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Muddy funster

Where are the doubters? It's all gone quiet over there!

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What is that if it is not spin - no substance, no facts, no evidence - you must love the PR guys becasue they are just the same

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[quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"][quote user="Muddy funster"]

I do apologise for being too simple - really, how the hell did I get the BSc and Masters I''ll never know!

What you mean is that regardless of what happens at the club for the good, it won''t be due to the board, and whatever happens for the worse is their fault.  Brilliant!  And you say I''m simple!


I''m afraid you could spend 50 years at University...and still have no common sense. That is something we''re either gifted with or not....and it cannot be learned. Many an academic can rattle off endless statistics learnt parrot fashion...but ask them to solve a practical problem and they are totally daft.....

Far too many on here are knee jerk reactionists...while others are rather more realistic about life. That I guess is the difference between "realists" and "fantasists"....and why Smith and Co. have managed to fool so many for so long while the so called "doubters" keep a level head and see through the spin......... 


....and while you are spending your life "keeping a level head" has it ever occurred to you that the planet is spinning, life is revolving, and those with stationary thought ( like you ) are just allowing themselves to become a symbolic drill that pushes down under the surface of the earth until all is darkness. I hope it''s fun down there because, if not, it''s a hell of a way to spend one''s life.

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[quote user="YankeeCanary"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"][quote user="Muddy funster"]

I do apologise for being too simple - really, how the hell did I get the BSc and Masters I''ll never know!

What you mean is that regardless of what happens at the club for the good, it won''t be due to the board, and whatever happens for the worse is their fault.  Brilliant!  And you say I''m simple!


I''m afraid you could spend 50 years at University...and still have no common sense. That is something we''re either gifted with or not....and it cannot be learned. Many an academic can rattle off endless statistics learnt parrot fashion...but ask them to solve a practical problem and they are totally daft.....

Far too many on here are knee jerk reactionists...while others are rather more realistic about life. That I guess is the difference between "realists" and "fantasists"....and why Smith and Co. have managed to fool so many for so long while the so called "doubters" keep a level head and see through the spin......... 


....and while you are spending your life "keeping a level head" has it ever occurred to you that the planet is spinning, life is revolving, and those with stationary thought ( like you ) are just allowing themselves to become a symbolic drill that pushes down under the surface of the earth until all is darkness. I hope it''s fun down there because, if not, it''s a hell of a way to spend one''s life.


It''s a level head that allows me not to be concerned by you one little bit Yank....whereas you are totally unable to accept being anything less than "right" at all times.....

It''s far easier living unconcerned by the irrationality of others than it is trying to be in the front of the queue for no other reason than being in the front of the queue.......

You must find "getting noticed" in real life very difficult indeed.......


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[quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"][quote user="YankeeCanary"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"][quote user="Muddy funster"]

I do apologise for being too simple - really, how the hell did I get the BSc and Masters I''ll never know!

What you mean is that regardless of what happens at the club for the good, it won''t be due to the board, and whatever happens for the worse is their fault.  Brilliant!  And you say I''m simple!


I''m afraid you could spend 50 years at University...and still have no common sense. That is something we''re either gifted with or not....and it cannot be learned. Many an academic can rattle off endless statistics learnt parrot fashion...but ask them to solve a practical problem and they are totally daft.....

Far too many on here are knee jerk reactionists...while others are rather more realistic about life. That I guess is the difference between "realists" and "fantasists"....and why Smith and Co. have managed to fool so many for so long while the so called "doubters" keep a level head and see through the spin......... 


....and while you are spending your life "keeping a level head" has it ever occurred to you that the planet is spinning, life is revolving, and those with stationary thought ( like you ) are just allowing themselves to become a symbolic drill that pushes down under the surface of the earth until all is darkness. I hope it''s fun down there because, if not, it''s a hell of a way to spend one''s life.


It''s a level head that allows me not to be concerned by you one little bit Yank....whereas you are totally unable to accept being anything less than "right" at all times.....

It''s far easier living unconcerned by the irrationality of others than it is trying to be in the front of the queue for no other reason than being in the front of the queue.......

You must find "getting noticed" in real life very difficult indeed.......


Not at all. In every aspect of my life I''m happy to be a team player, a positive influence when required, a leader when required. Even in my role on this forum I have not had the need to re-invent myself on numerous occasions in order to get attention, unlike some. Now why is that, Nora?


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Mr. Cluckcaster, some people may claim ''common-sense'' while it is they themselves that are deluded...

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[quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"][quote user="Muddy funster"]

I do apologise for being too simple - really, how the hell did I get the BSc and Masters I''ll never know!

