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Norfolk Mustard

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Everything posted by Norfolk Mustard

  1. [quote user="AndyCanary"]Lol!As I understand it the ''boyspank'' thing all came from 1 topic started by a newbie who wanted to know what the lyric ''boy spank'' was relevent to in one of their songs.. of course there is no boyspank lyric the newbie had just misheard it.. but the rest as they say is history.Kinda like my confusion with why Norwich fans were singing ''We''re going to Wembley'' this season.... felt a bit [:$] when I realised it was ''We''re going to win the league'' [:P][/quote] It refers to a young lads misunderstanding of ''Boys Pen'' apparently. If anyone is planning to deliberately take the p*** out of Leeds - please be aware that one particular Leeds fan is struggling to remain in control!: http://www.waccoe.com/ index.php?showtopic=182080&st=0
  2. I can’t imagine anyone at CR is thinking anything other than ‘we’ll give it a right go’ next season. There has been an amazing coming together of board, management, fans and players this season and the media have taken notice (albeit in a reserved way) for the right reasons; Norwich are winners once again! The board surely realise they have a fantastic asset in Paul Lambert and hopefully he in return realises stability with success on his CV is pretty valuable for him on a personal level too. That sounds a decent ‘win-win’ relationship. Add the amazing support here at Norwich and you’ve got an even better ‘win-win-win’ situation! Current team spirit is remarkable – and new players will want to join a metaphorical ‘train that is going somewhere good’ next season. Given all that has happened since we departed the Premiership, and buoyed by the thrilling performances this year with the new board/PL antidote, I’m hugely optimistic! OTBC PS: I agree, the teams coming down from the Premiership do not look in great shape either – we’ll never have a better chance to make an impact!
  3. I''ve been thinking for a while how lucky we are; Lambo and his coaching team are the a perfect fit right now - we can all grow together from here? I sincerely hope the magic trio realise there is a long way to go and the credit will be all theirs if they want to do it.
  4. I know what you mean dpit - what goes on in each and everyone''s head is different of course. I''m talking here as part of an organisation providing psychology-based training (including professional footballers/NCFC); what has occurred this season is the establishment of a new ''normal'' setting regarding expectation levels. No longer is it normal to go a goal behind and not expect to come back and win - ''normal'' now is it is much more of a case of ''we are a winning side'' and ''even if it takes until the 93rd minute - we''ll be successful''... I do agree that we are now a team on the up - as opposed to one on the way down. A few Championship sides including our local rivals will sense the togetherness Norwich have these days - I dare say they will be a little wary of us next season.
  5. [quote user="CambridgeCanary"]It is true that no harm was done except to the dignity of a few people forever immortalised om YouTube as running round aimlessly and looking like braindead morons. But I guess they have no dignity to harm in the first place. BUT, very clear warnings wee given repeatedly not to invade the pitch. Everyone who went on the pitch knew that they were acting against the Club''s instuctions and that they were committing a criminal offence. They went onto the pitch knowing that there could be consequences. So, no one can complain if there are consequences. They knew the risk they were taking and chose to go on the pitch. Tough. Choices have consequences. You make a choice and you live with what happens as a result. That is how things are in the grown up world. If you can''t do the time don''t do the crime. [/quote] Hear Hear! If you''re told to remain in your seat - then do so. No excuses - it''s called personal accountability. Those that cannot control themselves should not come and spoil it for those of us who want to see players celebrating. Who wants to see overweight bald men running around like headless chickens? - they should know better!
  6. [quote user="Lambert is King"]I would suspect that should we go down to 2 or 3 that the cost would go up dramatically. The way we do it at present probably constitutes another player on the books.[/quote] Even if 10 mascots pay the set rate of £195 each that''s £195 x 10 x 23 league games = £44,850 (maybe more with cup games). Not sure what kind of player you''d get for that kind of money? I guess it all helps club funds, but personally I think it looks a bit desperate having that many mascots. 2 years ago my son was the single mascot for Norwich v Coventry (2-0 result) and he had a fabulous day - I can''t praise highly enough the thoughful treatment the kids (and parents) get at NCFC - it''s first class.
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1269365/James-Beattie-woe-Tony-Pulis-bust-claim-dropped.html?ito=feeds-newsxml He''s trouble though? More like dropped than injured!
