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TIL 1010

Some Sobering Statistics.

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One win in the last six home games.

Two wins against teams currently in the top twelve.

No wins against anybody in the top six.

Nine points off the top and likewise nine points off the drop zone.

Edited by TIL 1010
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38 minutes ago, TIL 1010 said:

One win in the last six home games.

Two wins against teams currently in the top twelve.

No wins against anybody in the top six.

Nine points off the top and likewise nine points off the drop zone.

People warned weeks ago we were in a false league position based on the teams we’d played when we were 2nd but some people refused to believe the cold truth, that was obvious to most who have a modicum of football knowledge, that we were miles off where we needed to be. Mid table is about right with the standard we’ve been shown. 

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24 minutes ago, By Hook or Ian crook said:

People warned weeks ago we were in a false league position based on the teams we’d played when we were 2nd but some people refused to believe the cold truth, that was obvious to most who have a modicum of football knowledge, that we were miles off where we needed to be. Mid table is about right with the standard we’ve been shown. 

I love this "most who have a modicum of football knowledge"

That's me out!

What about you?


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4 minutes ago, TeemuVanBasten said:

Damn, beat me to it.

I've.... I've.... I've become The Real Buh 😬

At least you’ll be right about everything

they’ll hate you for it, but it’s a gift and a curse…

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12 minutes ago, The Real Buh said:

At least you’ll be right about everything

they’ll hate you for it, but it’s a gift and a curse…

I'd be happy with a modicum...

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Stats don’t matter, if he was walking any tightrope before the World Cup he’d be gone today. Webber is clearly behind him and I think his stubbornness will see Smith here till the end of the season where no promotion will probably see them both gone with big restructuring for the club.

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1 hour ago, TIL 1010 said:

One win in the last six home games.

Two wins against teams currently in the top twelve.

No wins against anybody in the top six.

Nine points off the top and likewise nine points off the drop zone.

Great going to Carrow Rd isn't it? I'm actually pleased I don't have to return for at least a month.

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1 minute ago, Capt. Pants said:

Great going to Carrow Rd isn't it? I'm actually pleased I don't have to return for at least a month.

We don't have to go...


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Just now, nutty nigel said:

We don't have to go...


Yes we do. I am a NCFC supporter, you have to endure the rough with the smooth.

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38 minutes ago, nutty nigel said:

I love this "most who have a modicum of football knowledge"

That's me out!

What about you?


Depends what classifies as knowledge I suppose. Everyone who watches the game will have their own interpretation and opinion from it. 

In terms of my personal football experience if that’s what you mean, I played for the clubs youth system till I was 16. I have FA coaching qualifications and played as an adult at a semi professional level until I did my ACL 18 years ago. I having been around the game a fair bit when I was a younger man and as a result I have friends who have been professional players and friends who are coaches from premiership to lower leagues.

My opinions on the subject are worth no more than your own however perhaps they come with some degree of relevance so it may be more weighted in some eyes. I guess after all that’s why they have ex pros take canary call. 

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1 minute ago, By Hook or Ian crook said:

Depends what classifies as knowledge I suppose. Everyone who watches the game will have their own interpretation and opinion from it. 

In terms of my personal football experience if that’s what you mean, I played for the clubs youth system till I was 16. I have FA coaching qualifications and played as an adult at a semi professional level until I did my ACL 18 years ago. I having been around the game a fair bit when I was a younger man and as a result I have friends who have been professional players and friends who are coaches from premiership to lower leagues.

My opinions on the subject are worth no more than your own however perhaps they come with some degree of relevance so it may be more weighted in some eyes. I guess after all that’s why they have ex pros take canary call. 

No that wasn't what I meant.

But armed with this new knowledge will I find evidence of it in your posting history?

I just wish for a modicum. Perhaps it's not meant for me...

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10 minutes ago, Capt. Pants said:

Yes we do. I am a NCFC supporter, you have to endure the rough with the smooth.

Well we don't have to. Plenty can afford to leave their seats unused while paying £50 pm for the privilege.

But I'm going to actually miss it. And I suspect you will too. World Cups are for TV in the close season. 

I'll be supporting Sarge as that's the closest thing 🙃👍

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9 minutes ago, nutty nigel said:

No that wasn't what I meant.

