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    St.John Cooper

    Mcnally Tweet Howson is staying and was never for sale

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    He was also going to fight tooth and nail to keep Lambert too... word to the wise Mr mcnally... Don''t open your mouth and you can''t put your foot in it..

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    [quote user="jas the barclay king"]He was also going to fight tooth and nail to keep Lambert too... word to the wise Mr mcnally... Don''t open your mouth and you can''t put your foot in it..[/quote]Umm... Have I missed something but hasn''t he rejected Aston Villas approach, then rejected Lamberts resignation.. Can you clarify what else he can do?I can''t think of another instance where a board have rejected a managers resignation.. so I''d say as far as footballing terms go he is fighting tooth and nail..

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    Fighting tooth and nail isn''t just closing your eyes, covering your ears and shouting "no".If he wanted to keep Lambert, he needed to convince Lambert his future was here. He would have given him something more like the budget he felt he needed.In reality, Lambert is going to a club with the ambition to compete at the top end of the league. Our ambition is to stay in the league, but pay off some debt.I suspect McNally knew he couldn''t match Lambert''s ambitions, and wanted to put on a show of "fighting" club, rather than rolling over.As has been stated elsewhere today, under previous leaders, this strategy would have been roundly slated.However we have all been trained to understand that we don''t really deserve to be in this league, we''re lucky just to have a club!

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    Fuck me. How many more times?

    Lambert was backed to the maximum by the board. This is not their fault. He can''t just pull piles of cash out of his arsehole can he?

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    [quote user="Pudd"]Fighting tooth and nail isn''t just closing your eyes, covering your ears and shouting "no".If he wanted to keep Lambert, he needed to convince Lambert his future was here. He would have given him something more like the budget he felt he needed.In reality, Lambert is going to a club with the ambition to compete at the top end of the league. Our ambition is to stay in the league, but pay off some debt.I suspect McNally knew he couldn''t match Lambert''s ambitions, and wanted to put on a show of "fighting" club, rather than rolling over.As has been stated elsewhere today, under previous leaders, this strategy would have been roundly slated.However we have all been trained to understand that we don''t really deserve to be in this league, we''re lucky just to have a club![/quote]What a load of trollop.Firstly you, like I know nothing for sure about why Lambert resigned. You''re speculating.The only thing I do know for sure if that money doesn''t grow on trees. This club by its own admission was on the verge of financial meltdown. That was clear by the hiring of Bryan Gunn. We''re just getting away from that now but yet somehow you and various other anti McNally tools think it would be a good idea for the club to get itself deeper into debt to keep a manager who''s head was turned by Aston Villa.. Yes ASTON EFFING VILLA...Do you not just think that McNally thought if I can''t keep PL here over Villa then I''m fighting a losing battle.I''m just glad we have McNally in charge and not muppets who think the answer to any problem is to throw money at it > Portsmouth, Notts County, Rangers, etc etc etc

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    [quote user="Pudd"]Fighting tooth and nail isn''t just closing your eyes, covering your ears and shouting "no".If he wanted to keep Lambert, he needed to convince Lambert his future was here. He would have given him something more like the budget he felt he needed.In reality, Lambert is going to a club with the ambition to compete at the top end of the league. Our ambition is to stay in the league, but pay off some debt.I suspect McNally knew he couldn''t match Lambert''s ambitions, and wanted to put on a show of "fighting" club, rather than rolling over.As has been stated elsewhere today, under previous leaders, this strategy would have been roundly slated.However we have all been trained to understand that we don''t really deserve to be in this league, we''re lucky just to have a club![/quote]What a load of trollop.Firstly you, like I know nothing for sure about why Lambert resigned. You''re speculating.The only thing I do know for sure if that money doesn''t grow on trees. This club by its own admission was on the verge of financial meltdown. That was clear by the hiring of Bryan Gunn. We''re just getting away from that now but yet somehow you and various other anti McNally tools think it would be a good idea for the club to get itself deeper into debt to keep a manager who''s head was turned by Aston Villa.. Yes ASTON EFFING VILLA...Do you not just think that McNally thought if I can''t keep PL here over Villa then I''m fighting a losing battle.I''m just glad we have McNally in charge and not muppets who think the answer to any problem is to throw money at it > Portsmouth, Notts County, Rangers, etc etc etc