What you mean is that regardless of what happens at the club for the good, it won''t be due to the board, and whatever happens for the worse is their fault.  Brilliant!  And you say I''m simple!


I''m afraid you could spend 50 years at University...and still have no common sense. That is something we''re either gifted with or not....and it cannot be learned. Many an academic can rattle off endless statistics learnt parrot fashion...but ask them to solve a practical problem and they are totally daft.....

[/quote]That''s such a tired old stereotype, academics are likely to have the same skills, faults as the general population, just more intelligent. Amazingly some even do practical things when they''re not at work and incredibly, some academics even work on, yes, practical problems. I know some people only educated at the university of life that can''t solve any theoretical or practical problems as they''re too stupid [:P]

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I half agree with Cluck, but only because I work in an area where a lot of students come through and ask me questions - unfortunately, a good proportion of them are extremely stupid questions that they could have answered themselves if they''d have stopped for a second to think rather than relying on someone else. They''re young, and naive and too used to having mummy and daddy do everything for them.  I came to Uni by my own volition, had no help from teachers, applied for everything myself and had to seek the answers from a jumble of confusing policy and misunderstandings.  I like to think that I do have common sense and in a way, in the "real world" that is more important than having letters after your name.However, I''m certainly not the only one and I hope I''m not in the minority in that sense.  Whilst these weirdos and dullards who pass through at work frustrate me with their inability to just think for themselves, I know plenty more people here who do have some idea of how the world works and how to achieve some level of success in it, be it academic or otherwise.When I do finally get that degree and those letters I would like to think that it is partly because I am able to think and apply common sense to my work, as well as for my knowledge of my field.  The two do go hand-in-hand more than some of the newbies to Uni realise...

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[quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]I''m afraid you could spend 50 years at University...and still have no common sense. That is something we''re either gifted with or not....and it cannot be learned. Many an academic can rattle off endless statistics learnt parrot fashion...but ask them to solve a practical problem and they are totally daft.....

Far too many on here are knee jerk reactionists...while others are rather more realistic about life. That I guess is the difference between "realists" and "fantasists"....and why Smith and Co. have managed to fool so many for so long while the so called "doubters" keep a level head and see through the spin......... 

[/quote]Ah the "common sense" arguement.  Common sense is a far as I can tell an ability to ignore both the facts and logic in order to arrive at yourr conclusion.  It is also frequently used to defend well, any opinion that you care to have, although normally ones that are badly thought out.  You can tell when an opinion is based on common sense because there are gaps in the reasoning which are never admitted to.Yes some intelligent people can be foolish, anyone can.  But those people that didn''t go to university and are successful generally would have been academically able to go to university, but had other reasons for not attending. You do realise that all engineers went to university, yes?  You know the ones that design and supervise the construction of those buildings and bridges that so frequently collapse because they were built by people totally incapable of solving a practical problem?By the way a knee-jerk reaction is a automatic responce to a given stimulus, one which occurs without involving the brain.  As such you posting that every player is "ordinary" and anyone with a degree is stupid and that anything DS does is wrong fit into this category.

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[quote user="1st Wizard"][quote user="king of latvia"]




Basking in the bloody hot sunshine pal...............I do have another life you know!

Speak to me again after the Coventry game matey..........thats the real test, not friendly games!.

[/quote]i will be speaking to you after the coventry game and you will be  [:$]

dont forget the sun cream.



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[quote user="Evil Monkey"]I half agree with Cluck, but only because I work in an area where a lot of students come through and ask me questions - unfortunately, a good proportion of them are extremely stupid questions that they could have answered themselves if they''d have stopped for a second to think rather than relying on someone else. They''re young, and naive and too used to having mummy and daddy do everything for them.  I came to Uni by my own volition, had no help from teachers, applied for everything myself and had to seek the answers from a jumble of confusing policy and misunderstandings.  I like to think that I do have common sense and in a way, in the "real world" that is more important than having letters after your name.

However, I''m certainly not the only one and I hope I''m not in the minority in that sense.  Whilst these weirdos and dullards who pass through at work frustrate me with their inability to just think for themselves, I know plenty more people here who do have some idea of how the world works and how to achieve some level of success in it, be it academic or otherwise.

When I do finally get that degree and those letters I would like to think that it is partly because I am able to think and apply common sense to my work, as well as for my knowledge of my field.  The two do go hand-in-hand more than some of the newbies to Uni realise...

