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  1. It was the beginning of the dark days with several appointments that still send shivers down my spine ! None more so than the Loanee period of Roeder !
  2. I think there was a strong feeling at the time that Walker inherited a very strong Dave Stringer team, but it is strange that he rarely gets a mention. Maybe it was the manner of his leaving to Everton that causes this feeling towards him, cant think of another recent manager who left in the same fashion !
  3. Great , will need to score 2 now as he always seems to give a Pen against us !
  4. I remember when Benno played there before when we had an injury crisis at the back,couple of season back I think .Didnt let us down then and certainly didnt today. I like him there reminders me of a player called Culverhouse who played there..whatever happened to him?
  5. Also, thinking about them loans of Bent, Ince and co. Very good point Jimmy...I would presume they have made sure they were available but.....
  6. What is it with refs now wanting to be mates with players, Smiling, winking, joking ,highfiving (which apparently happened after Middlesbourogh game,wasnt there had to leave before getting chucked out I was so wound up!) is not acceptable in any circumstance and as much as I thought Webb could be a tit at least he never tried to make friends. If he did smile and wink at our supporters then he should be spoken to and cautioned by the police for crowd indictment. PeePoor Refs have cost us all this year, I have no complaints about Grabben going as there is movement and you cant do that, but equally holding a player in a headlock as least deserves a talking to.
  7. I presume Mickey Turner cant play against us next week ?
  8. The media have been getting hard on for Bournemouth all season....bit like Swansea in all the years the in the Prem. All a bit boring but at least it keeps us under the radar.
  9. Not to mention that Ayala was a total sicknote, Surman not a lot better.
  10. Whatever....I should think that every Mic was turned down as far as it would go. The noise level round me directed at a Pillock of a ref and pathetic timewasters from Boro would had made most of it unbroadcastable before the watershed !.
  11. Excellent report Ricardo, No complaints about result as they did the job needed. The ref left a very sour taste but I dont blame the Boro Players if he was letting get away with it. You put the smile back on my face with the comment "loud cries for a penalty on eighty minutes but unless the Boro player actually picked the ball up and signed it with a felt tip pen we all knew that Mr. Madeley would wave it away."
  12. He was a total idiot. Even though I dont feel the Wes penalty was borderline (in otherwords seen them given) I assumed he had a better view than me. Looking at his view it looked even more like there was some contact.. I understand the need to stop play with a player injured and in someways if we have the ball we should kick it out. But when a they keep going down with no one around them then why should our player do so. The one where we had a 4-5 touches and the moved the ball to the other side of the pitch attacking was a disgrace. I was so narked this morning I almost happy to stay out of the Premiershit just to avoid idiots like him week in week out. (but one for a minute)
  13. Give it a week and ask again. You might pick one up from people with weak hearts or anxiety. Wont need to cut my fingernails this week that for sure.
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