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    [quote user="Mr Brownstone"]Fuck me. How many more times? Lambert was backed to the maximum by the board. This is not their fault. He can''t just pull piles of cash out of his arsehole can he?[/quote]


    I must say Mr Brownstone, that I couldn''t have put in any more succintly than you have here. Well said Sir/Madam (delete as appropriate)

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    [quote user="AndyCanary"]What a load of trollop.Firstly you, like I know nothing for sure about why Lambert resigned. You''re speculating.[/quote]I know enough to say without doubt that Lambert currently has footballing ambitions greater than those of our club.I don''t know what''s gone on behind closed doors recently, but I do know Lambert recently stated the club targetted a 17th place finish next season and he has higher targets himself. I also know that Villa have hyped up their ambitions stating they need someone that shares that ambition.You can rubbish my opinion all you like, but, I have it on very good word, that Lambert was told he can only spend as much this summer as he did last. He has been unsatisified by this, as he wants to push on more. He knows he can do this elsewhere.I''m not saying McNally should blow the bank to keep him. Letting him go is probably in the best long term interests of the club and it fits in the prudent approach the club has adopted over recent years.My point is, we were never going to be able to fulfill Lambert''s ambitions this summer. Stating otherwise has misled people.To tempt him to stay would have involved changing our clubs entire business strategy and become far less cautious financially... which isn''t in the club''s current agenda.

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    [quote user="Gareth"][quote user="Pudd"]Some stupid shite[/quote]
    Fixed for truth.
    [/quote]Ah ha, the brains of the operation. Thanks for your input. What a knob!

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    You can''t say that the club''s ambitions don''t match Lambert''s, but it would be fair to say that the club''s finances don''t match Lambert''s ambitions, but that''s no ones fault. I''m sure the clubs ambitions are to win the Premier League and Champions League repeatedly until they rename the competitions in our honour.

    Spending money we don''t have isn''t ambitious, it''s reckless.

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    [quote user="Mr Brownstone"]You can''t say that the club''s ambitions don''t match Lambert''s, but it would be fair to say that the club''s finances don''t match Lambert''s ambitions, but that''s no ones fault. I''m sure the clubs ambitions are to win the Premier League and Champions League repeatedly until they rename the competitions in our honour.

    Spending money we don''t have isn''t ambitious, it''s reckless.[/quote]

    I like you Mr Brownstone, you talk a lot of sense.

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    [quote user="AndyCanary"][quote user="Mr Brownstone"]You can''t say that the club''s ambitions don''t match Lambert''s, but it would be fair to say that the club''s finances don''t match Lambert''s ambitions, but that''s no ones fault. I''m sure the clubs ambitions are to win the Premier League and Champions League repeatedly until they rename the competitions in our honour.

    Spending money we don''t have isn''t ambitious, it''s reckless.[/quote]

    I like you Mr Brownstone, you talk a lot of sense.[/quote]

    Second that! Unlike First Wizard and sons...

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    [quote user="Mr Brownstone"]You can''t say that the club''s ambitions don''t match Lambert''s, but it would be fair to say that the club''s finances don''t match Lambert''s ambitions, but that''s no ones fault. I''m sure the clubs ambitions are to win the Premier League and Champions League repeatedly until they rename the competitions in our honour.

    Spending money we don''t have isn''t ambitious, it''s reckless.[/quote]The club''s number one ambition is to continue to exist (perfectly understandably).The argument would be that we could pay the debt off more slowly, and invest more in the playing staff.. therefore achieving more, and bring greater financial rewards (but at a greater risk).We can''t do both, and the club is concentrating it''s efforts on the debt reduction over football investment.Norwich''s first concern is financial stability above all else. Lambert''s is football success. Villa have more money than we do.

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    [quote user="Mr Brownstone"]You can''t say that the club''s ambitions don''t match Lambert''s, but it would be fair to say that the club''s finances don''t match Lambert''s ambitions, but that''s no ones fault. I''m sure the clubs ambitions are to win the Premier League and Champions League repeatedly until they rename the competitions in our honour.

