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Arthur Whittle

NCISA And its worth.......

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What is the point of the NCISA? It was formed during the days of the chase debacle and has yet to do anything with regards to the current board even though we are now worse than those dark days of Chase. Why did this group allow Delia and MWJ to become majority shareholders even though it was stated that after Chase no one person/group would be allowed to do this. Will the NCISA take it upon them as a group to hold official protest if the majority wants them?

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[quote user="Arthur Whittle"]What is the point of the NCISA? It was formed during the days of the chase debacle and has yet to do anything with regards to the current board even though we are now worse than those dark days of Chase. Why did this group allow Delia and MWJ to become majority shareholders even though it was stated that after Chase no one person/group would be allowed to do this. Will the NCISA take it upon them as a group to hold official protest if the majority wants them?[/quote]

''No noise from the NCISA boys (and girls)''.  Come on, let''s be havin you!

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I think the way Delia and Michael have got over this is the way I read it at the time, no-one was allowed to own more than 50% of the club. As individuals, this is still the case, but as a couple it is certainly bending the rules. Chase owned about 34%, so he could be outvoted, which was the case when Chase didn''t want O''Neill, but the rest of the board did.

Can''t imagine Michael outvoting Delia, so er, where''s the democracy?

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[quote user="Lord Horn"]

''No noise from the NCISA boys (and girls)''.  Come on, let''s be havin you!


I think there''s only about 5 or 6 of the committee who post on here and the majority of them probably work full time so won''t respond until after tea time.

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Why dont you give them a chance to reply before starting caining them!?

If it has no worth why dont some of the people on here make a pinkun message board supporters group?

It could be a regular meeting to with all the latest moans and groans from the regulars, bad transfer gossip and made up stories.

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As has been stated on a number of occasions NCISA is a democratic organisation so if you don''t like the committee you can vote them off. The easiest thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and carp but not many people can be bothered to actually do something.

I myself was on the committee at the time of the chase out era and I continue to be a member. I do not have the time to commit to play a more active role so I don''t feel I am in the position to be critical of those who do. Having attended last weeks forum I would hardly describe it as an exercise in cosying up to the board.


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[quote user="eagle"]

Why dont you give them a chance to reply before starting caining them!?

If it has no worth why dont some of the people on here make a pinkun message board supporters group?

It could be a regular meeting to with all the latest moans and groans from the regulars, bad transfer gossip and made up stories.


We''ve got one - he''s called Wiz [:D]

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[quote user="PKC"]

As has been stated on a number of occasions NCISA is a democratic organisation so if you don''t like the committee you can vote them off. The easiest thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and carp but not many people can be bothered to actually do something.

I myself was on the committee at the time of the chase out era and I continue to be a member. I do not have the time to commit to play a more active role so I don''t feel I am in the position to be critical of those who do. Having attended last weeks forum I would hardly describe it as an exercise in cosying up to the board.



Any group that represents the fans and have let things get this bad, are in my humble opinion  not doing their job

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[quote user="Arthur Whittle"]What is the point of the NCISA? It was formed during the days of the chase debacle and has yet to do anything with regards to the current board even though we are now worse than those dark days of Chase. Why did this group allow Delia and MWJ to become majority shareholders even though it was stated that after Chase no one person/group would be allowed to do this. Will the NCISA take it upon them as a group to hold official protest if the majority wants them?[/quote]

Care to explain how NCISA could legally stop Delia and MWJ from converting the loans into ordinary shares in the two funding rounds prior to The Premiership season?  Didn''t hear any negative comments when that was happening from ANYONE!

It would be interesting to hear what other supporters organisations such as Capital Canaries, Northern Canaries etc. think of the situation.



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[quote user="PKC"]

As has been stated on a number of occasions NCISA is a democratic organisation so if you don''t like the committee you can vote them off. The easiest thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and carp but not many people can be bothered to actually do something.

I myself was on the committee at the time of the chase out era and I continue to be a member. I do not have the time to commit to play a more active role so I don''t feel I am in the position to be critical of those who do. Having attended last weeks forum I would hardly describe it as an exercise in cosying up to the board.