  8. [quote user="RonDavies"]There are similiarities between Lita and Darren Huckerby. Huckerby, like Lita, was a highly skilled player who had ended up drifting from club to club with none of them seeming able to harness his talent. Then he came to Carrow Road - and everything clicked. It was just a question of him finding the right club. Lita played his best football of the last few years while at Carrow Road - is it too far fetched to suggest that maybe City bring the best out of Lita just as they did with Hucks? Maybe he thrives in front of big crowds?[/quote] I''m with you on this one Ron; Lita is quality but patchy with different managers. Lambert would ignite him I reckon! Holt & Lita with Chris Martin wide sounds good to me. Lita running on to Hoolahan''s through-balls - even better!
  9. [quote user="Alf Tupper"][quote user="Wembley_Canary"]Why are we even talking about this, this is exactly what Cowling and tin pot fans of Col Who want to see, us sweat over our clubs future for doing something that clearly isn''t worthy of such punishment. If it wasn''t for Cowling and his big gob, after he made comments about an outrageous points deduction earlier on in the season then we wouldn''t even be talking about this now. [/quote] I''m not sweating over it all. There''s punishment and compensation. IMO the punishment will be a small fine, small because of the mitigating circumstance that Norwich were given permission to talk to Lambert and Lambert resigned anyway. As for a points deduction if this had ever been an option the FL would have called the tribunal much earlier, not wait until the season is effectively over. As for compensation this is always linked to consequential damage or loss as a result of an action. Norwich were given permission by Cowling to talk to Lambert. The view that a tribunal would take is that if Col Utd valued Lambert so highly and wished to retain his services they would have refused permission. Lambert then joined Norwich and very quickly afterwards Col Utd appointed Adie Boothroyd who, at the time, was generally regarded as a more established manager with a better track record than Lambert. Indeed, Cowling boasted that he had secured the services of a better manager than Lambert. Moreover, this all took place when the season had only just started. Under their new manager, Col Utd stayed in the top 6 virtually until the end of the season and, at times, challenged closely for the second automatic promotion spot. Lambert''s success at Norwich, a much larger club than Col Who, could arguably be linked to the fact that he had a better, larger squad than Boothroyd. Therefore, for what it''s worth, my view is that the tribunal will judge that Col Utd could have chosen to prevent Lambert''s move to Norwich by refusing permission to Norwich to speak to Lambert. That, by giving permission for Norwich to approach Lambert, Col Utd were, in effect, encouraging Lambert''s move. That, arguably, Col Utd had already decided that they wanted Boothroyd instead and that Cowling thought that he could get his man and also compensation for Lambert i.e. having his cake and eat it. Cowling''s bragging that he had (so quickly) brought in a better manager than Lambert is consistent with this proposition but, even if it isn''t, it clearly demonstrates that Cowling believed that Col Utd would not be disadvantaged by Lambert''s departure, instead it created the opportunity to bring in a "better manager" - why say it if you don''t believe it ? So, all in all, I really do think this is much ado about nothing or rather, very little and that there will definitely be no points deduction, a punsihment fine of probably no more than £10K and possibly £30 or £40K compensation to Col Who although, in truth, as the cosnequential damage or loss to Col Utd was so small, on very small compensation should be awarded. [/quote] I love the way you express things Alf; I have always thought that Cowling was rather naive stating he would appoint another manager who ''is as good as, if not better than Paul Lambert'' - those words may well come back to haunt him?
  10. [quote user="Alf Tupper"]OK, I''m going for a 5 figure sum only. Fact is that Lambert''s move took place almost at the start of the season and Colchester were able to bring in a more experienced, proven manager (at the time) than Lambert very quickly. Therefore, Colchester can''t claim that Lambert''s departure caused long term chronic disruption and destroyed their chances of mounting a promotion campaign. In fact, under Boothroyd Colchester managed to stay in the play-off zone until almost the end of the season. Therefore, IMO the League will take the view that there is no prima facie case for compensation and that 50K will be the maximum penalty imposed on City.[/quote] Very good points Alf; Colchester''s disruption was minimised to the beginning of the season and they did (on the face of it) have little trouble attracting someone their Chairman stated as being ''as good as, or better than Paul Lambert''. Cowling may rue making that comment to the media now!
  11. [quote user="Guy"]You can''t really blame Pearson for the state of the club''s finances now, because he inherited the ridiculous contracts etc. from Paul Duffen.. BUT, he knew they''d be f***** if they got relegated, so you''d think it was essential they stayed in the Premier League - Iain Dowie is hired as manager! Great! Well done Pearson. A stroke of genius there. You might as well just wind the club up now and save yourself all the aggro next season![/quote] Adam Pearson seems an arrogant man with a butterfly mentality to me! Lots of huff and puff at Derby when he sacked Billy Davies and then when it all goes wrong Pearson slides off back to Hull. Same again there; ''I expect Iain Dowie to keep us in this league'' etc''...(lots of pressure with nothing much else from the Hull board I suspect?). Then Boateng comes on MOTD sniping at Phil Brown''s man management - what a shower they are! Makes you feel grateful we have people around our club who are loyal and do what they say they are going to do. Namely McNally & Lambert. Let''s keep Norwich a BS-Free zone?
