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Citizen Journalist Foghorn

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  1. [quote user="ellis206"]I expect to see Tim Sherwood take over now.   How would fans react to that? Less experience than Neil but did well at Spurs [/quote]Slightly more experienced as a first team manager than Neil was.Another ex player, and a bit of a twonk at that.  Whoever is appointed I hope they will be a success.
  2. Norwich City FCVerified account‏@NorwichCityFCBREAKING | Neil Adams resigns as manager. Full statement to follow.
  3. A sad end to his tenure.  The Board has been completely incompetent this last year.
  4. [quote user="nutty nigel"]Yes Rickyyyy! Those who support him will try and excuse the defeats and I those who don''t will try just as hard to discredit the wins. But ultimately Gunny is spot on. Results are king![/quote]And of course, there is no guarantee we will make the right choice to replace him, as Adams seems to be proving at the moment.Phelan would get a couple of games as caretaker and assuming we don''t lose them all will be given the job.  Having said that, Adams performed poorly in his cameo and was still given the job, so who knows.As it is we sit 7th, not terrible, but not good either given how we are slipping down the league - probably the worst situation to be in given we have an unproven manager.
  5. [quote user="Mind the gap"]I realise it fitted most peoples agenda. Just not mine. For me,all this fury building up is born out of the myth that this squad is something special. I don''t see how it is. [/quote]It is a very good Championship squad, we have strikers who can score, strong defenders & goalie, and proven midfielders at this level.  We probably lack a decent ball player in midfield, and options wide.Football is not only about having decent players at your disposal, you have to organise those players into an effective unit, playing to a style which will maximise the players potential.  At the moment this is where we are failing.
  6. [quote user="The Butler"][quote user="Tim Dawson"]8 wins, 4 draws and only two defeats since taking charge of a side that was heading only one way, case closed .......[/quote] There is a well known poster on this site who will tell you that as Norwich beat Bolton then Adams MUST be a better manager[:D] [/quote]Only a fool will form an opinion of a manager based on a single result.
  7. [quote user="nutty nigel"]Agreed Foggy but he was injured. I keep asking this but can anybody who was at the game confirm the impression I got from the radio commentary that Phelan kept trying to motivate Hooper from the tec area?[/quote]Then perhaps Lafferty up top with Hooper.  Sounds like Adams was determined to play Howson, Wes and Redmond - and thus five in midfield. Even this puts Wes out left where he is generally less effective, and the very ordinary Howson gets the key spot behind the striker, despite being the least creative of the three.Neil Adams still hasn''t found a system, tactics or style of play that best suits his squad - very worrying.
  8. [quote user="Bor Bor Bor"][quote user="Yellow Messiah"]He ignored Gary Hooper for most of the season, in favour of a player who is much inferior to Callum Wilson, who he brilliantly decided not to sign.[/quote]Hooper got his chance today.  He appears to have justified Adams''s decision to ignore him.[/quote]Gary Hooper has 4 goals and 5 assists from his last 7 games.  However, Gary Hooper looks lost when up front on his own, but then we already knew that from last season. If Adams wanted to play a lone striker, he should have picked Grabban who looks the part in that role.
  9. I was surprised to see Hooper up top alone, when has that ever worked for us... 
  10. Both could probably do with being out on loan this season.Looks like Jacob could do with taking things a bit more seriously...
  11. His conclusion:  If you get relegated, get yourselves back up as quickly as humanly possible. It only gets harder.
  12. A few players are coming through, some out on loan.  Josh Murphy has been given a few chances. Jacob Murphy is playing for Blackpool on loan. Jamar Loza has been on loan to a few clubs. Harry Toffolo is at Swindon, Carlton Morris is at York.If we get even one or two regulars out of these, it will be a success for the club.
  13. [quote user="morty"]Much the same as Hoolahan, his inclusion means that you have to sacrifice something else to accommodate him.[/quote]And Bradley Johnson, on performances like yesterday you have to do a lot more defending with him in the side - as he gave the ball back to Reading 27 times through misplaced passes. 
  14. [quote user="chicken"]In many ways you could compare him directly with McCormick. The fact that we spent less than a third on a comparable player says a bit to me.[/quote]It says Fulham were mugged...  10 million quid for a 28 year old player with one decent Championship season behind him.Becchio is just as good a player, and he will be back at the club and returning from injury in the new year.
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