    Spending money we don''t have isn''t ambitious, it''s reckless.[/quote]

    So so true. Great post!

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    He moaned enough about the finances here, Villa are 126 million in debt and lost the 3rd highest amount in the PL last season, 56 million. Good luck with that paul

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    [quote user="Pudd"][quote user="AndyCanary"]What a load of trollop.Firstly you, like I know nothing for sure about why Lambert resigned. You''re speculating.[/quote]You can rubbish my opinion all you like, but, I have it on very good word, that Lambert was told he can only spend as much this summer as he did last. He has been unsatisified by this, as he wants to push on more. He knows he can do this elsewhere.[/quote]Well now we know you''re lying and sh!t stirring, McNally (or Bowkett) stated that we have £20-25m to spend on transfers. Stop being a pr!ck and face facts that we could offer as much as Lambert wanted.

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    No way would McNally announce how much we have to spend! He''s not stupid enough to shout it out so that prices of anyone we do want to sign straight away goes up.

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    [quote user="Lambo"]No way would McNally announce how much we have to spend! He''s not stupid enough to shout it out so that prices of anyone we do want to sign straight away goes up.[/quote]No exact amounts but he said at end of season dinner that we have £10m extra than last season''s amount to spend on transfers. I''m trying to find a link now.

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    [quote user="MorisonsProzac"]Well now we know you''re lying and sh!t stirring, McNally (or Bowkett) stated that we have £20-25m to spend on transfers. Stop being a pr!ck and face facts that we could offer as much as Lambert wanted.[/quote]

    Ok, so your argument is he left because he didn''t like it here?

    Or he just wants to go to Villa because Birmingham is a nicer place to live?

    Of he wanted to be fractionally closer to his family?

    Get a grip you tit.

    Everything that has been said publicly in the last three years points to this. If you can find the quote where McNally promised we''d spend £25 million this summer, I''ll be impressed.

    To be honest, I wouldn''t believe it... £25 million would be an insane amount for us to spend.

    btw... Last summer we were told Lambert would have all £40million to spend... not sure what happened to that.

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    Pudd, I don''t know the in''s and out''s of it all, hopefully someone will be along shortly who does, but I was under the impression that when we renegotiated the debt when we were on the brink of administration, there was a clause that stated that we had to repay it in full if we stayed up for two consecutive seasons. That would have seemed like the last thing we''d have needed to worry about at the time, but obviously it was better to have repaid some of it out of last seasons budget and some out of this coming seasons, rather than take a massive chunk out of the following seasons should we survive.

    Whatever happens, Lambert''s legacy will be as much about the club becoming debt free and securing our future as what happened on the pitch.

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    [quote user="Mr Brownstone"] ...., but obviously it was better to have repaid some of it out of last seasons budget and some out of this coming seasons, rather than take a massive chunk out of the following seasons should we survive. [/quote]

    Some of the debts were paid off in the season just ended and some of it will be paid off during the 2012-13 season. 


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    villa have done exactly that, ''hyped'' up their ambitions.its like politocs, the party in opposition can promise anything, the govt cant. lambert leaving isnt the end of the world. No one can claim paul lambert has left because of some moral stand against our lack of ambition. If he was unhappy with the money he was getting or the budget, then quit. fair enough. but you dont wait until someone makes it clear they want you then quit. if he goes to villa the simple truth is he wants to move to a ''bigger'' club,anf they are bigger then us. Not better but bigger. but i really cant sea him being given much more in budget then we have, they have huge debts, if they do then its either boom or bust, and in reality they have man u man city chelsea arsenal and spurs ahead of them by miles, success for them, will be challenging newcastle and everton for a europa league spot

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    This tweet further down has made me soo angry with some so-called fans!!!!!!!! Turning on David McNally now. Hardly his fault is it?

    Lambert has gone because of you. You offered him 6 million to spend, what do you exepct would happen. Try again. Respectfully, I dont know where you get your information from but it is entirely wrong.

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