fire sale our better players,  this is a much more concerning position.

Do you not want players like Sara, Sarge, Sainz, Rowe & Gunn to be the backbone of a team that gains promotion?  That's 5 of a starting 11 already at this club that to build around.

in addition to that, we have reliable squad players with prem league experience (Gibson, Kenny, Dimi, Stacey etc), and as yet relative unknowns such as Nunez, Van Hooijdonk and McCallum.

Plus some very promising youngsters coming through, which only increases when you're a club that's offering a path to prem league football.  An example of that is Aboh, who many clubs are chasing, and prem league may likely secure his name.

But most importantly we've made the mistakes as a club, and we can learn from those.  It's not an easy league of course, but we're more than capable of putting a good showing in - First season under Farke in the prem league was actually quite enjoyable I thought, Covid was a bummer though.

The experienced players you mention are all failed prem players , none of them are good enough, the youngsters you mention are decent championship players , none are outstanding enough to get us competing with this set up. We can't buy decent players to build a team ready to hit the ground running in the Premiership. I love your positivity though. 

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28 minutes ago, S_81 said:

I think this squad with this manager likely breaks Derby’s premier league record. But I’d take that if so - as it would mean having beaten Ipswich to get there in the play offs and securing over 100m and parachute payments once again. It would be a game changer for this club as it stands right now. However, I don’t think Wagner is good enough to get us there anyhow. 

We have ended up financially more in trouble because of the prem , I don't think the money is such a positive.  

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I hate Premier League football and don't really want promotion but I'm not so sure that we'd be worse than last time. Teams that are promoted either have 11 very good Championship players or a mix of exceptional players and some who are adequate. 

I would say we currently have 6 players who could hold their own and 5 who couldn't. That's easier to solve than having to replace all 11. That's the problem that Burnley and Sheffield United have faced this season.

Quite how Luton have managed relatively well is totally beyond me!

In the unlikely event that we are promoted we need to sign 4 players who are up to it. Last time we failed miserably with signings. Despite his success with some signings, Webber got it hopelessly wrong last time round. 

Edited by dylanisabaddog
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We always should strive for the best. Did everyone shake in their boots when we got into Europe and had the prospect of facing Bayern? Was everyone saying we shouldn't be trying to win the PL because what would happen when real giants came knocking? 

Would this squad fair well up there? Absolutely not. But we wouldn't have THIS squad would we, I'd wager that Mr america would happily plough I significantly greater amount of money into the club in the summer if we were looking at a survival campaign in the PL, than he would if it was another championship slog against the odds to go up ( with the 3 coming down being the favourites plus whoever misses out on plays offs + a squad that probably loses Rowe and possibly a couple others ) 

It's much easier to bring in new talent to a PL team than a championship team, sell them the dream and they will come, and to those who said who would join a team likely for the drop, ask Barkley etc. Why they joined Luton the team most were saying were " 100% for the drop and probably beating Derby's record along with it " 

Anything can happen. New blood joins, majority of the old guard plagued by premier League whippings are gone, Sarge looks twice the player he did before and I'd happily put money on him doing well in the top league if we can get the service to him this time. 

It's all about recruitment, it's always only ever about recruitment, the RIGHT recruitment, you can spend 100's of millions and sign all the wrong players, or you can spend absolutely nothing and sign all the right players, hungry and with a chip on their shoulder to PROVE they are premier League footballers, THAT'S how you survive the 1st season, with fight not fancy stuff. The will and drive to prove to the world they have what it takes! 

Look at our Lambert squad the first time round, who out of that team did we genuinely think would fair as well in the Prem? I would say no one, no even Holty and Wes, we knew they had quality, but premier League quality? Absolutely we didn't know. 

If we go up, and don't survive then so be it but we go down fighting, we go down battling for every point, we go down with pride and THAT'S all we can ask for in those circumstances! Would this squad do that? No! But I say again, IT WOULD NOT BE THIS SQUAD IT WOULD HAVE ADDITIONS, and if ( a big if ) those additions were the right additions not for 2 or 3 seasons down the line like last time then why cant we cause a few bloody noses and stay the course! 

Every single person with this woe is me mentality of the premier League needs to get a grip of themselves and roar this team onto what would be one of our most incredible promotions ever and then make OUR HOME a horrible place for the PL primadonna's to come!! Carrow road needs to be a place that others fear! Not us fearing who's coming!!! 


Edited by GodlyOtsemobor
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2 minutes ago, dylanisabaddog said:

I hate Premier League football and don't really want promotion but I'm not so sure that we'd be worse than last time. Teams that are promoted either have 11 very good Championship players or a mix of exceptional players and some who are adequate. 

I would say we currently have 6 players who could hold their own and 5 who couldn't. That's easier to solve than having to replace all 11. That's the problem that Burnley and Sheffield United have faced this season.

Quite how Luton have managed relatively well is totally beyond me!

For 6 of our players to hold their own those other 5 players are going to have to be really good. I think we really over rate some of our players. I would say Gun and Sargent maybe. Who are the other 4? 