But armed with this new knowledge will I find evidence of it in your posting history?

I just wish for a modicum. Perhaps it's not meant for me...

I can only hope you could find insight but then you don’t have to agree with my point of view either. It’s all subjective. Webber obviously has a different view to me as Smith still had a job 🤷‍♂️

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1 minute ago, nutty nigel said:

Well we don't have to. Plenty can afford to leave their seats unused while paying £50 pm for the privilege.

But I'm going to actually miss it. And I suspect you will too. World Cups are for TV in the close season. 

I'll be supporting Sarge as that's the closest thing 🙃👍

Will miss all the people I sit near as it’s always great fun with them. Won’t miss the football that much as it’s been carp. 

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Just now, By Hook or Ian crook said:

I can only hope you could find insight but then you don’t have to agree with my point of view either. It’s all subjective. Webber obviously has a different view to me as Smith still had a job 🤷‍♂️

I found Gilmour being likened to Xavi on the second post I looked at. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone but I thought he'd be good too)

BTW I've never been impressed by Smith. If I was Webber I'd roll the dice. But I'm not convinced these players are as good as some think. Not convinced that another manager would get more from them. We seem to be half Farke and half something else. There used to be a long running joke on here during Farke's first season about us being in transition. But that's where I see us now. 


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Some more stats:

  • We're still in the playoff positions
  • Over the next 25 games, 2 wins and a draw more than sheffield United, and two wins more than Blackburn and Watford gets us back to the auto slots.
  • A reasonable 43% win ratio this season in spite of not really clicking .

Personally, I am going for the approach of getting slightly intoxicated on these more positive facts as a platform for hoping that the team will click over the coming month of training and recovery rather than worrying about sobriety.

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17 minutes ago, nutty nigel said:

us being in transition

I wish I could agree with this. I just don't see what we're in transition to. Unless it's a "mid-table Championship team".

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9 minutes ago, Robert N. LiM said:

I wish I could agree with this. I just don't see what we're in transition to. Unless it's a "mid-table Championship team".

I've been informed elsewhere that trying to anticipate the future from past observations is 'unprovable cliché', so in that spirit, maybe the answer is not to worry too much and just see what happens....

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7 minutes ago, Robert N. LiM said:

I wish I could agree with this. I just don't see what we're in transition to. Unless it's a "mid-table Championship team".

We could be. We could have been back then.

There's been a lot of criticism about Smith not being a continuation of Farke but in truth that continuation was already off track when we started life without Emi. Both with the signings and systems post Emi transition has proved difficult for Farke, Webber and Smith.


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2 hours ago, nutty nigel said:

I found Gilmour being likened to Xavi on the second post I looked at. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone but I thought he'd be good too)

BTW I've never been impressed by Smith. If I was Webber I'd roll the dice. But I'm not convinced these players are as good as some think. Not convinced that another manager would get more from them. We seem to be half Farke and half something else. There used to be a long running joke on here during Farke's first season about us being in transition. But that's where I see us now. 


I think I said I’d play him in a similar role to how Barcelona played xavi as I saw Gilmour as someone who would tick over possession and play near passes. Xavi was a great metronome for a team but his main attribute was collecting the ball from Busquets and then giving it to the more creative players in the side. I think we asked Gilmour to do too much but it would be tough for any player to of stood out in the side we played last year that was pretty inept at winning the ball or keeping it. After the transfer window last year I thought other than losing Emi which I thought was madness was a good window on paper. Sadly it’s not played on paper. 

I would say the main reason I think a better manager would get more from the squad is two fold.
1) we still have the core group of players who won this league last time around (some twice) and they don’t become bad players over night

2) we see glimpses of what could be for 20 mins of so each game. I think there are many reasons it’s only 20 mins almost all of which I would put down to coaching. Fitness has dropped significantly, the ability for the team to press as a group has disappeared. We see players pressing in ones and twos rather than as a unit like we did under Farke. We drop off too quickly and conceded far to much of the pitch when we don’t have the ball. The gap between the lines is massive. All of this is basic coaching. 

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4 hours ago, By Hook or Ian crook said:

People warned weeks ago we were in a false league position based on the teams we’d played when we were 2nd but some people refused to believe the cold truth, that was obvious to most who have a modicum of football knowledge, that we were miles off where we needed to be. Mid table is about right with the standard we’ve been shown. 