I''m not against the idea of NCISA,far from it, but i do question its worth at the moment. I''ve yet to see anyone related to it come out and question the Board as to why we are where we are I''m also interested in to why they didn''t question the purchase of majority shares by Delia and MWJ which means we can''t vote them out. It was suggested after the Chase era by the NCISA that no one would do this in future.It seems, and this is just my opinion, it lacks any really purpose and ideas with regards to the current board, rather like the current Board I''d say.

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The NCISA represents its 500 or so members.  If its members don''t want to rant and rave at the board, then the NCISA can''t, even if the people on it want to.  The other 24,000 or so haven''t been bothered enough to start an association, so we have to assume that they''re happy with things the way they are, I guess.

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I cant explain how they could of stopped them but i want to know why no one questioned this move at the time. Its something i''ve asked since i was aware of this and yet to get an answer.

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[quote user="blahblahblah"]The NCISA represents its 500 or so members.  If its members don''t want to rant and rave at the board, then the NCISA can''t, even if the people on it want to.  The other 24,000 or so haven''t been bothered enough to start an association, so we have to assume that they''re happy with things the way they are, I guess.

So whats the point of it? Formed during the Chase era to give the fans a say in the club and yet nothing when things are far worse than those days. I''m still baffled as to why nothing was said when they purchased their shares.

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For what my opinion is worth,  I believe organisations run by committees a bit gay these days.  Ultimately all they end up being are talking shops with very little getting done. OK they''re probably fine for WIs and village gardening clubs etc but larger bodies, forget it.

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Guy Gibson''s dog. stated:

For what my opinion is worth,  I believe organisations run by committees a bit gay these days.  Ultimately all they end up being are talking shops with very little getting done.

---->Well NCISA got the meeting last Thursday organised. Now what have you and the other supporter organisations achieved?

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[quote user="TangibleFixedAssetsanyone"]

Guy Gibson''s dog. stated:

For what my opinion is worth,  I believe organisations run by committees a bit gay these days.  Ultimately all they end up being are talking shops with very little getting done. ---->Well NCISA got the meeting last Thursday organised. Now what have you and the other supporter organisations achieved?

[/quote]F**k all because I''m not interested in talking shops

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For what it''s worth (in my opinion only), there simply aren''t enough members…If any of you want to exert legitimate pressure on the board, you need to organise yourselves into a collective body, lay out a simple constitution and then set about making yourself such a pain in the posterior to the board that they end up giving you ear-time… or you could simply all join the NCISA and with the massively increased numbers, John and the committee could begin to exert some real pressure on them.And if you didn''t like what John and his fellow committee members were doing, you could democratically call an EGM and vote them off (Mr Tilson might even be glad of a rest!) and then have a go yourself.Quite simple really…

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[quote user="Tangible Fixed Assets anyone"]

[quote user="Andy Larkin"] you could simply all join the NCISA and with the massively increased numbers, John and the committee could begin to exert some real pressure on them.Quite simple really… [/quote]

Well said.

[/quote]How does that work then?  A committee is a committee.  If a committee is made up of say, 8 it doesn''t matter if the members number 80, 800 or 8000.  The committee will still number 8. NCISA could exert pressure now, but it won''t because committees turn into talking shops blah blah blah.

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Its perceived clout though isn''t it?Don''t shoot the messenger, just trying the same old, tired old mantra of ''people need to get off their arse and do something rather than bleat about it'' type thing.Seriously though, how does anything gain momentum if people won''t make the effort? Old Mahatma wouldn''t have been quite so successful if it was just him and a couple of lads in sandals from Jaipuhr would he?If you wanted to, you could join the NCISA, along with a load of mates, vote the committee out, slap a ban on anything less than direct action and Bob''s your Unc etc etc. Maybe the current make up of the NCISA don''t have the desire for a more *ahem* ''adventurous approach… maybe they think there''s a better way, but they can only act on how the members vote. Wouldn''t take too many souls like yourself to join to throw the balance in your favour would it?

