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  1. Joe Hart had a lot of praise for Angus. I guess they probably know eachother from their Man City days. He deserved the praise, good game.
  2. Seen a few transfer rumors around him going to either Brentford or Palace for around £20 million. Is this an inflated price purely based on his brother being the best midfielder in the world right now? For an 18 year old his stats are decent, 7 goals and 1 assist for 23/24 but that's not a 20 million pound player. I know Sara is 6 years older, but with 13 goals and 12 assists for 23/24 he must be sold for £30 million + should he be sold this window using the same logic.
  3. Like many Norwich fans I'm really not that bothered about not achieving promotion this season, we're not ready for the prem and it would have been embarrassing. Regarding our valuable assists (Rowe, Sara, Sargent, Gunn, Sainz) if they really believe they're ready for the prem then let them go. Based on last night they're nowhere near ready. I feel sorry for Gunn, I was watching a championship podcast a few weeks ago and they mentioned that Angus had not made a single error all season and then unfortunately he made two mistakes in a crucial game. Sara for me shows brilliance but far too often this season has gone missing. Sargent is injury prone and not clinical enough for the prem. (Fantastic in the championship). Rowe is still very young and could do with more games under his belt before a move to a prem club IMO. Sainz, by far our best player of 2024, no idea why he was left on the bench. Should stay as he came to us as a championship club. The golf between prem and championship is bigger than ever, you can now survive the prem with 27 points, remember when it was 40 points for safety. Unless something changes for promoted clubs then it's only going to get worse, I bet Sheffield United fans can't wait for next season where they might actually see their team winning again.
  4. Although I haven't loved Wagner's style of play. I don't think he deserves to be sacked. I'm sure his objective was to finish top 6 which is what he has achieved. Anything else is a bonus and he's got us to the second leg against a team full of prem players and we're still in it. In any other job if you achieved your primary goal and then over achieved you will not be losing your job. My bet is that Wagner is here come kick off next season.
  5. Webber was with his kids. Both had Norwich kits on. I heard he grew up a leeds fan, however I'm sure he wanted a Norwich win, especially as he was responsible for all the signings bar Sid.
  6. Stuart Webber was in the South Stand. I believe he's a Leeds fan. On a positive note, glad he's recovered from his illness.
  7. Sainz up top. Rowe in his preferred LW position and Fassnact on the Right.
  8. We have finally matched them with 43 wins vs 43 defeats. Considering how much they bang on about their glory days, roll back the clock 15 years and it would have been 35 wins vs 43 defeats 🙂 Let's hope come May it will be 45 wins
  9. Maddison looked so good for England last night. Instantly started making defense splitting passes and what an assist for the goal. I generally believe he is less selfish than other players and would rather assist than take all the glory.
  10. We will never employ the same scheme. Remember Delia still has her 2 season tickets outside the directors box that I guess are never used.
  11. Thanks for explaining that. I did see that it said phase 1 on the fixtures list which confused me.
  12. I don't know if it's been mentioned already. The Scottish Prem finishes on the 13th April. We have a further 3 fixtures and possibly play offs. Are we able to play Idah? Could be in a hot streak of form by then.
  13. Today I've added my son to the waiting list as he's showing more interest recently in going (he's 7). I will have to to give up my central seat as there are no concessionary price in the area. Hopefully we'll be able to get 2 together in block J which is still pretty central.
  14. Any chance of getting flags elsewhere in the ground? I sit in the South Stand. This it would look pretty good IMO.
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