You''re a quality adversary Monkeyboy...and I certainly wouldn''t put you in the bracket referred to in my post. However I''ve encountered many potential recruits over time who possess impressive educational papers, but who don''t have a clue about work ethic or of standing alone to solve a problem. Unfortunately there are far too many cossetted middle class kids who are at Uni because they "can"....and far too many who could but "can''t"....

A look at the logic on here at times defies belief.....but there will always be leaders and followers and both have a place in this world....however it often takes a "follower" many years to accept he will never be a "leader". It takes more than a simple piece of paper to make our way in this World...and no-one owes anyone a living out there today.

You''ll do fine Monkeyboy....of that I''m pretty sure. [Y] 

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[quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

[quote user="Evil Monkey"]I half agree with Cluck, but only because I work in an area where a lot of students come through and ask me questions - unfortunately, a good proportion of them are extremely stupid questions that they could have answered themselves if they''d have stopped for a second to think rather than relying on someone else. They''re young, and naive and too used to having mummy and daddy do everything for them.  I came to Uni by my own volition, had no help from teachers, applied for everything myself and had to seek the answers from a jumble of confusing policy and misunderstandings.  I like to think that I do have common sense and in a way, in the "real world" that is more important than having letters after your name.

However, I''m certainly not the only one and I hope I''m not in the minority in that sense.  Whilst these weirdos and dullards who pass through at work frustrate me with their inability to just think for themselves, I know plenty more people here who do have some idea of how the world works and how to achieve some level of success in it, be it academic or otherwise.

When I do finally get that degree and those letters I would like to think that it is partly because I am able to think and apply common sense to my work, as well as for my knowledge of my field.  The two do go hand-in-hand more than some of the newbies to Uni realise...

You''re a quality adversary Monkeyboy...and I certainly wouldn''t put you in the bracket referred to in my post. However I''ve encountered many potential recruits over time who possess impressive educational papers, but who don''t have a clue about work ethic or of standing alone to solve a problem. Unfortunately there are far too many cossetted middle class kids who are at Uni because they "can"....and far too many who could but "can''t"....

A look at the logic on here at times defies belief.....but there will always be leaders and followers and both have a place in this world....however it often takes a "follower" many years to accept he will never be a "leader". It takes more than a simple piece of paper to make our way in this World...and no-one owes anyone a living out there today.

You''ll do fine Monkeyboy....of that I''m pretty sure. [Y] 



I expect Evil Monkey is very reassured by your words oh venerable one.

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I was actually a little embarassed by it, I''m not good with praise...

[:$] Thanks though, I''m prone to being a bit reactive at times and its

something I''ve worked on over the years to temper myself and be more

reasoned and sensible, nice to see it getting some recognition...

I do enjoy my little ding-dongs with Cluck, although he can be

frustratingly stubborn in his views he does at least have enough wit

and intelligence to make it interesting.  I went on a bit of a

wind-up last week, cos I was bored, and it had the desired effect of

wasting a good bit of time swapping words with the feathered one and

co. Always fun[Y]

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[quote user="Evil Monkey"]I was actually a little embarassed by it, I''m not good with praise... [:$] Thanks though, I''m prone to being a bit reactive at times and its something I''ve worked on over the years to temper myself and be more reasoned and sensible, nice to see it getting some recognition...

I do enjoy my little ding-dongs with Cluck, although he can be frustratingly stubborn in his views he does at least have enough wit and intelligence to make it interesting.  I went on a bit of a wind-up last week, cos I was bored, and it had the desired effect of wasting a good bit of time swapping words with the feathered one and co. Always fun[Y]


Keep it going EM...as the minute you lose your spark you''re done for.....So let battle commence!    [:)]


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[quote user="ellis206"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

"Hate" is a strong word....but us "doom-mongerers" (also known as realists) aren''t too fond of you "fantasisers" either....but we''re more tolerant based on your naivity.

You''ll get there in the end....as we all do.


Realists are you? The same "realists" that claimed the club was near administration? Funny that, I''m sure we''ve just spent about £2 million on players, with more to come. But you "realists" carry on clinging to every piece of bullpoo that people like 1st Wizard say, and us "fantasisers" will continue to laugh at you when your proved wrong time and time again! 



Tell me, play-off''s again this year is it Ellis??? [:D]

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[quote user="Carlos Valderrama"][quote user="1st Wizard"][quote user="king of latvia"]




Basking in the bloody hot sunshine pal...............I do have another life you know!

Speak to me again after the Coventry game matey..........thats the real test, not friendly games!.


But surely even you must be slightly excited by the new signings.....Will we ever see an optimistic first wizard post, how do you think we will fare against coventry.


