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So I''m getting my new born son''s name tattooed on my arm Sunday and was

thinking it''s about time I had a City one now too. Have any of you guys

(or gals) got one and if so what?

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I''ve got my son''s name tattooed on my upper left arm - in the NCFC font

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I have chinese writing down the inside of my left arm, which I love. I have a weird blob type thing on the inside of my right arm - not through choice, it covers up a females name. Easily the dumbest thing I have ever done, and hopefully the dumbest thing I will ever do - I was 17 at the time though. I blame a certain city centre tattoo parlour for not asking ID.

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Cheers guys but I was thinking more along the lines of actual Norwich City related tattooes? Need some ideas and all that...On the topic... how much did the one inside your arm hurt? That''s were i''m getting mine and only previous one was on the back of my neck. Been sporting a turtle head ever since i booked it from the horror stories i''ve heard!

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I have NCFC up the bottom of my calf, about 5 inchs from bottom of my foot.Also have my son''s, inside of bicep and inside of foot!! pretty cool places me thinks!

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I''ve two tattoos, memorial ones. But have been seriously thinking about a big back piece. Now i''m only 20 so probably wont appeal to some of the more experienced fella''s here. BUT, I was seriously thinking about getting the number 17 on my back, with my surname across the shoulder blades, like a NCFC shirt with the numbers coloured in properly and detailed. :)

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Not  sure if this will work.....let me know?http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1564441&id=735751775http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1564439&id=735751775http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1564442&id=735751775

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I have a large symbol from an old goth band called Christian Death on my back. (I was young and very very stupid!)

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Got the badge on my left shoulder. Had it done to celebrate our promotion to the Premier, and have loved it ever since.

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Ive got the old canary in football boots from the 1970s/ 80s. with On the ball City, never mind the danger agove it, with my Wife and Sons Below. And also across the bottom of my back, ''Never Blue, never ever, City til'' i die, With a distressed City badge above. Just got to get the two lions either side with the castle in the background now. Ouch

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[quote user="Lakey"]So I''m getting my new born son''s name tattooed on my arm Sunday and was thinking it''s about time I had a City one now too. Have any of you guys (or gals) got one and if so what?

May shock some of you but I have NCFC tattoed on my lower arm in old English...something I dont regret. Done years ago under Yarmouth Pier.

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Good on you Arthur!!!!!!![:D]

Got a St Georges flag with Norwich written across on my top right arm. Done at Styx Norwich.

Either go to styx or Rude boys, and the Norwich body Art Convension at St Andrews hall is on the 15th and 16th of august. Tickets £10.

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Don''t ruin your body is my advice. Think of how it will look when everything starts to head down south. My dad (60) has a couple of tattoo''s and he said it''s one of the biggest regrets of his life.

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Dont they hurt in any way? Espeicially like big ones covering people backs and stuff.

Also did any one see the ones in the canary preview magazine?

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So May shock some of you but I have NCFC tattoed on my lower arm in old English...something I dont regret. Done years ago under Yarmouth Pier.


Was that done under Britannia Pier Arthur ?

I had my first tattoo there - a union jack with "England" in the scroll underneath it. I was only 16 at the time (and looked it !!) but I don''t think they ever asked for ID.

Seem to remember it was run by two old boys, brothers I believe. I''m sure it cost me the grand sum of £4.50, though that was in 1977 so worth a bit more than now.


Mark .Y.


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[quote user="Savenell"]Dont they hurt in any way? Espeicially like big ones covering people backs and stuff. Also did any one see the ones in the canary preview magazine?[/quote]

It all depends where you have them done.On fleshy/muscley parts it''s ok,a bit stingy but on bony parts it can be a killer!

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I have 3 tats, Mums initials going across the inside of my right wrist, dads on the left, then 2 chinese symbols at the top of my arm.

Would like to get a City tat but not sure how to get it done without the girlfriend hating it.

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[quote user="Savenell"]Dont they hurt in any way? Espeicially like big ones covering people backs and stuff. Also did any one see the ones in the canary preview magazine?[/quote]


lol I have two, one accross my shoulders at the top, it''s tribal with my parents initials incorporated into it, the other one is on my lower back and is my hubbys name. 

Yes it hurts, I won''t lie and say it doesn''t.  However it''s not agony, it''s more like a graze feeling when it''s being done, if you have a good tattoo''ist go in and ask for a test line with no ink to let you know how it feels.  It''s not that bad or I wouldn''t have had two done.

It''s worth thinking long and hard about what you''re having done, and make sure you are set 100% on the design and where you want it, it''s with you for life after all.  Also some people feel faint on their first one, so take a mars or lucozade to have just before to get your sugar levels up.

The most painful area you can be tattooed is the rib area and sides.

I would also say to go to a tattoo shop that has a very good reputation and ask to look at some portfolios of the work they have done.  You will probably find that certain tattoo''ists specialise in certain styles.  Portraits, Chinese etc.

Good luck anyhow [:)]

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