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Robert N. LiM

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Everything posted by Robert N. LiM

  1. As others have said, would really like at least another midfielder to push one of your first-choice midfielders into the second-team. Nothing against those players individually, but I think we probably want to be choosing between Nunez and Kenny, rather than playing both of them.
  2. Didn't do us much good last time (aggregate score 0-8) - or, horrible thought, maybe it did!
  3. Thought this piece, in which @TheGunnShow's favourite hack journalist predicts the finishing places, was very telling. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cdrlyg088r5o Basically he's predicted the three promoted teams to go straight back down, and everyone else to finish more or less where they did last season. In other words, why bother playing the 380 games? Best league in the world my a$$
  4. I see that Ed Sheeran has bought 1.4% of Ipswich Town and in return has been given an executive box for life.
  5. Please tell me that you are, in the words of PG Wodehouse, a Scotsman with a grievance.
  6. Not a betting man myself. But I was so accurate last weekend I am tempted - at least to persuade others to part with their money!
  7. Speak for yourself - I was bang on! As for Saturday: NCFC 1-3 BRFC Much more encouraging performance than the opening day, but worrying issues in defence. Get your money on Blackburn and get some shares in Tena.
  8. Anyone know whether tickets will be available on the day (assuming we don't sell it out) ? @TIL 1010 @Midlands Yellow
  9. I love that account, and that is one of the best so far. The Swiss Toni bit!
  10. The question should be, "what is the best thing for NCFC?" If the answer to that is, getting Rowe back into the squad, then that's what we should do. Obviously going to need a convincing apology from Rowe, to the fans as well as his fellow players.
  11. Not sure what to think of this, tbh. On the one hand, no-brainer. Proven player at this level who would fill a position we have really struggled with, other than in the season he was here on loan. And, as you say, plenty of room for him still to get better. But I also think 'never go back' is not a bad rule of thumb. And when he was here before, couldn't look him in the eye, just like an angel his skin made me cry, sorry, got carried away there. When he was here before, he came into a very good team, rather than one that is just being put together. Not a given he'd be as successful here again as he was first time. And finally, surely there'd be a PL team willing to take Skipp. He might not be good enough for Spurs, but he's surely good enough for a bottom-half PL team...
  12. Excellent news. Hope to see both of them, at least as subs. #extendedpreseason
  13. Looks like fake noos to me. Luton are at 69th. Can't be right.
  14. I'm disappointed, ironically for many of the reasons in your post. Feels like his story here could have been told very differently had he got that loan after the Preston hat-trick. He still seems like a bit of a weapon to me. (In both the Parma sense and the other one). But you certainly can't argue with the fee.
  15. So what you're saying is that all that Osman speculation was... .... wait for it... ... Pointless?
  16. Nice to see that site also makes no distinction between starts and subs appearances. #idahmaths
  17. Could have got Ipswich (a) - that would have been a nightmare at this stage of our rebuild.
  18. Eight changes for Leeds. DF taking the cups as seriously as he did here, evidently
  19. Their slogan: "We'll drive you there ourselves". And no, I'm never going to stop finding this funny.
  20. Need an adjudication on whether John and Jon are the same name. I say no.
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