We will lose... we nearly always lose at Coventry!!!

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[quote user="Sir Arthur Whittle MBE Lord of the Haymarket"]Dave Striker, Jullian Brellier anyone? Remember how you were all raving about them this time last year? Lets get behind them and watch them play before we start boasting about a few permanants and a few loans. Lets remember that with 25,000 gates and still the profit from the sales of Lewis, Safri, Etuhu, Earnshaw etc there should be around 3-4m in the kitty anyway, unless they blew it on catering.......again![/quote]

Very well said Arthur.... [Y] [;)]

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[quote user="Smudger"][quote user="ellis206"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

"Hate" is a strong word....but us "doom-mongerers" (also known as realists) aren''t too fond of you "fantasisers" either....but we''re more tolerant based on your naivity.

You''ll get there in the end....as we all do.[/quote]Realists are you? The same "realists" that claimed the club was near administration? Funny that, I''m sure we''ve just spent about £2 million on players, with more to come. But you "realists" carry on clinging to every piece of bullpoo that people like 1st Wizard say, and us "fantasisers" will continue to laugh at you when your proved wrong time and time again! 

[/quote]Tell me, play-off''s again this year is it Ellis??? [:D][/quote]Tell me, relegation again this year is it smudger???[:D]

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[quote user="Muddy funster"]

I do apologise for being too simple - really, how the hell did I get the BSc and Masters I''ll never know!

What you mean is that regardless of what happens at the club for the good, it won''t be due to the board, and whatever happens for the worse is their fault.  Brilliant!  And you say I''m simple!


I have no idea, you tell me...

Maybe you are one of them people with a high intellect, but the common sense of a gnat? [8-)]

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[quote user="Smudger"][quote user="Carlos Valderrama"][quote user="1st Wizard"][quote user="king of latvia"]



[/quote]Basking in the bloody hot sunshine pal...............I do have another life you know!

Speak to me again after the Coventry game matey..........thats the real test, not friendly games!.[/quote]

But surely even you must be slightly excited by the new signings.....Will we ever see an optimistic first wizard post, how do you think we will fare against coventry.[/quote]We will lose... we nearly always lose at Coventry!!![/quote]You wish !   [:S]

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[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="ellis206"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

"Hate" is a strong word....but us "doom-mongerers" (also known as realists) aren''t too fond of you "fantasisers" either....but we''re more tolerant based on your naivity.

You''ll get there in the end....as we all do.[/quote]Realists are you? The same "realists" that claimed the club was near administration? Funny that, I''m sure we''ve just spent about £2 million on players, with more to come. But you "realists" carry on clinging to every piece of bullpoo that people like 1st Wizard say, and us "fantasisers" will continue to laugh at you when your proved wrong time and time again! 

[/quote]Tell me, play-off''s again this year is it Ellis??? [:D][/quote]Tell me, relegation again this year is it smudger???[:D]


I said that the recent signings may see us reach the dizzy heights of 16th place Lappin...

I am getting so excited by it all... [+o(]

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[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="ellis206"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

"Hate" is a strong word....but us "doom-mongerers" (also known as realists) aren''t too fond of you "fantasisers" either....but we''re more tolerant based on your naivity.

You''ll get there in the end....as we all do.[/quote]Realists are you? The same "realists" that claimed the club was near administration? Funny that, I''m sure we''ve just spent about £2 million on players, with more to come. But you "realists" carry on clinging to every piece of bullpoo that people like 1st Wizard say, and us "fantasisers" will continue to laugh at you when your proved wrong time and time again! 

[/quote]Tell me, play-off''s again this year is it Ellis??? [:D][/quote]Tell me, relegation again this year is it smudger???[:D]


PS... My predictions of relegation over the past couple of years have been a lot closer the mark than the fantasists predictions of play-off''s and promotion haven''t they??? [:D]

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[quote user="Smudger"]PS... My predictions of relegation over the past couple of years have been a lot closer the mark than the fantasists predictions of play-off''s and promotion haven''t they??? [:D][/quote]You must be very proud...

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[quote user="Smudger"][quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="ellis206"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"] "Hate" is a strong word....but us "doom-mongerers" (also known as realists) aren''t too fond of you "fantasisers" either....but we''re more tolerant based on your naivity.

You''ll get there in the end....as we all do.[/quote]Realists are you? The same "realists" that claimed the club was near administration? Funny that, I''m sure we''ve just spent about £2 million on players, with more to come. But you "realists" carry on clinging to every piece of bullpoo that people like 1st Wizard say, and us "fantasisers" will continue to laugh at you when your proved wrong time and time again! 

