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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Bad news from Coventry with the Robins situation. Seems he''s been offered 3x the amount he had at Cov! It''s a real mess over there
  2. No. None that are in our price range anyway. Paying anything over 5million for a championship player is criminal and I hope that Norwich never fall into the category of clubs that have more money than sense.
  3. We should start playing our strongest available team again: Bunn Whittaker Bassong Turner Garrido Tettey snodgrass hoolahan pilkington becchio holt
  4. I don''t think we will either. But I do think we''l get sucked into this battle.
  5. Thats all fair but even during the unbeaten run we didnt score that many. I''m worried, but not negative. Really hoping Chris can pull us through
  6. I have to agree with the subject. They are closing the game and we don''t seem to be able to score at the moment. We still need to win games to stay up but how do we expect to win if we cant score? Bit worried. Think we might just turn it around but fear we''l get sucked in.
  7. Thought Chris Martin would suit a stint at Coventry. Could do with another striker after losing Mcgoldrick and Cody on loan
  8. [quote user="Jim Smith"][quote user="Nick"]It''s getting a bit worrying now that Villa seemed to have turned a corner. The gap is now 6 points whereas before the villa game it was 8[/quote] To be fair beating West Ham at home is hardly "turning a corner." They are a very poor side away from home, and don''t really have much to play for as they should get enough points at home to stay up. I always fully expected Villa to win that game and if any of our relegation rivals are playing West Ham at home for the remainder of the season we should expect a similar outcome. In fact the only one of the relegation condidates who probably would not beat them at home is us as we would settle for a dull 0-0 draw on the basis that "these are a good side with great players."[/quote] Thing is though we don''t seem to be picking up many points either. They are catching us up whatever way you look at it
  9. Great, thanks! Will have to be quick I bet
  10. sorry if this has been posted elsewhere but can someone tell me if man united is going on general sale? Thanks very much
  11. It''s getting a bit worrying now that Villa seemed to have turned a corner. The gap is now 6 points whereas before the villa game it was 8
  12. turned a good team into a poor team? We were a poor team when we 10 games unbeaten then?
  13. I think both teams were scared to lose. It doesn''t matter anyhow because the gap is opening.
  14. We played okay. We might have snatched it in the end. They barely had a sniff all game in fairness.
  15. oh do shut up. It really doesn''t matter aslong as we''re opening the gap on the bottom 3. We are doing that.
  16. Alot of Fulham fans think they play better without berbatov. Yes he is a threat, but offers little else. The team kind of have to carry him
  17. Played for his country last night so it looks like he should be back for Saturday after injury. Bit of a blow, one of the most underrated centre backs in the Prem I think!
  18. I think this is a great idea! Fans aren''t stupid, they know its a way of inducing revenue but thats part of supporting the club isn''t it? Id pay more than 2 quid aswell! Is there anything we as fans can do to get this in place?
  19. Kamara isn''t a striker. We have 3 natural strikers. Not enough! Need Chris martin back
  20. The only reason why it doesn''t get any attention is because he deserves it.
  21. Think hes more interested in playing in the premier league than playing for Norwich!
  22. So we have 3 first team strikers. And you''re all happy to see Chris Martin loaned out to Derby? heads gone
  23. I''ll reiterate. Mcnally has said Kei should be available for saturday.
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