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Everything posted by NorwichAreBack

  1. Iv seen those words before, but Iv never really been able to put them to a tune, the chorus obviously no probs but the rest i dont know. Anyone got any idea!?
  2. I had that problem for a while ,to get the commentary just go to audio commentary instead of match live. You dont get all the stats etc but the commentarys the same. As for Bellion, if it was possible then yes aslong as we got another big man in aswell as Bellion/Hucks are pretty similar. Then the question is...do we really need 2 more strikers when money could be spent elsewhere, so id probably jus go for Crouch! :D
  3. All I have to say is what the hell.... http://www.efc-online.net/main.php?id=1612&date=2004-04-23
  4. I was listening to the song My perfect day by feeder last nite, fits aswel... but sometimes you feel it you know how it is wake up in the morning and evrythin fits im stil hoping tomorow feels like this my perfect day my perfect day quality song, quality team and quality champagne last night!
  5. I saw it earlier, we were actually much better than most of the teams that have done it!! Most either went just over or landed in the goal, Iwans was terrible only Svenssons was worse, which the pair got stick for!! Funny stuff but we did do better than most.
  6. Thats actually a really good adaptation, and seeing as no-one knows the words to the original and sings their own version it should be changed to that for good!
  7. I was there aswel, Fisk looked ok when he came on, a few nice touches. I also thought Eagle looked good, Mark Rivers however as rightly pointed out did not look bothered at all and spent half the game having a pop at ''briggers'' for not passing him the ball when he was standing there surrounded by players! Sinclair-obv MOTM, had great energy and a fantastic touch, I know it was only Aldershot but he really stood out for me.
  8. I posted this a few days ago actually but here goes.... There is a man who works in the car park near to the ground, not sure what his name is but to us he is known as Whitey and we always see him before the game when we park. Hes quite short, probably about 60 ish and has a white beard. We have come up for about 9 home games, seen 7 wins a draw and a loss- the loss (Bradford) we used a different car park and did not see Whitey!!! This man must be a talisman and i propose to have a golden statue of him erected outside of the ground so people can pay tribute to this hero- the future of Norwich City Football Club hangs on one mans shoulders.
  9. There is a man who works in the car park near to the ground, not sure what his name is but we always see him before the game when we park. Hes quite short, probably about 60 ish and has a white beard. We have come up for about 9 home games, seen 7 wins a draw and a loss- the loss (Bradford) we used a different car park and did not see Whitey!!! This man must be a talisman and i propose to have a golden statue of him erected outside of the ground so people can pay tribute to this hero- the future of Norwich City Football Club hangs on one mans shoulders. Just an example of a strange football superstition lol works for us though, he never lets us down!
  10. Haha Wilnis the 2nd! Wot a load of sour grapes lol Tell u what mate, u keep on living on ur past success and we wil live in the present, so i hope you enjoy your trips to the mighty Bescott stadium, as the pride of Anglia stride proudly out at old trafford......(real sense of pride kicks in....) 2-0 3-1 OTBC TOTL@PR
  11. You havent metioned Hucks own first choice position, in behind a front two. So I would suggest this team.... Green Edworthy Malky Flem Drury Mulryne Holt Francis Hucks Sven Leon I know its harsh on Brennan but this is football, no room for sympathy, and also there would not be much width but- how many goals can anyone remember that have come from good crosses from wingers all season?! Hucks being the exception, but playing behind the front two he could drift wide and do damage there aswel. Most of Iwans goals for example have been tap ins after Hucks magic, cant remember a headed goal from him this season?! OTBC
  12. I agree... I assume that Hucks is a certain starter, therefore a big man must also be played up with him- Svensson as he is looking good when hes come on and played when we beat them before, and I think that Leon must start given the phsycological advantage he will have over them from the start. So assuming Drury isnt risked i think we should play... Green Edworthy Malky Flem Brennan Holt Francis McVeigh Huckerby Svensson McKenzie
  13. Yer there was quite a lot of singing last week, however there was also a lot of bad feeling as there were lots of West Ham fans in there to and that ''aggravated'' a lot of people!
