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lake district canary

Message from the Lake District

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Enjoy it!FULHAM 5 - 0 NORWICHNORWICH 1 - QPR 1NORWICH 0 - WEST HAM 0TOTTENHAM 1 - NORWICH 1NEWCASTLE 1 - NORWICH 0NORWICH 2 - LIVERPOOL 5CHELSEA 4 - NORWICH 1NORWICH 1 - ARSENAL 0Without wanting to sound like Gary Barlow on X-Factor, all my doubts and concerns have not been erased after one heroic

victory.  I thought we were fantastic, well organised and well deserving

of the three points, but it will be what happens in the next five or six

games that will show whether this was a one-off "cup tie" win or a

turning point for our season.We have some very winnable games coming up.  9 points from the next 15 required.  No resting on laurels, the hard work continues now.

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[quote user="Mister Chops"]We have some very winnable games coming up.  9 points from the next 15 required.  No resting on laurels, the hard work continues now.[/quote]

You said it right Mr. C -and with hard work - and the belief gained after yesterday - we can all be  a little more optimistic - whoever we are playing. 

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I''m still getting my head around Mister Chops watching X Factor. I thought you would have given up on it (like we did) when the Louis Walsh farce of a couple of weeks ago took place. An ideal time to stand up to the vote rigging/money grabbing antics of that show.

Stand up and be counted..... well at £1.whatever a minute, more from a mobile

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The QPR an West Ham games were important because we knew we had a tough run of fixtures straight after, we didn''t get the points we should have in either of those games but yesterday''s win means we come out of that run in 15th and it takes the pressure off a little. We''ve now got a run of games where we could take a decent amount of points, if we can build on yesterday''s performance and take that confidence forward we could comfortably be sitting mid table by Christmas. Plenty of reasons to be optimistic.

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Good on you LDC. You have been a beacon of good sense and optimism,

Like most of us, I suspect, I''ve been surfing, looking at various reactions to the match. The Arsenal ones, predictably, are full of how bad they were, with scant attention to our performance. What they are consistently saying, however, is that we came with a clear game plan and stuck to it. This was clear as day to us at the ground yesterday as well. What I hope this match will do above all, is put to bed those heartless and ignorant allegations that Hughton doesn''t have a clue, ( and worse). We will lose games this season, and he will get things wrong, as we all do; but he is good man manager and an experienced tactician and coach. Let those of us who are genuine fans criticise and discuss, but let''s stop the personal insults and show the trolls and binners up for who they are.

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Well the sensible amongst us have recognised all the factors and shown some understanding.A new manager, new players in the side, tough games early in the season while the manager is still tinkering with his best side and system.For me the signs of gradual improvement were there at Chelsea, and Chelsea''s quality underlined yesterday, putting it in even greater perspective.No, I''m not getting carried away after one (albeit very good) victory, but I am saying "I told you so" to the pant wetters.[:)]

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lake district canary wrote the following post at 21/10/2012 8:28 AM:

I''ve taken a lot of stick from certain posters for being "unrealistic" "over optimistic" "too positive". To all my detractors and critics I''d just like to say -


I know you''ve put in a smiley face disclaimer, but how do you think yesterdays result was anything to do with you?

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I think Hughton should do the decent thing and dedicate this win to LDC - the TRUE spirit of Norwich City support (if listening to the radio hundreds of miles from Carrow Road counts as support).

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LDC, don''t take this completely the wrong way but I''m starting to see you a bit as the anti-wiz. The pantomime hero to his villain.

I think the reason that some posters have been giving you flack is because its unrealistic to always be positive about everything. Its unrealistic to suggest things don''t need improving and people never make mistakes and whether intended or not, this is the vibe you give off and it attracts the naysayers to you like flies round s**t.

I think the majority of supporters on here were prepared to give Hughton his dozen games to prove himself and quite frankly still should be. It was a great win and a cracking team performance but one result doesn''t herald the second coming as others have said. I want to see a good performance against both Villa and Stoke and realistically a bare minimum of 2 points from those games to be happy, as if not this result will quickly get put down by many as a bad day at the office for Arsenal rather than a turning point for City.