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5 minutes ago, GodlyOtsemobor said:

We always should strive for the best. Did everyone shake in their boots when we got into Europe and had the prospect of facing Bayern? Was everyone saying we shouldn't be trying to win the PL because what would happen when real giants came knocking? 

Would this squad fair well up there? Absolutely not. But we wouldn't have THIS squad would we, I'd wager that Mr america would happily plough I significantly greater amount of money into the club in the summer if we were looking at a survival campaign in the PL, than he would if it was another championship slog against the odds to go up ( with the 3 coming down being the favourites plus whoever misses out on plays offs + a squad that probably loses Rowe and possibly a couple others ) 

It's much easier to bring in new talent to a PL team than a championship team, sell them the dream and they will come, and to those who said who would join a team likely for the drop, ask Barkley etc. Why they joined Luton the team most were saying were " 100% for the drop and probably beating Derby's record along with it " 

Anything can happen. New blood joins, majority of the old guard plagued by premier League whippings are gone, Sarge looks twice the player he did before and I'd happily put money on him doing well in the top league if we can get the service to him this time. 

It's all about recruitment, it's always only ever about recruitment, the RIGHT recruitment, you can spend 100's of millions and sign all the wrong players, or you can spend absolutely nothing and sign all the right players, hungry and with a chip on their shoulder to PROVE they are premier League footballers, THAT'S how you survive the 1st season, with fight not fancy stuff. The will and drive to prove to the world they have what it takes! 

Look at our Lambert squad the first time round, who out of that team did we genuinely think would fair as well in the Prem? I would say no one, no even Holty and Wes, we knew they had quality, but premier League quality? Absolutely we didn't know. 

If we go up, and don't survive then so be it but we go down fighting, we go down battling for every point, we go down with pride and THAT'S all we can ask for in those circumstances! Would this squad do that? No! But I say again, IT WOULD NOT BE THIS SQUAD IT WOULD HAVE ADDITIONS, and if ( a big if ) those additions were the right additions not for 2 or 3 seasons down the line like last time then why cant we cause a few bloody noses and stay the course! 

Every single person with this woe is me mentality of the premier League needs to get a grip of themselves and roar this team onto what would be one of our most incredible promotions ever and then make OUR HOME a horrible place for the PL primadonna's to come!! Carrow road needs to be a place that others fear! Not us fearing who's coming!!! 


Comparing those times to now is miles apart. You are thinking the Americans will do something that is totally against what they have said and the way they work. Selling the Premiership dream was a huge problem the last time we went up, our most expensive player still is about 9 million. Money is everything, that's not the clubs fault but unfortunately football, but is still a huge part of the negativity. We aren't in Luton  'so position now , as I said fans would be loving this season if we had been rubbish for 10 years. As for the roar, that comes from a whole ground , ours is dead. 

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20 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

We have ended up financially more in trouble because of the prem , I don't think the money is such a positive.  

Fair point. But then again that’s only because the money, in part, was poorly spent. But I suspect if we did go up we’d know we are likely to go down and throw very little at it - leaving us in a better position overall financially. 

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15 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

For 6 of our players to hold their own those other 5 players are going to have to be really good. I think we really over rate some of our players. I would say Gun and Sargent maybe. Who are the other 4? 



Rowe (and hopefully his replacement) 



Possibly Dimi and Hanley. 

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Actually I think if and that a big if we find ourselves in the premier league although results maybe no different. Attitude’s might? I think after winning the championship there was an assumption to some extend that we would compete finish mid table which made the fallout of disappointing campaigns even worse. The three times we have won the championship title we have had pretty miserable campaigns in the premier league. When we have snuck in we have done better. 

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2 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

Comparing those times to now is miles apart. You are thinking the Americans will do something that is totally against what they have said and the way they work. Selling the Premiership dream was a huge problem the last time we went up, our most expensive player still is about 9 million. Money is everything, that's not the clubs fault but unfortunately football, but is still a huge part of the negativity. We aren't in Luton  'so position now , as I said fans would be loving this season if we had been rubbish for 10 years. As for the roar, that comes from a whole ground , ours is dead. 

So what then? We give up? Never to try for promotion again? Why don't we just write to the F.A requesting we get air dropped into the lowest semi professional league available and go from there, at least those nasty boys at the top won't be beating us more often than not and we could have everything our own way and batter those lesser than ourselves? 

Sure chances are greater that we come down if we go up, but there's still a CHANCE we stay up and build! And that's worth fighting for! That one chance, that one time where things fall into place is all you need to sustain things. 

Do I enjoy us getting tonked week in week out like the last two times? Of course not, do I wish we had shone a better light on ourselves? Of course I do! But would I then not want us to go up again for fear of losing? Jesus Christ no! Because being there gives us that CHANCE of survival! You can't fight if you don't even get between the ropes! 

This lunacy of fearing promotion has to end at some point! Or we might as well all pack up and go home. 

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6 hours ago, Sufyellow said:

 The main reason really is most of us don't want to go up because of the past.

Personally I couldn't disagree more. I have been going to Carrow Road since the 70's (as a child), so have seen a fair share of 'up and downs'. I desperately want us to get promoted so that we can play against the best teams, even if we ultimately fail. Otherwise what is the point of playing?

