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Unlucky Fried Kitten

Dickson Where Are You?

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Reading my Sunday Mirror yesterday made me smile and think of our midfield "dynamo''s" little nickname and the fact he can go missing for periods in games. Whoever rated our players in their report on the Leeds match, clearly didn''t notice Dickson''s all action performance as his name didn''t even appear, so effectively he had a zero mark. How ironic.

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He was shocking. In a game where we had so much of the ball he hardly figured and he made some awful blunders too. The annoying thing is that he did make a couple of strong bursts forward and also a couple of great passes out to the flank. Therefore he clearly has the talent but it''s so inconsistenet. Unless he can perform consistently he will never be up to the required standard!

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I was as disappointed with the last two performances I saw from Dickson as anyone but I''m now going to try and ensure my criticisms are fair and proportionate so as not to turn him into a derided figure.

Is it human nature that we cannot celebrate what is good without a put down figure to set things against?

If Grant is unhappy with Dickson he now has the options to drop him.

Please everyone, lets not fall into the bully boy trap of derision and de-humanising: it''s a lousy human trait.

Etuhu! Sort yourself out and do yourself justice. You have all the physical capabilities just get your head right and start imposing yourself on games.

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There was one time in the game though when he raced back, and I mean raced, we commented at the time that we had never seen him move so fast. Thought it was because it looks like there will be a bit more competition in midfield therefore to keep his place he will have to pull his finger out. I think he only remembered that once though!

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I certainly think Dickson is one of the players that Huckerby was refering to recentely who ''don''t want to be here''. If sure there has been scouts at Carrow Road watching him this season, but all must of gone home disappointed. His form suggests sooner rather than later he will be dropped permantely - then who is going to want him then?

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Etuhu and some of the other players  prefer to play away from home rather than at carrow rd. this is to do with the fans always booing, especially when they are losing. it is the first club where etuhu has been that the crowd boo their own players when they are losing.

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[quote user="JC"]What utter, utter, utter, utter rubbish.[/quote]Thank you for that contribution, Mr EtuhuAt last some aggression...Keep it up

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Dickson is one of the dead wood tat needs casting adrfit...

never rated him, never will... Remember the chants of "send him back" During his loan spell? infront of mocking fans of the club selling him too!

jas :)

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[quote user="ncfc4eva"]Etuhu and some of the other players  prefer to play away from home rather than at carrow rd. this is to do with the fans always booing, especially when they are losing. it is the first club where etuhu has been that the crowd boo their own players when they are losing.[/quote]

Well they haven''t shown how much they prefer playing away from home too often this season!!

Generally the "team" has only been booed after a woeful performance and Etuhu has had nothing approaching the stick that Hughes & Robinson have had to put up with this season. The most frustrating thing is the fact that he so clearly has all the attributes required of a top level midfielder, strength, power and the ability to score goals but we only see them in patches.

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If booing is so bad how come we won the game on sat?  The team were booed of at half time after all.

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just saying that is how he and some of the other players feel. we boo when we lose. its disgraceful. it doesnt make the players feel too good.! i know they have been shite for most this season but tht does not warrent boos. leave that to the away teams.

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[quote user="ZippersLeftFoot"]If booing is so bad how come we won the game on sat?  The team were booed of at half time after all.[/quote]

yes if we booed more often we would be much better - but the ktfs cant be bothered

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