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[quote user="Monty13"]LDC, don''t take this completely the wrong way but I''m starting to see you a bit as the anti-wiz. The pantomime hero to his villain.

I think the reason that some posters have been giving you flack is because its unrealistic to always be positive about everything. Its unrealistic to suggest things don''t need improving and people never make mistakes and whether intended or not, this is the vibe you give off and it attracts the naysayers to you like flies round s**t.

I think the majority of supporters on here were prepared to give Hughton his dozen games to prove himself and quite frankly still should be. It was a great win and a cracking team performance but one result doesn''t herald the second coming as others have said. I want to see a good performance against both Villa and Stoke and realistically a bare minimum of 2 points from those games to be happy, as if not this result will quickly get put down by many as a bad day at the office for Arsenal rather than a turning point for City.[/quote][Y]

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[quote user="Monty13"]LDC, don''t take this completely the wrong way but I''m starting to see you a bit as the anti-wiz. The pantomime hero to his villain. I think the reason that some posters have been giving you flack is because its unrealistic to always be positive about everything. Its unrealistic to suggest things don''t need improving and people never make mistakes and whether intended or not, this is the vibe you give off and it attracts the naysayers to you like flies round s**t. I think the majority of supporters on here were prepared to give Hughton his dozen games to prove himself and quite frankly still should be. It was a great win and a cracking team performance but one result doesn''t herald the second coming as others have said. I want to see a good performance against both Villa and Stoke and realistically a bare minimum of 2 points from those games to be happy, as if not this result will quickly get put down by many as a bad day at the office for Arsenal rather than a turning point for City.[/quote]


Agreed. I''ve always seen LDC as a ''positive'' troll, simply trying to wind up those with realistic concerns due to a poor start to the season. You only have to look at the number of threads he starts having a go at the concerned majority. A great performance though yesterday and I''m feeling a lot more optimistic, but not if we lose at Villa. 

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[quote user="Wings of a Sparrow"]lake district canary wrote the following post at 21/10/2012 8:28 AM:

I''ve taken a lot of stick from certain posters for being "unrealistic" "over optimistic" "too positive". To all my detractors and critics I''d just like to say -


I know you''ve put in a smiley face disclaimer, but how do you think yesterdays result was anything to do with you?[/quote]

Where on earth did I say I thought it was anything to do with me??    I am merely celebrating a good win and pointing it out to the no hopers - who have been noticeably subdued since yesterday - crawled back under their stones no doubt....................

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[quote user="paul moy"]

[quote user="Monty13"]LDC, don''t take this completely the wrong way but I''m starting to see you a bit as the anti-wiz. The pantomime hero to his villain. I think the reason that some posters have been giving you flack is because its unrealistic to always be positive about everything. Its unrealistic to suggest things don''t need improving and people never make mistakes and whether intended or not, this is the vibe you give off and it attracts the naysayers to you like flies round s**t. I think the majority of supporters on here were prepared to give Hughton his dozen games to prove himself and quite frankly still should be. It was a great win and a cracking team performance but one result doesn''t herald the second coming as others have said. I want to see a good performance against both Villa and Stoke and realistically a bare minimum of 2 points from those games to be happy, as if not this result will quickly get put down by many as a bad day at the office for Arsenal rather than a turning point for City.[/quote]


Agreed. I''ve always seen LDC as a ''positive'' troll, simply trying to wind up those with realistic concerns due to a poor start to the season. You only have to look at the number of threads he starts having a go at the concerned majority. A great performance though yesterday and I''m feeling a lot more optimistic, but not if we lose at Villa. 

[/quote]Where as I just see you as a troll full stop...

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... and I see many others as trolls also. That''s the nature of a bulletin board and makes it interesting with all the differing opinions.  It would be very boring without trolls. [:D]

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... and I will add that trolls use alias''s as they are basically cowards who wouldn''t have the guts to say to somebody''s face what they say to them on the BB. [A]

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[quote user="Monty13"]LDC, don''t take this completely the wrong way but I''m starting to see you a bit as the anti-wiz. The pantomime hero to his villain.

