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  1. Also, i''d heard that the clubs had reached an agreement to provide more tickets than the usual 2,000 allocation for Norwich this season. It was the Old Bill who refused to agree to the decision, due to worries about trouble.Whether that''s true or not, i can''t say.
  2. As far as i''m aware, the 10% figure is only for FA Cup games. All league matches, whether Premier or Football League, the allocation is down to the home club.
  3. He''s not good enough to warrant breaking up a winning side for.
  4. You''re absolutely right.Still, any excuse to take the piss out of the binmen. It''s good enough for me.
  5. We''re technically top from the minute the game kicks off. Only changes if we go behind. If we go behind by 4, they''re top. But that''s not going to happen!
  6. Always worth a repost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jIrua-A0AERicky would''ve been standing on the edge of the box with his hands on his hips worrying about his hair, rather than making the run to get on the end of that pass from Fox. We saw absolutely nothing to suggest otherwise.
  7. [quote user="Indy_Bones"][quote user="norfolkngood"]good god you had me worried I thought we had resigned him ![/quote]Seconded.Funny how that purple patch he had at the end of the 10/11 season is enough to make some fans forget the god awful 4 goals in 32 games he was on before that little run...(and that includes a TWENTY game run with absolutely no goals).Amazing how a similarly poor level of performance from RVW at a higher level was enough to convince some he should leave, but a similarly poor level of performance at an even lower level (and with much better support than RVW ever got) is enough for some to extol the virtues of Jackson!Laughable really...[/quote]Couldn''t give a damn what he did or didn''t do in the previous games he played for us - i''ll always love the guy for THAT goal.RVW didn''t even come close to matching a moment like that, so your point is moot.As a City fan, comparing the two is laughable. Get back to playing FIFA, fella.
  8. He was a bit of a fan favourite at Villa, i believe, so he obviously offers something. Though i can''t say i know much about him.
  9. Mentioned this on another thread, and i know someone else tried with no luck, but if anyone is going, and is taking an under-16 with them into the family enclosure, i would massively appreciate if you''d let me meet you before the game so i, or a friend, can sneak into the family enclosure with you.Will happily reimburse you a few pints!
  10. I''ve got a mate in the exact same boat. He''s only about 5 and half foot tall though, so if he shaves off his beard he might be able to pass as a kid and you''ll both be sorted.
  11. [quote user="Monty burns"]History tells us that slow starts very rarely result in promotion..just frustration[/quote]We failed to win the first game of any of our last three promotion seasons, so not sure how valid your comment there is.I''m not sure how valid the majority of the whinging being done by some on this forum is, for that matter.
  12. Try parking at the Fat Cat & Canary pub. There should be spaces available at that sort of time, and they don''t charge. Great place to drink before and after the game too - and away friendly.
  13. I managed to get a single adult ticket in the Family Enclosure by buying it online yesterday morning. Wasn''t aware of the necessity of having a child with you - but if that''s true it''s not my problem as the ticket is for a friend.
  14. He seems to be going backwards, for me.There''s clearly a good player in there somewhere, his England U21 form shows that. But i''m beginning to doubt if we''ll ever see it consistently in a City shirt.Would be very tempted to cash in for the right money.
  15. Kids and those old enough to know better who spend the entire 90 minutes staring at their phones. I can understand checking other scores every now and again, but if you''re posting a play by play account of the match on Twitter, stay at home and watch a soddin'' stream.
  16. There''s only two byes, so they go to the teams who got relegated from the Premier League in 19th and 18th position. The side that comes bottom has to play in the first round.
  17. The owner''s a brave man. All i remember of that place from the mid-90s is it getting trashed every derby game.
  18. Back to the OP, how about option 3, and Wolf has an average season? Far the most likely scenario, in my eyes. He''s clearly crap, but he''ll be playing in a weak league. Say 13, 14 goals, and a transfer value of about 4.5 million. If, of course, the reports are to be believed.As to the bickering that''s taken over the thread - i couldn''t give a damn how much the parachute payments are or how many years they''re spread over. But it seems pretty obvious to me that the lion''s share of the money we''ve gained has been used to keep our squad together, as much as possible. We''ve lost just one of the decent players we had last season, in Snoddy, and gained good money for him. That deal made sense for all parties involved. Other than him, no one of note has left.Fair play to the board, as far as i''m concerned.
  19. I should still have some copies of Ferry Cross the Wensum from the mid 90s, and i''ve got most of the Y''Army editions somewhere too. I''ll see if i can hunt them down for you.
  20. After his performances last season, i''d be staggered if any manager with any sense* would come in for him.Leroy is admittedly brilliant on his day, but a liability when he''s not. And, from what we''ve seen so far, he''s not on his day at least half the time he plays.You can''t afford to have passengers in your team in the Premier League. That''s precisely what cost us last season.I''d be happy enough to see him go, however - give me the less talented but consistent 7/10 Jonno and Tettey every time.* Obviously this doesn''t rule out QPR and ''arry.
  21. There''s far too few mentions of Keith Briggs and Paul Heckingbottom in this thread.Zema Abbey too, for me. Every time i saw him play he seemed to miss an open goal.
  22. Said it on another thread yesterday, but i''ll be happy enough with a push at a playoff spot, playoffs the season after, and promotion within 3.
  23. What''s to fear? I''ll be at Carrow Road in subsequent seasons regardless of what happens.But i will be realistic.We were relegated for a reason. The squad isn''t good enough and needs a lot of work. As i said, promotion in 3 years is my target.But each to their own, and i certainly hope you''re right and i''ve got it hopelessly wrong.
  24. I love the confidence......Reminds me of those ''On loan to Division One - One season only'' shirts that were sold back in 95.
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