  14. Simple lol O Huckerby Hucker Hucker Huckerby Hucker Hucker Huckerby O Huckerby................
  15. I think that playing Francis and Holt in the centre has been crucial to our success this season, as it has meant that both wings have been mainly free to attack and we have been very solid- nicking games by 1-0. It also means that when Hucks breaks if he loses it then they cannot break back, so it gives him the freedom to simply play. This is why I think Brennan should be playing aswel, as with him and Drury on the left there is rarely a way back through. I think Worthy is simply playing to our strengths i.e Hucks! Were doing well lets just keep it going.
  16. Huck Buck and i suppose you think David Beckham shouldnt be in the England squad because hes a Man Utd reject?! lol
  17. I think that the players that could possibly/definately play to a high standard in the premiership are Green, Drury,McVeigh, Francis, Huckerby. So I think with a few signings we should line up like this.... Green G.Neville Terry Woodgate Drury McVeigh Francis Zidane Huckerby Henry Nistelrooy
  18. I think that the players that could possibly/definately play to a high standard in the premiership are Green, Drury, Fleming, McVeigh, Francis, Huckerby. So I think with a few signings we should line up like this.... Green G.Neville Terry Woodgate Drury McVeigh Francis Zidane Huckerby Henry Nistelrooy
  19. I heard somewhere that Celtic would be willing to offload him in the summer for bout 1.5 million, bargain do i hear you say!? Hucks and Sutton would give us a fighting chance if u ask me!
  20. Williams11 you cannot say that we are not as loyal fans as anyone else, i travel upto the games with my Dad and brother at a cost of roughly £100 a trip, and by the end of the season we will have seen 14 of the 23 home games, 14 out of roughly 19 if you take midweek games out. The only reason we went to the Dons game was out of an inspired last minuit decision, and because of our passion for our fantastic club. Think before you speak. And about those Ipswich fans with the flag, yer i saw them they were right in front of me, and infront of a steward, how they allowed that il never know. Mayb its because they cant afford to lose anymore fans than they have, so they are grateful for whoever turns up. I dont agree with them getting a young lad thrown out either!! He looked about 6 and just couldnt hide his joy at Hucks goal, can you blame him?! The matter obviously wont be taken any furthur, but like i said before, it makes you appreciate the fantastic welcoming atmosphere at Carrow Road.
  21. I reckon that hes good for division 1 but wouldnt hold up at all in the prem! If he could then Sheff wud offer him a new contract, or there would be more interest. A loan deal would be good.
  22. Yer i agree! It only started once we went 1-0 up. I think there was a police spotter sitting next to me observing them now i think about it, he showed no emotion and was just watching the crowd- ddnt need to shield his eyes from the sun! I just think its disgusting and needs to be sorted out. Makes you appreciate the Carrow Road atmosphere.
  23. I was sitting in the home crowd (east stand) and I was disgusted to hear some of the abuse comming from that section of the crowd. A man behind me was encouraging his young son to call Iwan a w***** every time he came near the touchline and he got another group of young boys to chant ''break his legs, break his legs'' about Hucks. Also in the second half Green took an ubelievable amount of stick, there wer chants of ''Rob Green loves Barrymore, Rob Green loves Barrymore''. As wel as that he had to put up with constant shouting about himself and his mother- disgusting. There were stewards sitting down at the front doing nothing about this and Wimbledon even have the cheek to have a sign saying anyone who shouts abusive language will be ejected from the ground. In my opinion this is totally unacceptable. Anyone else sit in the east stand see and hear this?! On a more positive note it was a great battling performance from the lads and Hucks again proved that he is GOD. I thought we were fantastic first half and should have had it sown up bt HT, but in the second half we dug in and got the points we deserved. Also other results went our way and the sc*m dropped out of the top 6!! So overall a good day out! :D TOTL@PR
  24. I am trying to convince my dad to take the family to the Wimbledon game,however we would have to sit in the home crowd which he is not too keen on. I have heard reports that there will be well over 500 Norwich fans in the home crowd anyway, are you one of these fans!? and where will you be sitting?! to get an idea of where most of us yellows could be grouped. OTBC TOTL@PR
  25. I like the sound of that actually windy, and imagine the amount of flick ons there would be for the almighty one to chase!
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