[/quote]Tell me, play-off''s again this year is it Ellis??? [:D][/quote]Tell me, relegation again this year is it smudger???[:D][/quote]I said that the recent signings may see us reach the dizzy heights of 16th place Lappin...

I am getting so excited by it all... [+o(][/quote]After predicting relegation the last two seasons, that''s a remarkably optimistic forecast smudger. [;)] Keep up the good work [Y]

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[quote user="Smudger"][quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="ellis206"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

"Hate" is a strong word....but us "doom-mongerers" (also known as realists) aren''t too fond of you "fantasisers" either....but we''re more tolerant based on your naivity.

You''ll get there in the end....as we all do.[/quote]Realists are you? The same "realists" that claimed the club was near administration? Funny that, I''m sure we''ve just spent about £2 million on players, with more to come. But you "realists" carry on clinging to every piece of bullpoo that people like 1st Wizard say, and us "fantasisers" will continue to laugh at you when your proved wrong time and time again! 

[/quote]Tell me, play-off''s again this year is it Ellis??? [:D][/quote]Tell me, relegation again this year is it smudger???[:D]


PS... My predictions of relegation over the past couple of years have been a lot closer the mark than the fantasists predictions of play-off''s and promotion haven''t they??? [:D]


Yet still completely incorrect!

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[quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

[quote user="Evil Monkey"]I half agree with Cluck, but only because I work in an area where a lot of students come through and ask me questions - unfortunately, a good proportion of them are extremely stupid questions that they could have answered themselves if they''d have stopped for a second to think rather than relying on someone else. They''re young, and naive and too used to having mummy and daddy do everything for them.  I came to Uni by my own volition, had no help from teachers, applied for everything myself and had to seek the answers from a jumble of confusing policy and misunderstandings.  I like to think that I do have common sense and in a way, in the "real world" that is more important than having letters after your name.

However, I''m certainly not the only one and I hope I''m not in the minority in that sense.  Whilst these weirdos and dullards who pass through at work frustrate me with their inability to just think for themselves, I know plenty more people here who do have some idea of how the world works and how to achieve some level of success in it, be it academic or otherwise.

When I do finally get that degree and those letters I would like to think that it is partly because I am able to think and apply common sense to my work, as well as for my knowledge of my field.  The two do go hand-in-hand more than some of the newbies to Uni realise...

You''re a quality adversary Monkeyboy...and I certainly wouldn''t put you in the bracket referred to in my post. However I''ve encountered many potential recruits over time who possess impressive educational papers, but who don''t have a clue about work ethic or of standing alone to solve a problem. Unfortunately there are far too many cossetted middle class kids who are at Uni because they "can"....and far too many who could but "can''t"....

A look at the logic on here at times defies belief.....but there will always be leaders and followers and both have a place in this world....however it often takes a "follower" many years to accept he will never be a "leader". It takes more than a simple piece of paper to make our way in this World...and no-one owes anyone a living out there today.

You''ll do fine Monkeyboy....of that I''m pretty sure. [Y] 


LMF tits off Cluck... you sure we were not seperated at birth?

You said absolutely everything I would of said in this thread... [;)]

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[quote user="macdougalls perm"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="ellis206"][quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

"Hate" is a strong word....but us "doom-mongerers" (also known as realists) aren''t too fond of you "fantasisers" either....but we''re more tolerant based on your naivity.

You''ll get there in the end....as we all do.[/quote]Realists are you? The same "realists" that claimed the club was near administration? Funny that, I''m sure we''ve just spent about £2 million on players, with more to come. But you "realists" carry on clinging to every piece of bullpoo that people like 1st Wizard say, and us "fantasisers" will continue to laugh at you when your proved wrong time and time again! 

[/quote]Tell me, play-off''s again this year is it Ellis??? [:D][/quote]Tell me, relegation again this year is it smudger???[:D]


PS... My predictions of relegation over the past couple of years have been a lot closer the mark than the fantasists predictions of play-off''s and promotion haven''t they??? [:D]


Yet still completely incorrect!


Far more correct than play-off predictions and how Strivahka was going to bang in plenty of goals for us though hey Maccy D??? 

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Don''t remember saying that: all I can remember is you saying that we were going to get relegated and we didn''t. Whichever way you look at it, I think that that makes you incorrect. [;)]  

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[quote user="Neil Cluckcaster"]

Unfortunately there are far too many cossetted middle class kids who are at Uni because they "can"....and far too many who could but "can''t"....


This is undeniably true! 

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