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king canary

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Well the protester does have a point....as democracy is in crisis....But he still shouldn't have got so close to the Labour leader on the stage...

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56 minutes ago, Hook's-Walk-Canary said:

He spoke out about the atrocities of Hamas yesterday, but he knows his core base and how they must be appeased..

Same old Labour.

That’s an interesting take, are you saying you don’t sympathise with the children on Gaza being dragged into a war with many dieing ?

If I have read this correctly, he is condemning children being involved from either side. Happy to stand corrected, but are you saying the life of a Palestinian child is worthless ?

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14 minutes ago, Well b back said:

That’s an interesting take, are you saying you don’t sympathise with the children on Gaza being dragged into a war with many dieing ?


Quick to question the  widespread reporting of the decapitation of babies in Israel while playing up the deaths of children in Gaza. I guess we know which way your bread is buttered.

Re the IDF claims of decapitated babies, those soldiers are accompanied by journalists who are seeing the body bags, but most of them aren't that keen on actually opening them up to check whether the bodies are decapitated, funnily enough.

Some have looked for themselves though.


Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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12 minutes ago, littleyellowbirdie said:

Quick to question the  widespread reporting of the decapitation of babies in Israel while playing up the deaths of children in Gaza. I guess we know which way your bread is buttered.

Re the IDF claims of decapitated babies, those soldiers are accompanied by journalists who are seeing the body bags, but most of them aren't that keen on actually opening them up to check whether the bodies are decapitated, funnily enough.

Some have looked for themselves though.


My bread is not buttered either way, my concern was for children of both sides, 

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2 minutes ago, Well b back said:

My bread is not buttered either way, my concern was for children of both sides, 

How very worthy of you. Odd you only question the validity of reports of deaths of children in one direction though.

Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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4 minutes ago, littleyellowbirdie said:

How very worthy of you. Odd you only question the validity of reports of deaths of children in one direction though.

Suggest you open your eyes and stop making s*** up, was I not saying ( my quote is below ) that I doubt the Israeli’s did actually use chemical weapons.

Both sides are making claims, but as yet there is no evidence to support the story you have shown, or that the Palestinians are claiming Israel are using chemical weapons. 




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10 minutes ago, Well b back said:

Suggest you open your eyes and stop making s*** up, was I not saying ( my quote is below ) that I doubt the Israeli’s did actually use chemical weapons.

Both sides are making claims, but as yet there is no evidence to support the story you have shown, or that the Palestinians are claiming Israel are using chemical weapons. 




I think you should watch this report by the CNN reporter I cited and reconsider whether your skepticism about the decapitated children is all that rational or reasonable in the circumstances.



Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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Just now, littleyellowbirdie said:

I think you should watch this and reconsider whether your skepticism about the decapitated children is all that rational in the circumstances.



Stop making s*** up about me there’s a good little boy.

I never said either did or didn’t make it up. I said until there is evidence and if there is now evidence then fair enough. I doubt wether Israel used chemical weapons, but that is what is being claimed. Both are equally horrifying and any baby or child would be an innocent party, from either side. So yes I stand by my remarks and I pray for the children of both sides who have been dragged into this as they are all innocent parties.

Several photos, videos, and claims on social media allege that Israeli forces are using white phosphorous on the civilian population of Gaza.

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10 minutes ago, Well b back said:

Stop making s*** up about me there’s a good little boy.

I never said either did or didn’t make it up. I said until there is evidence and if there is now evidence then fair enough. I doubt wether Israel used chemical weapons, but that is what is being claimed. Both are equally horrifying and any baby or child would be an innocent party, from either side. So yes I stand by my remarks and I pray for the children of both sides who have been dragged into this as they are all innocent parties.

Several photos, videos, and claims on social media allege that Israeli forces are using white phosphorous on the civilian population of Gaza.

Stop being a sorry excuse for a Hamas apologist, you twonk. There's overwhelming evidence of indiscriminate slaughter of unarmed Israeli civilians of all ages at close range. In contrast, there's nothing supporting these claims of use of white phosphorus, which are patently absurd given the massive advantage the Israeli military has and the fact that, if it was true, it would be a threat to political support from the West.

Jeremy Bowen from the village itself with a video report. But maybe he's into fake news now or the BBC has done a deep fake...


Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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6 hours ago, Yellow Fever said:

The truth is the first casualty of war.

What this debate needs is clear and calm heads. Anyway, here's Birdie, ffs.🤨

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2 hours ago, Herman said:

What this debate needs is clear and calm heads. Anyway, here's Birdie, ffs.🤨

Calm heads... How calm were those waving Palestinian flags outside Labour conference shouting 'shame on you' at a lone Jewish Labour member in response to the ongoing news of unarmed Israeli civilians being massacred indiscriminately with machine guns, RPGs, and machetes by Hamas militants, would you say?

The indifference to this sort of obvious support of up close and indiscriminate mass slaughter, mowing unarmed people down as they ran away, speaks volumes.

Credit to Keir Starmer for keeping them out of the hall at least.

Edited by littleyellowbirdie
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17 hours ago, Nik Vawn said:

I was excited at the prospect of the Blair Government, this doesn’t feel the same, but I am a lot older 😁

Blair's real problem was getting WAY too deep into Bush's Marmite motorway and blindly following Bush into Iraq. He did have an odd obsession with spin but it was going into Iraq on a barrage of lies that sent him clean off the rails. Think he thought his success in Kosovo and Sierra Leone justified more interventional military aid and got him a proper Messiah complex, then he dropped the ball on domestic matters.

