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cambridgeshire canary

Immigration hits all time record high

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6 hours ago, Herman said:

I find your distraction techniques intriguing. That is all. 

How can I be distracting from something by directly responding to a post by you? 🙄

You literally made a statement about what a great job the EU had done and I simply pointed out that they hadn't actually done a job at all; the Belgian authorities had! Pointing out that you're giving them credit they don't actually deserve is not exactly being 'angry'!

In fact, so keen was I to avoid a distraction by answering your question, I actually answered your question by creating a whole new thread in response.


Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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The UK is short of unskilled labour, especially seasonal labour.  Young Albanian men want to come here, and they're just what we need.  Give them temporary work permits. 

Instead the government thinks it's OK to let developing nations bear the cost of training doctors and nurses, then lure them over here.

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Priti Patel makes herself a fairy magicking up deportations in bizarre Christmas card

A caricature shows the former Home Secretary waving her wand over Home Office-related baubles, as a toddler-looking Boris Johnson sits under the tree

So far the government have given the Rwandan government £140m for the promise of taking 200 asylum seekers from our shores. Perhaps Preeti can magic up the billions we will require to send all the other asylum seekers there too. And while she's at it, can she magic up a way of preventing those asylum seekers immediately leaving those Rwandan "hotels" and beginning their boat journeys all over again. Best of all, could she instead make a new year's resolution to keep her foul mouth shut and permanently eradicate her hateful and malign influence on UK politics.

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Brexit is such complete disaster.

On immigration - it is now undoubtedly true that the immigrants weren't taking many 'British' jobs - the Brits have either retired early or simply never wanted them. We have huge labour shortage in many areas.


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11 minutes ago, Yellow Fever said:

Brexit is such complete disaster.

On immigration - it is now undoubtedly true that the immigrants weren't taking many 'British' jobs - the Brits have either retired early or simply never wanted them. We have huge labour shortage in many areas.


Taking our jobs was just a mantra for hiding racism.

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25 minutes ago, keelansgrandad said:

Taking our jobs was just a mantra for hiding racism.

Indeed! "working hard and paying their taxes", never quite had the same ring for the Brexiteers (unless of course they had a bathroom to do up).

Edited by horsefly

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44 minutes ago, keelansgrandad said:

Taking our jobs was just a mantra for hiding racism.

Those that still today support the 'Brexit' / 'Reform'  party today on even tougher immigration almost certainly so. Little other explanation possible given the shortages.

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On 21/02/2023 at 19:15, How I Wrote Elastic Man said:

Information alert for all individuals interested in participating in the annual "cúnt of the year" competition 

"30p" Lee Anderson is currently running away with the trophy, and anyone who wants to catch him needs to act quickly 

Braverman's clearly up for it with her speech in parliament today: "There are 100 million people around the world who could qualify for asylum .  .  . They're coming here." 

Talk about dog whistle politics.  I actually feel a bit sick.

Edited by benchwarmer
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20 minutes ago, benchwarmer said:

Braverman's clearly up for it with her speech in parliament today: "There are 100 million people around the world who could qualify for asylum .  .  . They're coming here." 

Talk about dog whistle politics.  I actually feel a bit sick.

I thought I'd be adult and listen to what she had to say. I lasted about 3 minutes.

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1 hour ago, benchwarmer said:

Braverman's clearly up for it with her speech in parliament today: "There are 100 million people around the world who could qualify for asylum .  .  . They're coming here." 

Talk about dog whistle politics.  I actually feel a bit sick.

Its like the Brexit "76 million Turks are coming" poster 😔

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29 minutes ago, How I Wrote Elastic Man said:

Its like the Brexit "76 million Turks are coming" poster 😔

Has it never occurred to them to enquire who is buying life vests and rubber boats in France? It is so pathetic to hear her claiming they are worried about the migrants safety. IDS made it plain that he has nothing but contempt for any of them trying to come here.

Then it dawned on me. I would have contempt for anyone coming here with this pack of over privileged, incompetent, lying toadies that have a front bench full of ministers from immigrant backgrounds.

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3 minutes ago, keelansgrandad said:

Has it never occurred to them to enquire who is buying life vests and rubber boats in France? It is so pathetic to hear her claiming they are worried about the migrants safety. IDS made it plain that he has nothing but contempt for any of them trying to come here.

Then it dawned on me. I would have contempt for anyone coming here with this pack of over privileged, incompetent, lying toadies that have a front bench full of ministers from immigrant backgrounds.

Maybe I should set up a rubber dingy shop on the french coast? I Could become a very rich man!

Edited by cambridgeshire canary

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1 hour ago, benchwarmer said:

Braverman's clearly up for it with her speech in parliament today: "There are 100 million people around the world who could qualify for asylum .  .  . They're coming here." 

Talk about dog whistle politics.  I actually feel a bit sick.

They're going full culture war. And that spiked up under Priti Patel, who's hardly dissimilar to Braverman here. To use a wonderful Welsh phrase, a proper Dic Siôn Dafydd.

Edited by TheGunnShow

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4 minutes ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

Maybe I should set up a rubber dingy shop on the french coast? I Could become a very rich man!

I should give your dingy shop a clean before you put rubber boats in it.

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Who'd have thunk an Asian PM and HS would be the ones to finally turn the tories into the NF??

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16 minutes ago, keelansgrandad said:

Has it never occurred to them to enquire who is buying life vests and rubber boats in France? It is so pathetic to hear her claiming they are worried about the migrants safety. IDS made it plain that he has nothing but contempt for any of them trying to come here.

Then it dawned on me. I would have contempt for anyone coming here with this pack of over privileged, incompetent, lying toadies that have a front bench full of ministers from immigrant backgrounds.