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[quote user="Guy Gibsons dog."]For what my opinion is worth,  I believe organisations run by committees a bit gay these days.  [/quote]


Can''t wait for Tilly''s reply to this post and thread [:)]

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[quote user="Andy Larkin"]Its perceived clout though isn''t it?Don''t shoot the messenger, just trying the same old, tired old mantra of ''people need to get off their arse and do something rather than bleat about it'' type thing.Seriously though, how does anything gain momentum if people won''t make the effort? Old Mahatma wouldn''t have been quite so successful if it was just him and a couple of lads in sandals from Jaipuhr would he?If you wanted to, you could join the NCISA, along with a load of mates, vote the committee out, slap a ban on anything less than direct action and Bob''s your Unc etc etc. Maybe the current make up of the NCISA don''t have the desire for a more *ahem* ''adventurous approach… maybe they think there''s a better way, but they can only act on how the members vote. Wouldn''t take too many souls like yourself to join to throw the balance in your favour would it?[/quote]Totally agree - one guy waving a banner made out of an old sock and a bit of newspaper is hardly going to do much than get a few giggles and people pointing at them making silly remarks - just ask Smudger.However - that said person joined by another couple of hundred people becomes a small point to be made, joined by thousands becomes a protest with an issue that cannot be ignored.NCISA becomes stronger with every member it gains - the problem is that over the years I should imagine the membership dwindled with success due to there being little for people to want to get together to talk about that couldn''t be done in the pub. Now there are more pressing issues people look to NCISA as if it was some elected group that represents ALL Norwich fans when the reality is it represents as many as support it.

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[quote user="cityangel"][quote user="Guy Gibsons dog."]For what my opinion is worth,  I believe organisations run by committees a bit gay these days.  [/quote]Can''t wait for Tilly''s reply to this post and thread [:)][/quote]You noticed his PINK shirt the other night then CA? [:D][:^)][:S]

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[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="cityangel"][quote user="Guy Gibsons dog."]For what my opinion is worth,  I believe organisations run by committees a bit gay these days.  [/quote]Can''t wait for Tilly''s reply to this post and thread [:)][/quote]You noticed his PINK shirt the other night then CA? [:D][:^)][:S][/quote]

I blame Kathy, I bet she told him to wear something not too loud.

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U''s To Hold Fans Forum
Posted on: Mon 09 Mar 2009

The U''s will hold their first fans'' forum at the Weston Homes Community Stadium on Wednesday evening.

The forum will give the fans the opportunity to meet boss Paul Lambert, with the U''s manager reflecting on his first five months at the helm of the club.

Also in attendance will be Chairman Robbie Cowling and Chief Executive Steve Bradshaw who will talk about the immediate and long term plans for Colchester United.

It will also be the first time that details regarding next year''s ticketing prices will be revealed ahead of what promises to be a very exciting campaign in 2009/10.

"This will be the first of our forums, with plans to hold them regularly in the future. We are eventually aiming to have one at the start of each season, one at Christmas and one at the conclusion of a season," Steve Bradshaw explained.

"It will be a chance for us to explain where we are aiming to take Colchester United in the years to come and to also reflect on the first season in the Weston Homes Community Stadium."

The event - for which admission is FREE - gets underway at 7.30pm on Wednesday night (March 11th)."

For Chairman, read 100 per cent owner.  We are now a subsidiary of a subsidiary.[;)]

Ticketing prices and exciting campaign in the same breath is interesting.[:D]  I blame the Chief Executive myself.


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[quote user="Arthur Whittle"]What is the point of the NCISA? It was formed during the days of the chase debacle and has yet to do anything with regards to the current board even though we are now worse than those dark days of Chase. Why did this group allow Delia and MWJ to become majority shareholders even though it was stated that after Chase no one person/group would be allowed to do this. Will the NCISA take it upon them as a group to hold official protest if the majority wants them?[/quote]

I''m afraid every movement such as this attracts those who simply enjoy pontificating and pushing bits of paper around.

Harmless but generally pointless.

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