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Everything posted by Ramrod

  1. The Clubs in a pickle We''re in a pickle for sure And no one wants to watch us play They''d rather be propping the bar This could be.....................
  2. It could be Rotherham or anywhere Liverpool or Rome Cos'' Rotherham is anywhere anywhere alone................... with the radio at home du! du!
  3. It is a high bench at Millmoor and Worthy is concerned Earnie might injure his lower back with his legs dangling (office type injury).
  4. Your Avatar just about sums you up Blah. While others are posting pictures of attractive women (or attractive bits of women) although one or two could do with a bit of toning, you put up an avatar of an old git gurning. You just want to be contrary don''t you? Its the same with the Worthington debate and explains why you argue against others but never post constructively.
  5. Perhaps you just don''t have anything to contribute. Why blame others if you cannot find anything worthwhile to say except that you don''t come on here much. Prehaps you are just part of the natural wastage?
  6. I saw, ''medio-city'' too Saint and believe it is a sign.
  7. Is the lady with the quizzical look your missus Greeno? If so, why isn''t she on my ''Get Yer Avatars Out Thread?''
  8. Why do you presume Mrs. Rod is not my partner Marty? I have never questioned Mrs. Marty or even Mrs. Rossi, what is it about me which makes you doubt the bona-fides of my good lady?
  9. Just seen a press release from The Vatican. The Pope is apparently refusing to apologise for quoting a passage from St. Hubert a 12th century hermit from Winfarthing who said: ''Canaries of the leather ball are doomed to eternal mediocity through prudence!'' I''m outraged by this, even though it is 900 year old quote in an academic paper. Who else is outraged?
  10. A bit early for such negativity isn''t it Hucker? I know I''ve been away but, come on, let''s all try to be positive.
  11. Fair post and good perspective, Saint. Now do something about that boring avatar will you?
  12. Well hello one and all, Ramrod here, back from the Carribean and firing on all cylinders. Looks like City have been misfiring while Mrs. Rod and I have been away, anyway...... Mrs. Rod, having worked so hard to get in shape now has a tan to go with her improved shape...and shows her improved form on Montego Bay while we all hope City show some improved form at Rotherham tmorrow. Thank god for a bit of avatar fun in such as miserable week. Come on everyone....get yer avatars out!
  13. Marty, wrote: Yes Molly (black piggie) does have a parting, she has rather wild hair, difficult to get a good pic of her since she is black, but to be honest not sure people were looking at her anyway! You know, Marty, I was sure she had her whiskers parted, thank you for thee confirmation. Fat Barman, Mrs. Rod is absolutely delighted at your calling her a ''wildcat'' she has been purring and preening ever since. Mrs. Rod and I are going off somewhere nice and tropical for a couple of weeks now: she had it as an incentive to get in shape, so keep up the good work everyone and I''ll post a nice holiday snap when I get back.
  14. Have you considered changing your name to something like ''MacKenzie''s acrimonious departure?''
  15. She''s finally got there, after he extreem makeover it''s the new Mrs. Rod.
  16. That is a classic Mello post. You, Sir, are an original.
  17. If you go to Ashburton Grove, Chicken, there are a lot more signs telling you it is ''The Emirates Stadium'' than there are telling you it is the home of Arsenal. Thanks for your kind comments too Dizzy.
  18. Congratulations Foghorn, you are testing my patience. I see you have now created a kangaroo court. This whole debate does throw up the necessity to clarify the whole issueof racism in general and racism in football in particular. I really think the Club need to ''inform'' on this whole area so not only can the law be understood but also so the issue itself can be understood. Paul, read and try to understand my original post and then question your own attitudes and understanding. You have been brainwashed by the politically correct and the media, sorry, but you and others are way off beam on this issue; and no, I am not talking about this specific case I am talking about racism and other forms of abuse which basically utilise the same methods and traits.
  19. MacKenzie seems to be disrespecting his former team mates above all else. There seem to have been tensions there and the man is clearly a bridge burner.
  20. Crikey, intelligent and informative posts.......whatever next?
  21. Paul, the specific issue in question is clear and well made out, what I was referring to was your understanding of the issue as a whole, you keep making contradictory remarks and giving examples which you think are justifiable when in the literal sense they are not. Let''s not go overboard about this but please consider the bigger picture, on the examples you have given and with the tolerance threshold you set you might find yourself banned from FCR for expressing them. Don''t for get too that you are probably the chief denigrator of a midfielder who didn''t sign himself and who has been so derided I am amazed at his strength of character to carry on. He had a poor first season here but is guilty of nothing more.
  22. Norwich will definatey need some variation although I can see nothing wrong with Doc going up front late in games.
  23. And there was me thinking you were a Cockley Cley boy, SOB.
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