  12. Everyone around me seems to love it! We''ve just won the league, things are great and there''s nothing to play for with 2 games remaining. Talk about scraping the barrel for something to complain about!
  13. He had a very poor game today; bit like when he played for Swindon at Carrow Road - very average then too. Ran into trouble most time today - Danny Wilson calls him a luxury player & I can see why.
  14. [quote user="ROBFLECK"][quote user="The Dog"]Is my player of the season, he has made game changing saves in nearly every game and he did it again today. POTS 1. Big Fraser 2. Holty 3. Wes Young POTS: Korey and Martin Most Improved POTS: Admiral Nelson[/quote] I have the same opinion. Big Frazer has been absolutely great!!! [/quote] Thanks to Fraser we avoided being 0-2 down before Darel Russell''s goal; I bet he''s prevented more goals than Holt has bagged this season! POTS is going to be close this year...
  15. [quote user="Superflash"]You know what? I''m 21 and I actually like Tom Jones. And it''s not even a guilty pleasure thing, because I''m not guilty at all. I may even go to this![/quote] My 13 year old wants me to take him to see Thomas da Jones Man - Mrs Mustard isn''t keen but Master Mustard insists he''s really good!...
  16. [quote user="BroadstairsR"]I now have this permanent picture in my mind of a screaming, delerious Delia, standing on the terraces and throwing her yellow laced knickers onto the green green grass of Carrow Road and in the general direction of Tom Jones. Please let''s have Humperdinck instead . [/quote] Yeah, but Engledinck Humplebert is from Leicester - let him play there!
  17. A bit of winning / champion music is good, but yes - lets the fans sing a bit too! Play the music again as we leave...
  18. [quote user="Brighton Yellow"]I am stuck in Brighton today after getting a flat tyre mysteriously in the night!! I packed and was all set to leave this morning for the game but will now miss the party... Will probably be a 5 nil win now though OTBC!! [/quote] Remain positive at all times; I bet your tyre was only flat at the bottom!
  19. Hi Morty, I clicked on this thread last night not knowing what to expect; I was laughing out loud at so many of those stories that my partner kept drifting in and out of the room totally unconvinced by me saying ''I''m just on this football site thing''... Lots of people are calling it ''Comedy Gold'' and ''Comedy Genius'' - and IMO some certainly are! The thread had gained massive momentum, so anyone going there; make sure you''ve got plenty of time ahead of you!... http://www.waccoe.com/index.php?showtopic=103393
  20. Hi Morty, I clicked on this thread last night not knowing what to expect; I was laughing out loud at so many of those stories that my partner kept drifting in and out of the room totally unconvinced by me saying ''I''m just on this football site thing''... Lots of people are calling it ''Comedy Gold'' and ''Comedy Genius'' - and IMO some certainly are! The thread had gained massive momentum, so anyone going there; make sure you''ve got plenty of time ahead of you!...
  21. Always aim high! Why be ''realistic''? That usually means ''let''s make sure we don''t over-achieve by aiming lower''. That kind of thinking saps energy all around the place when you do that. Football is all about dreams; doing the best possible! Paul Lamberts is a ''collar-up/ready for business'' type who operates in a no-excuse zone - let''s help him keep it that way? With the right support we can do better than Leicester have this year - we should focus on winning every game and aim for the auto spots in the Championship. Why play in any league if you don''t intend to try and win it?
  22. Allocate the vacated place to the winners of the FA Vase; Norwich and (potentially) Wroxham in the Championship sounds good to me!
  23. Hey Phil, That''s a cracking video mate - thank you! I didn''t get drawn in the ticket ballot, so we watched the beam back at Carrow Road - your vid captures a huge amount of spirit from the day; I''m very impressed! Sent the link to my brother who lives in Gibraltar - he echoes my thoughts too. Cheers,
  24. [quote user="smiley"]I dont think lambert will be here come next season, I can see him moving on to Celtic i really can, I hope not though.[/quote] Why do you talk about Celtic if Sir Paul has already dismissed going there? You don''t seem to believe him!
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