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Everything posted by NFN FC

  1. No, she doesn't quite get it but I do see her point. The DW snippet doesn't give a good attitude. Why even mention a rematch? Surely we want a win, and only a win.
  2. It was a lovely goal. It would have been better if we had tried to attack and create more chances. We have the two aforementioned players that can create and score so we should go at the opposition hard.
  3. Need 12 points minimum from that lot. I think it'll be 5-8
  4. Maybe Brum would like to take Wagner off our hands?
  5. McCallum is average and Gini is a wing back. I'd keep Gini if we want a bench wing back.
  6. We've got plenty of time between games. We don't need to rest anyone. I'd like to see a full strength starting XI
  7. I'd generally set up with a 5-3-2. Gunn Stacey Batth/Duffy Hanley McLean McCallum Rowe Sara Nunez Sarge Idah/Hwang
  8. I usually have a pints of wine. I find 2 bottles splits nicely into 3 pints with the third pint having enough space at the top for wobbles!
  9. The way Saints are playing they'll be through our midfield like a hot knife through butter.
  10. I agree with all except placeta, he gets a 1 from me. Squandered possession every single time he got the ball.
  11. Wagner logic: let's save our best players for the really difficult game, then waste an opportunity to get 3 points against a poor team. We probably could have wrapped it up in 60mins then rested the key players. Also, placeta is useless
  12. It's a team that could be good enough to beat Millwall. All to save players for a team that will probably lose to Southampton. I hope I am wrong though! OTBC
  13. Wagner is Net Zero! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
  14. Need some younger and hungry players to keep competition for spots.
  15. If they're very young, would they then be tater-tots?
  16. Naaa it's too warm! I'm at relatives and didn't pack shorts
  17. Preaching mate. It's gonna be 12C in Norfolk tomorrow. May as well be on a Brazilian beach!
  18. Merry Christmas to everyone except Batman! Here's to a successful 2024! *Raises a generous G&T*
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