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3 hours ago, Herman said:

What this debate needs is clear and calm heads. Anyway, here's Birdie, ffs.🤨

It's far too emotive at present it seems for clear heads and of course events are suiting, indeed there are those milking, certain political narratives for base ends. What of course we really need is to separate the terrorist Hamas out of Gaza without further thousands or more likely tens of thousands of deaths of innocents.

I think the Arab league meets today. That's probably the route that will eventually diffuse this.

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10 minutes ago, Yellow Fever said:

It's far too emotive at present it seems for clear heads and of course events are suiting, indeed there are those milking, certain political narratives for base ends. What of course we really need is to separate the terrorist Hamas out of Gaza without further thousands or more likely tens of thousands of deaths of innocents.

I think the Arab league meets today. That's probably the route that will eventually diffuse this.

Yes. We don't want emotion now after the brutality of these close up massacres of unarmed civilians; we want to save the emotion for the Israeli retaliation, which will be condemned in the strongest possible terms and everybody will be encouraged to be as emotional as possible, putting reason entirely aside in the villification of the Israelis.

Then we can revisit questions like whether Israel can be Jewish and a democracy, like nobody does with any other democratic state on the planet with a primary state religion.

As for the Arab League, the first port of call for its head was Vladimir Putin, whose interests are very much in seeing the situation inflamed to divert weapons away from Ukraine, since Israel has supplied shells to Ukrainian forces.


Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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14 minutes ago, littleyellowbirdie said:

Yes. We don't want emotion now after the brutality of these close up massacres of unarmed civilians; we want to save the emotion for the Israeli retaliation, which will be condemned in the strongest possible terms and everybody will be encouraged to be as emotional as possible, putting reason entirely aside in the villification of the Israelis.

Then we can revisit questions like whether Israel can be Jewish and a democracy, like nobody does with any other state on the planet with a primary state religion.

You really are an absurdity. Nobody on here supports Hamas and everybody feels nothing but outrage for what happened. 

However, unless you still want to stay in the biblical old testament bronze age mode with it's genocides I suggest you grow up. This is the time for true friends of Israel to offer it cool, candid support and advice as it threatens to lash out in understood pain. Simply making a bad situation worse, falling into the Hamas 'trap' will not help. It might make you feel better though it seems.

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Calling for photos of the severed heads of babies is a step too far even for the Pinkun Generals. As YF says we need to deal with the terrorists, without them the world would be a little more peaceful

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3 hours ago, Yellow Fever said:

You really are an absurdity. Nobody on here supports Hamas and everybody feels nothing but outrage for what happened. 

However, unless you still want to stay in the biblical old testament bronze age mode with it's genocides I suggest you grow up. This is the time for true friends of Israel to offer it cool, candid support and advice as it threatens to lash out in understood pain. Simply making a bad situation worse, falling into the Hamas 'trap' will not help. It might make you feel better though it seems.

Well said YF.

I for one am appalled by the actions of Hamas, it is an atrocity, and as I have said earlier in the thread, the humanitarian cost that will be paid by the Palestinians will be immense, Hamas knew this, the seemingly care little. Being saddened by the loss of life on both sides doesn't make anyone a terrorist sympathiser. 



Edited by Daz Sparks
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49 minutes ago, Rock The Boat said:

Calling for photos of the severed heads of babies is a step too far even for the Pinkun Generals. As YF says we need to deal with the terrorists, without them the world would be a little more peaceful

I hope you are including state terrorsim in that.

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3 minutes ago, Daz Sparks said:

Well said YF.

I for one am appalled by the actions of Hamas, it is an atrocity, and as I have said earlier in the thread, the humanitarian cost that will paid by the Palestinians will be immense, Hamas knew this, the seemingly care little. Being saddened by the loss of life on both sides doesn't make anyone a terrorist sympathiser. 



Well apparently, if you can have sympathy with the Palestinian cause but are repulsed by Hamas's actions and at the same time question some of Israel's tactics in the past, you are a looney lefty terrorist loving twonk.

If people would only look beyond WWII, the 67 and 73 wars and look at what has been happening since, we can debate this properly.

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3 hours ago, littleyellowbirdie said:

Yes. We don't want emotion now after the brutality of these close up massacres of unarmed civilians; we want to save the emotion for the Israeli retaliation, which will be condemned in the strongest possible terms and everybody will be encouraged to be as emotional as possible, putting reason entirely aside in the villification of the Israelis.

Then we can revisit questions like whether Israel can be Jewish and a democracy, like nobody does with any other democratic state on the planet with a primary state religion.

As for the Arab League, the first port of call for its head was Vladimir Putin, whose interests are very much in seeing the situation inflamed to divert weapons away from Ukraine, since Israel has supplied shells to Ukrainian forces.


I don't know what has got into you but the LYB who we could debate with is becoming very bitter and twisted and unwilling to see both sides of any argument let alone this one.

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14 minutes ago, keelansgrandad said:

I don't know what has got into you but the LYB who we could debate with is becoming very bitter and twisted and unwilling to see both sides of any argument let alone this one.

Most of the pro Palestinian lobby waving their flags outside the labour conference after this atrocity and harassing a lone Jewish labourite spare zero thought to the Israeli side when they accuse the Israelis of genocide and being an apartheid state. That's why I feel no doubt when I make the opposing case in terms far less hyperbolic than that.

Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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Now this, music to my ears...



Sir Keir Starmer vowed to “bulldoze through” Nimby opposition to new developments and get Britain building again as he set out his plan to grow the economy.The Labour leader said he would “fight the blockers” and restore the lost dream of home ownership by ordering the construction of 1.5 million houses.He used his party conference speech on Tuesday to warn that the growth of Nimbyism – those who subscribe to the “not in my back yard” ideology – meant an ever smaller number of people “hold a veto over British aspiration”


Edited by king canary
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