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  1. You do know Watkins' manager at Villa is Spanish, right? It's a foregone conclusion now, but this was a game for Toney to start because he's far more physical /aggressive than Kane or Watkins.
  2. If anyone is thinking foreign coach, I say Ancellotti.
  3. Dunno man. When there are at least 4 teams (Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, even Germany) that have gone all the way to the podium #1 in recent years, it should not be discounted. England should be thought of as a dark horse that has found form at times and been able to go far, but lacking killer instinct.. kinda like Belgium with Kompany, Verthongen, Aldeweireld, Eden Hazard when they still had the chops for it.
  4. 100% on this. If it was Italy or Croatia instead of Spain, England would have won. As it is, the current champions are levels above anyone else in world football, never mind Euros, at the moment. It could be worse... imagine a tournament on home soil, getting to the final and losing to a team that scored the record least goals for a finalist and parked the bus all the way.
  5. IMO it is a fair criticism. On a final that you have any aspirations of winning, you have to be able to impact the game from the get go and make the other team adapt to that. None of that "Spain is too good in possession" - no team can do ****e if they are starved of the ball. England used the ball really poorly, while also not being able to press the opponents well enough. Southgate is reactive rather than proactive - the bravery, from the coach to the players, was missing a little bit. Finals are not to be played - they are to be won. After Palmer's goal I wanted England to take the brakes off and keep Spain on the back foot for the remainder of normal time. Alas, maybe in an alternative universe..
  6. When was the last time England won a tournament? Who did expect this England squad to win this final? Anyone? Southgate can be fairly accused of being too cautious, and starting some players on 'loyalty', these are good criticisms to make.. but it isn't like he missed a pen tonight himself.
  7. Commiserations. Spain can do that to anyone. I mean, any team in the world. This isn't the busquets/Xavi/iniesta team, they are a different animal, a bit more chaotic and transitional. That said, I wish England had been a bit braver on the ball, it could have been a closer match. Walker and Saka in particular were a bit disappointing, lacking sharpness in attack then allowing Williams and Cucurella too much space.
  8. Cue the entitled fans.... I mean, it's not like this is the 1st "golden generation" England ever had is it - or like England wins international tourneys almost every year?
  9. He should vote for Green as it seems to be what he's smoking
  10. Pressure - and a particular/specific type for every person - gets to them over time. Fame and money are not without pitfalls. But us coaching from the stands always know better 😁 Some players are OK doing nowt but sitting on the bench day in day out for years and just get their money, but I'll wager the majority will accept a pay cut if it means they play more.
  11. Plenty of white beasts in rugby 🤣
  12. Say what you like about Onel re footballing skills but attitude was never an issue with him.
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