However I find myself in a difficult situation this season as I cannot, for some reason, no longer get behind the manager not the team, so attend matches in silence. Along with many others. 

I want us to win and be successful but am no longer prepared to help them do so. Help!

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17 minutes ago, Conrad said:

Personally I couldn't disagree more. I have been going to Carrow Road since the 70's (as a child), so have seen a fair share of 'up and downs'. I desperately want us to get promoted so that we can play against the best teams, even if we ultimately fail. Otherwise what is the point of playing?

However I find myself in a difficult situation this season as I cannot, for some reason, no longer get behind the manager not the team, so attend matches in silence. Along with many others. 

I want us to win and be successful but am no longer prepared to help them do so. Help!

That’s how l feel too, lost the passion and don’t even celebrate the goals like they matter, we have lost our identity and connection under first Smith then Wagner. 

Don’t forget we have had 2 relegations and 2 terrible Championship seasons in the last 5 years so we are feeling fragile.

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48 minutes ago, S_81 said:

Fair point. But then again that’s only because the money, in part, was poorly spent. But I suspect if we did go up we’d know we are likely to go down and throw very little at it - leaving us in a better position overall financially. 

Trouble is we did that as well,  and that didn't work either, we still came down and then sold 2 of our better players , we can't afford to build anything. Or that is how it feels. 

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7 hours ago, Sufyellow said:

He said the atmosphere is terrible. The main reason really is most of us don't want to go up because of the past. This squad gets destroyed in the prem,  so what's the point. Some will say we get the Premier league money,  but unfortunately under Delia and Michael we can't afford to buy any premier league quality players, not their fault before people pile in. So what are we there for? To be entertained and win some games but not want to go up. Personally after 50 years of supporting the club I have never know my feelings to be such a mess where the club is concerned. And it all still comes back to what is the plan,  the take over can't come quick enough. Again we are arguing over the more vocal fans , but we keep over looking the 3 stands that seem to sit in silence. What do all you as fans want from this season and where do you see us going forward?

100% but rather than a plan or at least a plan to reconnect with the fan base, we just get attacks on certain sections of the fan base and the frankly, childish entitlement accusations.

Me personally, I just want a team that is entertaining, wins a few football.matches and has a brave exiting coach that gives the kids a chance.

That and European champions.... 😜

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50 minutes ago, dylanisabaddog said:



Rowe (and hopefully his replacement) 



Possibly Dimi and Hanley. 

Well the last 2 have no chance. Sainz and Rowe are not in the game nowhere near enough and would totally need carrying in the Premiership, Sara has been really poor lately,  but does some great things , do we still know his best position? Those other players we sign are going to need to be really good , unfortunately we won't have the money to buy them.  

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3 minutes ago, Kenny Foggo said:

100% but rather than a plan or at least a plan to reconnect with the fan base, we just get attacks on certain sections of the fan base and the frankly, childish entitlement accusations.

Me personally, I just want a team that is entertaining, wins a few football.matches and has a brave exiting coach that gives the kids a chance.

That and European champions.... 😜

I totally agree, as fans we are mostly all behaving like children at the moment,  but that's passion. I don't expect the club to behave the same way. No one knows what they really want , it's total confusion. I don't even actually think fans want Wagner out either, that includes the ones booing a substitution.

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I think Conner has summed it up well in his match review.

The whole situation points to a wider problem that's developed over the last couple of years. 

I agree that the recent PL experiences, terrible club PR, the Dean Smith era, and probably some other less tangible factors*, have created a sour atmosphere at times and a completely flat atmosphere at others. Although Wagner gets the brunt of it, I think very little is actually to do with him.

And equally I agree with Wagner - no doubt it doesn't help the players at all. Same with the flat atmosphere we have seen. I've felt for a few years that a bigger atmosphere could have got the team over the line in games or turned games whereas instead the team has typically folded (last night aside). Footballers are people and will respond to positive support and negative support, it's no surprise that they lose their way when the atmosphere sours. 

I personally found his comments quite refreshing, even though it will undoubtedly go down like a lead balloon and ultimately make the problem worse.

But he doesn't really have much to lose does he? He probably won't be here far into next season, and fans might not back him even if he makes (and even wins?) the playoffs. 





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The Players and Club will all want promotion - For their Careers, and a Bonus or 2

As a Fan, promotion to The Premiership scares me. But we have to hope and trust, that our new American Friend and new Sporting Director could lead us differently

Mr Wagner does make questionable selections, tactics, set-ups, and substitutions. The current run. Has this been pure luck ?

The Team should be backed and supported by us, The Fans. The players & staff do seem to be pulling together. In the right direction


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2 hours ago, Rupethebear said:

Agree Ashton nailed it…..

Not getting excited until we’ve got a date at Wembley……

Apart from the atmosphere what else did Ashton say? 

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The gulf between the fans and the leadership team grows by the week . It doesn’t end well for the club if it continues.

it is up to the Board of Directors to sell a vision of the future along with the season ticket renewals if they want to have a better season next year

Only the Messiah Paul Lambert can save us now 

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