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Clever Farke

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Everything posted by Clever Farke

  1. He justified his loan fee in 45 mins. Awsome, he totally bossed the Ipswich defence. They were terrified of him. I loved his 2 handed shove on on of the Ipswich defenders trying to mark him, who almost fell over backwards. Nobody messes with Big bad John. If him and Curo continue to hit it off we are climbing the table.
  2. ''Evans fails fit and proper persons test'' (as Ipswich are anihilated at fortress Carra roed)
  3. Yes I was hoping for Jewel and am disappointed with Roeders appointment. At least it''s not Glen Hoddle. But actually, in our position maybe it''s not so bad. He worked miracles at Newcastle. He is the ''nicest'' man in football, calm and self controlled, which is maybe what we need after Peter the ranter  I''m sure our poor underperfoming players will get am arm around the shoulder and some encouragement rather than a public slagging. Well he''s got Sunday to prove himself. Good luck Glen! you''ll need it.
  4. I couldn''t agree more! He''s done absolutely nothing wrong. Some people just want a scapegoat. I mean, today Cureton has come out and said as much as Hucks did about the midfield being weak. So does he have to be hounded out as well. If only the board were as forthcoming as Hucks. With the lack of leadership at the club I am surprised more haven''t come out and said what a shambles it is. Well done Hucks!
  5. It is surely scapegoating. Anyone who has played in a losing team knows what it''s like. Players get onto eachother and others throw toys out in frustration. But the root cause is the lack of bottle in the boardroom. Our woes can be traced back to the ridiculous decision to let Malky go and replace him with the towering Simon Charlton. Let Eddie go and replace him with Helveg (who?). Breaking up a solid back 4 unit, with strong leadership. Not the youngest or the quickest but could''ve ground some results out till Christmas. As someone else put it ''prudence with relegation''. Also, there were a number of other targets we were linked with for central defence but none of them came off. We lost our Premier status - but even then only on the last game. Obviously it would have been worth sticking our necks out slightly more. Again the situation was misjudged on relegation. then we had relegation with prudence. What a viscious circle it has turned out to be. The chickens have come home to roost. And I wish others would stop scapegoating Huckerby.
  6. Very doubtful that he wants away in January. He''s gone on record as saying he will see out his contract, unlike others. I have no idea why people want players to be censured. I want to know what they feel about the situation. Clearly other players are unhappy but too mealy mouthed to say anything. Hucks is the only one to have the guts to put pressure on the board at this moment in time which is fair enough for me. They need to be put under pressure to make the right appointment and make funds available so we can avoid the drop. I am sure Hucks is supported by most of the team in what he says, he is some kind of spokesman. He is best mates with Dion! The man all the players and Grant and Duffy look up to and listen to! Maybe he is Dion''s mouthpiece? There will obviously be players who don''t agree - but only those who are not up to scratch and fear losing their places if any quality is brought in. FFS do you really think that what hucks said in the press hasn''t already been said in the dressing room by countless others on countless occasions, including Grant, Duffy, Worthy. It is so short sighted to try to hound him out of the club just because you need a SCAPEGOAT! Ask Ipswich which player they are most concerned about on Sunday and the answer will not be Lappin, Brown, Dave, Russel, Chadwick, Cureton. It will be Huckerby or maybe Hartson in combination with Huckerby. To be fair hasn''t Hucks become the legend he has because he has rolled up his sleeves, dug us out of holes (The Championship). And why on earth wasn''t Dublin given the caretaker role?    
  7. Good on you! You never know what''s around the corner.
  8. No! Judging from Wikipedia it seems like he turned down the Huddersfield manager''s job at the 11th hour - in order to stay on more money as Pardew''s number 2. What does that tell you? Anyway, I wouldn''t want Pardew as manager, let alone his understudy (again!). 
  9. Obviously Hucks cares about the club and is merely stating the facts. Why not? As a senior professional I would think he has a duty to speak out. It''s not as if the manager disagreed with him and I''m sure he is supported by the majority of team members. Keep going Hucks!
  10. No! It would be an absolute disaster. No guarantee we''d come up for years. Dreaming of being able to attract the likes of the players we have now. This is why Grant had to go, we can''t afford to risk relegation. We are not Leeds. Get real!
  11. The Spanish is...........FRACASO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO! = Grant Out!
  12. This is true! I saw him in sainsbury''s too. He had a trolley almost entirely full of...........pitta bread! .........In broad daylight!  I said hello darren and he looked all sheepish like.
  13. You''re right. The comparisons between then and now are frightening. But neither Chase or Delia deserve to come in for personal abuse. Football finances eh? But really, granty has had more available to him than many in the division, and so did worthy, so we really can lay most of the blame with the management and players.
  14. It is beyond belief that Delia is coming in for the kind of abuse that Chase did. Even he didn''t deserve half of it eiher. The fault lies with Grant and the players. Other teams with less money made available than us (csunthorpe? colchester etc..) are performing better. It is time for the players and manager to deliver.
  15. Whats wrong with toxic!? If there hadn''t been a toxic athmosphere against Burnley a year ago, u no who would still be here. I''d rather a toxic athmosphere than no athmosphere.
  16. Are you mad? Part of being a football fan is having to derive pleasure out of pain! It is the muppet show. It is a shakespearean tradgedy. It is going to the gallows to watch a hangin''.  What if we demolished csunthorpe? Endure the lows in order to appreciate the highs or you run the risk of labelling yourself as a glory hunter. ffs just turn up and booooooooooooooooooooooooooo.    
  17. My team for Csuntsthorpe...after much deliberation.                           Marshall semmy         d''oh           murray         drury croft          russell         jarvis            lappin                   dublin       cureton
  18. I would love to see Dion given a caretaker role, I''ve said for ages he would be ideal for the job if only he wants to do it. He can be given a handfull of games while we hunt around for a new manager, much as worthy was. If he impresses, he gets the job, simple. He would probably be able to get Hucks playing again. The players, worthy and even grant have said what an influence he has around the place so why not?
  19. Surely Hucks has refused to play anymore in such a rubbish team and has take his ball and gone home.
  20. This is shocking even by our usual Molineux efforts I expected us to lose but this? I think this even takes the biscuit from the 4-0 under Bryan Hamilton.
  21. Could we at least experiment for a few games without hucks. Relying on him as our sole provider is ridiculous and every team now has him sussed. Worthy is so blind to this fact. Of course he is a favourite but sometimes it just doesnt work. Like Norwich, hucks is also inconsistent and frustrating. If you build your team around such a player, what do you expect??? I mean will the sky fall in if hucks doesnt play? Maybe we will discover other options. As a team one of our biggest faults is players take too many touches. Hucks must release the ball quicker, hold the ball and choose the simple pass. he needs to reserve his energy for that blistering burst into the box when its possible. He wastes his time trying to take on too many players too far out from the goal, the team is pulled out of shape, moves break down and players struggle to recover their positions. We all know what it does to a team to have a player who does this. Demoralising. His ego needs to shrink. The other thing is that he doesnt defend or head. There is no i in team. Even the terrible burnley understand this. Now there is nothing to play for, why dont we play this... Green flem doc shack drury (charlie) Johansson safri hughes Mcveigh earnie Mckenzie    
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