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Everything posted by Marty

  1. I''m also due to be running it, my charity is the British Diabetes Association, maybe not as current and in vogue as the Haiti one but still very worthwhile. I thought it would be a bit cheeky to ask for sponsorship here to be honest, but if there is a very rich person who fancies donating please let me know.
  2. Any news on tickets on day? if so, two more from Loughborough.
  3. I though Disco Dale might get in a few teams!
  4. from a legl point of view I doubt they can eject you unless you are being anti social, for instance cheering Norwich goals. So if all the Norwich fans behave and keep any celebration muted they will be fine. I''d like to see on what grounds they would eject people for, it''s all talk.
  5. off to a local curry house with friends, then a few scoops until the big anti climax hour arrives! the good news is the missus has promised to wear suspenders and her news dress is pretty skimpy too, can''t wait! 
  6. [quote user="Tunica Molesta"]I heard that Ice-T''s wife was coming to Carrow Road to sit on somebody''s face [/quote] .... ok then, i''ll do it!
  7. that''s really made my day, so happy i''m going to post this pic! time for a celebration sherry! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2611/3766304209_9a76857325_m.jpg
  8. useless bloody Millwall, a draw would have been nice, but then i''d settle for our result.
  9. awesome, now that has put a big smile on my face, let''s keep this tight tough, still time to screw up!
  10. I feel better now, i just turned it on to see the pen and pressumed i''d missed the other goals.
  11. let''s be honest, he isn''t actually that bad, I know he looks 103 years old but give the guy a break.
  12. Am I missing something or doesn''t she have the right to be on the tv and radio promoting her new series, afterall, she is a tv chef. Also, regarding enjoying trips to hartlepool more than Chelsea, is this so wrong? At least it seems like real football, unlike getting stuffed by a load of multi millionaires.
  13. well thats made the next few mins a bit more relaxing! i''m enjoying life in Div 1.
  14. me, the penalty taker is always the favourite. However, I was amazed that we scored all 5!
  15. Clint, I feel a bit bad for not saying hi now, just being shy. My missus was more bothered about getting somewhere to sit for lunch. I was getting a little concerned after trying 2 pubs beforehand and getting stared at for asking if the game was on.
  16. Ah Clint, you were not alone, I take it you had the nice table looking up at the TV above the bar? wearing a white top? I watched it on a tv behind you, it was not such a great pic but at least I got a nice comfy seat, although by about rugby time I did feel like people resented me having this on the TV! I think I remember seeing the crowd near your for a few mins wondering if the number of Norwich fans had swollen to 5 or 6. My missus quite enjoyed people watching.
  17. The women can''t do any right can she? if she appears on TV she gets grief, if she dissapears off the face of the planet she gets grief.
  18. Did anyone watch the game in Notts? the Fellows / Approach didn''t have it on, so we went to the Walkabout and I think only 1 other person was watching it! still, good win, even with that crap beer.
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