According to Rishi, they've tried everything else and nothing has worked 

What they actually tried was Rwanda and that didn't work, so they are going to try it again. 😡

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24 minutes ago, Herman said:

Who'd have thunk an Asian PM and HS would be the ones to finally turn the tories into the NF??

At least the NP only wanted to send them back to where they came from. These want to send them to Rwanda.

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1 hour ago, How I Wrote Elastic Man said:

Its like the Brexit "76 million Turks are coming" poster 😔

Sadly, as was patently obvious to the world that poster worked in the UK on its target audience (thereby busting the pragmatic thoughtful 'English Gentleman' myth globally)

I guess this government wants to appeal to the same unthinking lower quartile all over again.

What did somebody say - a sound bite dressed up as a solution.

Edited by Yellow Fever
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11 minutes ago, Yellow Fever said:

Sadly, as was patently obvious to the world that poster worked in the UK on its target audience (thereby busting the pragmatic thoughtful 'English Gentleman' myth globally)

I guess this government wants to appeal to the same unthinking lower quartile all over again.

What did somebody say - a sound bite dressed up as a solution.

In which case, a new 3 word slogan is needed 


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5 hours ago, Herman said:

Who'd have thunk an Asian PM and HS would be the ones to finally turn the tories into the NF??

As the saying goes "Hitler was no blond".

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7 hours ago, Herman said:

Who'd have thunk an Asian PM and HS would be the ones to finally turn the tories into the NF??

This is an example of the Left Pole, Herman. You know that at the north pole everything you see is south of you? Well at the left pole everyone you see is a fascist.

If you say you know someone more far left than you, then you can be sure he thinks you are the fascist.

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3 hours ago, Rock The Boat said:

This is an example of the Left Pole, Herman. You know that at the north pole everything you see is south of you? Well at the left pole everyone you see is a fascist.

If you say you know someone more far left than you, then you can be sure he thinks you are the fascist.

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The Geneva Convention on refugees is fundamentally open to abuse. It is simply not reasonable to have a system where trekking through many sage countries to pick which safe country they go to.

Additionally, the safeguards on protecting the rights of the individual make it practically impossible to deal with people who are economic migrants rather than refugees.

In an ideal world, the convention on refugees would be changed for a reception point near high risk areas and refugees allocated to signatory nations fairly according to quotas agreed on a fair principle; the problem with that is that countries who aren't popular destinations have no incentive to participate. Similarly, we're trapped in the Convention because the consequences of leaving will be bigger than the benefits.

Most people don't want refugees anywhere. It's always struck me as ironic that Middle Eastern and African countries take very few refugees from neighbours with risks to their people; most finish up in Europe; the US takes a measly number. I don't think China does much, and Russia is more in the business of creating refugees than helping them.

The Conservatives are in a trap of their own making, effectively unable to deal with a problem they said they would without extraordinary impractical steps.

Ironically, the more opposition talks it up, the more the government has to be seen to do something about it, because the fact is that most people don't want refugees and don't want them to be able to get in. It's therefore in the best interests of refugees for opposition to say as little as possible about it and leave it to the lawyers; between the obvious impracticalities, expense, legal hurdles and inevitable failure, I suspect the government would have little to gain from persisting if the policy isn't generating outraged headlines. And I'm sorry to say, some people will console themselves that those trying to come illegally are at least being put through maximum stress and suffering by the government in trying to control an uncontrollable problem.

The best thing to do would be to take them in, train them, put them to work in the economy and encourage retirees to move abroad to free up space and reduce strain on infrastructure.

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Thinking on it further, it occurs to me that government policy can be tackled if people start framing things in terms of our position as leaders on these sorts of human rights issues and the importance of not undermining our reputation on that front.

I'd offer the following argument:

We're seeing daily human rights abuses in Ukraine committed by Russian soldiers. On the back of this, we've seen a rise in human rights abuses elsewhere, with countries like Saudi Arabia taking advantage of the attention Ukraine is getting to revert to type on human rights matters.

Our country, the United Kingdom, is a high profile middle power with formidable diplomatic inlfluence that profits from a Permanent seat on the UN Security council alongside the US, China, Russia, and France. We benefit massively from the framework of international law that we played a huge part in creating. There are problems with the convention on human rights on refugees that many people are understandably unhappy with, but the consequences of simply rejecting individual laws where it suits us is that we help countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia make the case that there's no value in international law, which ultimately threatens the rights and liberties of everybody, including us, and diminishes our ability to assert influence elsewhere in resolving conflict.

If we wish to tackle the problems with refugees properly, we need to engage constructively at the UN, with the ECHR in opening a global conversation looking at the shortcomings of global conventions on refugees and how we can make agreements that are fairer on receiving countries as well as those fleeing conflict and persecution.

But most importantly, we need to be seen to be dealing with those that do make it to the UK with restraint and humanity for any of this to work, and doing our best to make their arrival work for them and for us.

Personally, I think that would fit in well with how Sir Keir is trying to position the Labour Party.

Edit: Just now listening to Yvette Cooper talking about this on the Today Programme; it's sounding good. That's the message people need to be pushing and just avoid getting too tub-thumpy about it.

Yvette Cooper talks about it at about 1:12 on the 8th March episode on the Today Programme.

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4 hours ago, Herman said:

leaflet image

Well I actually agree with 5 of the 6.

With the "had enough of British people coming second in today's society?" one that I don't agree with, as its nonsense. 

However the leaflet doesn't say "Are you a nazi loving white supremacist who believes that a secret Jewish cabal are orchestrating all of the above and that the holocaust was a hoax?" does it. 

The leaflet is just engaging in populism, seen that from both the far right and the far left.

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I think you have completely missed the point of why I have posted that TVB. 

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