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Everything posted by mrD66M

  1. You know the riots earlier this summer? I do not condone violence.. not now and not ever.. that said I would have understood if people rioted at the companies and governments that allowed Grenfell and other cladding fires to happen. Dozens of dead, including children, at Grenfell. Many other building fires where cladding was a central factor. And many, MANY more, decent, hardworking families, saddled with a mortgage to a property where they live with constant fear of being the next tragedy, and which they can't sell.. all this, for the sake of profits. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
  2. Tell you what, on limited evidence so far, there is a chance Knapper is better than our former SD at identifying players for their (respectively) chosen head coaches in JHT and DF. Time will tell, although the signs up to now are good.
  3. Protected? Like what exactly? Grenfell? Windrush? Is that what you call "protected"? "DEI targets" - you have abandoned rational debate. The kind of people who resort to scapegoating would not be able to withstand a year of living the life a "DEI" lives, where the prejudice alone from all sides would crush them - never mind still being able to slowly move forward with their lives in a positive way. There are 3 people in my family that have made it all the way through university, from a poor background, and two of those were more than 25 years ago. I suppose they were "DEI" before "DEI" even though they have more than repaid their loans and went on to have successful careers. Skip the "DEI" and just say "targets" because we know there are hateful people out there. Hate is not race-specific.
  4. How exactly should they address that, in your ideal world? If you are a clear eyed realist and you know why the unchecked amounts of (legal) immigration were allowed to continue then you know that a) there is an economic and social need for some amount of migration and b) a properly regulated system is, and has been, against the interests of extremely wealthy people who require 'disposable' staff to exploit and profit obscenely from.. wealthy people who in turn lobby politicians of all stripes. Immigration can be addressed properly, responsibly and humanely if you address the endemic greed / rampant inequality in the system 1st. That is much more a cause of popular revolt as any demographic you decide to scapegoat.
  5. You do like "the usual suspects" both to rail against and to scapegoat, it seems. But correct me if I'm wrong. This is what irritates me about parties on the right. They advocate to be "legit" while using their positions to damage democracy.. and when called out on incendiary rhetoric, play the victim card. Something happens, they use it to inflame tensions further instead of showing maturity and responsibility in actions and words, and showing how to cooperate with parties in power - a la Nigel after the Southport tragedy <asking questions> de-legitimizing/undermining the authority forces then hiding his hands. I'm trying to find your past comments from when MP Jo Cox was murdered, or when some rich tycoon said Dianne Abbott should be shot. Do you have a link?
  6. Rage baiting is a thing apparently. Fans are supposed to criticise constructively, which is vastly different to throwing **** everywhere and seeing what sticks...
  7. Two goals from Onel, has got to be a collector's item. Sainz and Nunez getting on him before he even thought of going for the somersault 🤣 I can't imagine enjoying football without the same kind of players that embody positivity like this guy. Kudos to him.
  8. She also took aim at politicians who have been seeking to use the rhetoric of “two-tier policing”, writing: Her article concludes “There is lots of rebuilding to be done in our communities after the damage of the last fortnight. Respect for the police, respect for the law, and respect for each other is where we must start.” St Nige at it again. Covering his cheeks with one hand (victim) and lobbing stones with the other (instigator).
  9. Re-read your first post on the thread and say that again with a straight face.
  10. Interesting that you quote something from years back and vastly unrelated to recent events. Whatabouts got to whatabout I suppose...
  11. If the guy's name was erm, middle Eastern instead of Tyler, you bet Fenny would take a very different stance.
  12. That's why I advocate for ending online anonymity. IMO same approach as when you buy/sell stuff online - people need to know who you are, your address and bank details - if you're telling porkies about your product then there are mechanisms in place to deal with that. If I'm not buying/selling anything, if I am just windowshopping outside and not telling others x, y, z inside are lies, then I'd think it is fair for someone who is purely a viewer/reader to be anonymous. Once you comment or post, that changes, because what I say may be completely innocuous and not matter at all (I'm fairly insignificant anyway), or like in the example of the lady who spread a lie, can matter a great deal. Think about product / service reviews that allow unverified accounts to comment and affect business. Just some time ago (bit unrelated) there was a trend online, teenagers doing stupid dares like drinking laundry liquid etc, maybe one of them said "it's ok, only had bubble farts for couple weeks" - we've all been teenagers but this kind of stuff has consequences. What we say can alter other's perceptions, yet it carries far more weight when it's our real name and face behind our words. Otherwise - you made a solid post. Respect.
  13. Well said. Freedom of speech =/= freedom from responsibility. My rights end where yours begin. AND vice versa.
  14. To be clear, what is your position on regulation of social media networks?
  15. The unsaid part - if this is NOT true, and chaos ensues as a result, then some personal responsibility comes with it. I can't think of something comparable, but if a passenger on a plane causes severe disruption by means of lying about something then I expect them to receive a tap on the shoulder from authorities and possibly charges.
  16. Yeah - they will take that as a win. There will be tutorials on youtube on how to pull your own teeth, and other health matters.. you can do it. /s
  17. These "enough is enough" people have a really warped perception of reality. Online, they seem many (because their networks include people of like mindset from other countries, also because of bots/spam accounts) but in the real world.. Was it +/- 4 million who voted for RefUk? Out of almost 47 million (registered UK voters in 2021)?
  18. I agree re what you choose to personally follow. But the wider end result is the same. The sheer amount of misinformation on it affects everyone, whether they are on it or not. When news gets merged with entertainment merged with social media, it becomes kind of a petri dish, clearly more favourable to some cultures over others. "Going viral" is not a bad metaphor... until you get stuff like Covid, or anthrax.
  19. No idea what makes anyone think X is unbiased. Never used it even when it was Twitter. Now it is like "the elephant's foot'. But the 'sleuths' like spelunking down those rabbit holes, they may as well be in wonderland already. If only they devoted the same effort knowing the country they live in first hand. Talking to their neighbours. Engaging people from different backgrounds and occupations.
  20. ...and are willing to torch the place where you live with your family. "Both sides lack braincells" = false equivalence.
  21. Banning an app = banning speech? Right. For a sizeable portion of UK society (no idea how many people use the app), especially the young and suggestible, to be exposed to streams of unregulated sewage, at the whims of someone who has a god complex and cares not a jot for the UK's interests is not on. Maybe you like it now, just imagine Elon's successor coming up with ideas you're not going to like, and will affect you even if you don't use the platform... Either regulate the app effectively, or ban it. There is no other long term option. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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