The reason it was wrong is that the entire concept of a "false position" really is jus BS.

You can only play the games in front of you on any given day. A season determines league position, not 1/3 of it. Ergo, at that point in the season we were in exactly the position we had earned the right to be in. So the position was accurate at that time. People may have thought we were unconvincing and perhaps would struggle to hold that position but that's called making a prediction. After all, what is it the same people said last season? "The table doesn't lie"...

We haven't been consistent and we haven't been convincing over 90mins this season. In fairness, few teams have been against us either. The biggest problem is that we can outplay anyone in this league for up to 40-50% (doesn't mean consistently that high) of a game and then still create decent chances... but lack what some call "killer instinct" or the conviction to kill a game off.

As much as people continue to try and say otherwise, we have had a soft underbelly for years, really since the Bassong and Turner partnership lost it's short lived spark. Klose never really settled, though he and Hanley threatened to look a good pairing. Then Hanley and Zimmermann. Then Zimmermann and Godfrey got us promoted. Then Hanley and Gibson. Then...

Our CM has been even worse in many ways... Trybull, Leitner, Tettey, Amadu, Duda, Rupp, Vrancic, Sorensen, Lees-Melou, Normann, Gilmour, Skipp, Reed... and now Nunez, Sara, Gibbs and Hayden. The only constants we have had over that period have been McLean and arguably Tettey whilst he could still play. That's a bit of a damning indictment if you ask me. 18 CMs in 5 seasons... off the top of my head.

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12 minutes ago, chicken said:

The reason it was wrong is that the entire concept of a "false position" really is jus BS.

You can only play the games in front of you on any given day. A season determines league position, not 1/3 of it. Ergo, at that point in the season we were in exactly the position we had earned the right to be in. So the position was accurate at that time. People may have thought we were unconvincing and perhaps would struggle to hold that position but that's called making a prediction. After all, what is it the same people said last season? "The table doesn't lie"...

We haven't been consistent and we haven't been convincing over 90mins this season. In fairness, few teams have been against us either. The biggest problem is that we can outplay anyone in this league for up to 40-50% (doesn't mean consistently that high) of a game and then still create decent chances... but lack what some call "killer instinct" or the conviction to kill a game off.

As much as people continue to try and say otherwise, we have had a soft underbelly for years, really since the Bassong and Turner partnership lost it's short lived spark. Klose never really settled, though he and Hanley threatened to look a good pairing. Then Hanley and Zimmermann. Then Zimmermann and Godfrey got us promoted. Then Hanley and Gibson. Then...

Our CM has been even worse in many ways... Trybull, Leitner, Tettey, Amadu, Duda, Rupp, Vrancic, Sorensen, Lees-Melou, Normann, Gilmour, Skipp, Reed... and now Nunez, Sara, Gibbs and Hayden. The only constants we have had over that period have been McLean and arguably Tettey whilst he could still play. That's a bit of a damning indictment if you ask me. 18 CMs in 5 seasons... off the top of my head.

It’s totally not bs. I’ll explain why it’s not, all wins give 3 points but not all teams are of equal quality. You still get 3 points for beating the 24th side as you do for beating the 1st side. If a team beats the bottom 3 they get the same points as a team that beats the top 3 but which team would you say is strongest? Everyone with common sense would say the one who’s beaten the top 3 is the better side by the weight of quality of opponents beaten. I’m sure you understand that concept. 

You can think we’ve been soft if you wish but 2 seasons ago at this level we only conceded 36 goals in the entire season when  we are at 23 now and we are not even half way through. 

Our recruitment in midfield absolutely has been woeful. Although I hold hope for Gibbs, Hayden, Sara and Nunez. 

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I'm just glad we weren't universally tipped to win or come runners up this season, or reading those stats would be quite discouraging.

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It has become glaringly obvious that Dean Smith was a poor appointment. He may be a nice chap but he does not fit the role this Club needs. He is on a career nose dive and is dragging us down to be a side of mediocrities. There is no style in his football, there is no passion and there is no way we will get promoted with him in charge. I am sad that this is happening to a Club for which we have such affection. But it was such a poor performance in the second half against Middlesbrough that even Webber cannot ignore it. Surely?  Dean Smith is not the coach we hoped that he would be .

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