I think the reason that some posters have been giving you flack is because its unrealistic to always be positive about everything. Its unrealistic to suggest things don''t need improving and people never make mistakes and whether intended or not, this is the vibe you give off and it attracts the naysayers to you like flies round s**t.

I think the majority of supporters on here were prepared to give Hughton his dozen games to prove himself and quite frankly still should be. It was a great win and a cracking team performance but one result doesn''t herald the second coming as others have said. I want to see a good performance against both Villa and Stoke and realistically a bare minimum of 2 points from those games to be happy, as if not this result will quickly get put down by many as a bad day at the office for Arsenal rather than a turning point for City.[/quote]

"unrealistic to suggest things don''t need improving and people never make mistakes"I have never said we don''t need to improve, I have never said people never make mistakes.  Quite the opposite.  This is just people who don''t read my posts properly.   I can''t be accountable for what others read into my posts.   Anti-wiz or whatever, if I see unadulterated sh*t on here from the "Hughton out" posts, to the "Holt is a fat, lazy ex-tyrefitter" posts,   I will speak my mind.  That is what the board is for.  People swapping views.    Its just that the "anti" mob hate it when someone actually has the temerity to speak up - and then they resort to ridicule.    But that''s ok too, if thats what they want to do, but I won''t keep quiet in the face of it.   

Oh.....and just for the record, Wiz is not my Anti.......[:S]

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I really can''t be bothered to get into an argument with you. I actually quite enjoy your responses within threads and there are others on here who are quite prepared to argue with you till the cows come home for no particular reason other than they have taken a dislike to your optimism.

But when you start a thread like this, that is when I feel you probably deserve it a bit.

And now your guilty of not reading my post properly, I never said you say those things if you read it, I said that is the vibe you give off whether intended or not.

And in my opinion, fight the good fight against the constant pointless hysterical negative threads on here, but do it in those threads, don''t start new ones spouting the opposite ideology/attacking moaners or ones congratulating yourself when city win like this (and thats what you have done whether you think so or not), I''m sure we would have got a fair few "look I told you so" threads from negative people if we''d lost.

By doing so your just as guilty as them of what your perceiving them to be guilty of.

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[quote user="Monty13"]I really can''t be bothered to get into an argument with you. I actually quite enjoy your responses within threads and there are others on here who are quite prepared to argue with you till the cows come home for no particular reason other than they have taken a dislike to your optimism.

But when you start a thread like this, that is when I feel you probably deserve it a bit.

And now your guilty of not reading my post properly, I never said you say those things if you read it, I said that is the vibe you give off whether intended or not.

And in my opinion, fight the good fight against the constant pointless hysterical negative threads on here, but do it in those threads, don''t start new ones spouting the opposite ideology/attacking moaners or ones congratulating yourself when city win like this (and thats what you have done whether you think so or not), I''m sure we would have got a fair few "look I told you so" threads from negative people if we''d lost.

By doing so your just as guilty as them of what your perceiving them to be guilty of.[/quote]

Certainly don''t want to argue with you Monty, I did read your post properly - my points were aimed more at those who don''t read my posts properly, not necessarily at you.  I can well believe I give an impression of thinking everything is wonderful - but I try to be very careful what I write so if people do read accurately they would see I give an alternative view - that things are rarely black and white as some people make out.  

As for starting this thread - it was meant more of a celebration and a dig at those who are so quick to insult and ridicule me - not as some kind of self-congratulation - whatever it may look like....................  

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Fair comment LDC and I hold my hands up as being one of the many on here who thought we''d get annihilated yesterday.Bearing in mind though that last night''s success was the first win against a recognised top-six side since the 2-0 against Man Utd in 2005 I think it''s understandable not to expect too much..... 

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Well if Holt is a bit overweight, it hasn''t done him any harm. 18 goals in 44 premiership games, pretty good strike rate in the top league.

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Also of the 44, some have seen him starting on the bench as well.  Fantastic strike rate.  Feed the horse!  WFLGH.  He''s also looking slimmer than he did at the beginning of the season as well.  Onwards and upwards as Bly might say!

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