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Crossdressing Canary

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Everything posted by Crossdressing Canary

  1. I have no idea whether Jordan Rhodes would be a good signing for us. What I do know is that if he does sign, the fact that he played 10 games for Ipswich 10 years ago would have absolutely no effect on my reaction to him when he pulled on the Norwich colours. Anyone who has a problem with his past association with them in blue is simply a parochial bigot. And Waveney’s reaction is rather surprising, given his comments accusing others of racism. Or perhaps not surprising at all-I wonder what other prejudices he has. Can’t wait for the improved forum with the ignore button.
  2. I''m not sure where this idea that most people are ok with anyone being LGBT is coming from-they''re not. The number of LGB people who have experienced hate crimes/incidents per year increased by 80% from 2013 to 2017. 41% of Trans people have experienced a hate crime/incident in the last 12 months. I''m a B in the LGBT and I haven''t come out, and I''m not surprised that no current footballer has come out either.
  3. I think I saw you in the Catherine Wheel last week Leatherman-hope you had fun.
  4. Apologies to Rock The Boat, I assumed your comment about mental health was a derogatory one towards transgenders but you obviously know what you''re talking about.
  5. Well, I''m glad one bigot has outed himself Your card is marked from now on.
  6. [quote user="Rock The Boat"][quote user="KiwiScot"]This might sound a bit random, but I learned today that saying Chicks with Dicks is transphobic and you should just say woman or at most trans woman.[/quote] I would just call them mentally ill.[/quote] I do hope that''s a joke pal 😡😡😡
  7. [quote user="lake district canary"][quote user="daly"]Bloody hell the world has gone mad when you cannot call a black man a Black Man. Had it been the woman with the pink hair then I would have said the woman with the Pink hair/Pigtails/Warts etc[/quote]You can''t win, daly. The politically correct lobby want everyone to stop seeing what they are seeing, stop thinking what they are thinking and stop saying anything about what they are seeing or thinking. Only safe thing to do nowadays is for everyone to not to say anything to anybody about anything...... [/quote] Absolutely not-the politically correct lobby want an end to people being defined by their sex, race, religion, gender, colour or sexuality.
  8. You''ll be waiting a long time for that around Norfolk Number 9.
  9. No problem with same sex marriages, but women vicars? That''s immoral. Although Katie Hopkins would be ok, she would easily pass for a man.
  10. Good call Daly, although I prefer hold-ups or a body stocking.
  11. Never mind the meet up before, what about after? I''m going to Pink Punters, anyone else fancy it?
  12. Just for Treacle, how about this song, to the tune of "In the Navy". Yellow Army, We love Wesley Hoolahan, Yellow Army, Play him every game you can, Yellow Army, On the left or in the hole, Yellow Army, Yellow Army. I can get hold of 5 outfits, I''ll wear one, let Treacle have another, then we just need 3 more Macho Men.
  13. Oh Treacle, you''re making me laugh so much, my sides are splitting, it''s a good job I''m wearing my corset.
  14. Presumably you object to any of the songs that we sing to the tune of ''Go West'' by the Pet Shop Boys as well treacletown? Anyway, if you''re going to the Charlton game let me know where you are sitting and I''ll blow you a kiss.
  15. I''m not sure that i agree with Iwan''s Big Toe''s comment but it was well argued and deserved more than Splutcho''s f***wit comment. Splutcho, if you''re going to set yourself up as a semi-official admin on another NCFC message board then perhaps you should have a look at yourself on this thread.
  16. This makes his comments about there being "too many gays" in Camden, when he was the UKIP candidate for London Mayor, and claiming to stand for "traditional family values and family life", all the more hard to understand.
  17. I used to watch darts years ago, Rocket Rod Harrington was my favourite as I loved the fact that he wore a tie when he was playing. Watched the final with my brothers last night, wanted Van Gerwen to win but he was outclassed. Used to watch golf and snooker a lot too, now can''t stand them.
  18. Anyone got any illogical dislikes? Things you can''t stand but don''t know why, or you do know why but the reason is pretty rubbish? Let off steam on here, instead of getting involved in the petty vendettas on the Norwich City discussion threads. I''ll start off with a couple: Beards-don''t like them, almost universally not suited to the person who wears one-this one is pretty illogical, as naturally all males-and some females-would be sporting them unless they shaved. Hats-again, don''t like them-even functional ones- partly because I don''t look good in any, but partly because I don''t think anyone else looks good in them either. Over to you.
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