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Hissing Sid

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Everything posted by Hissing Sid

  1. [quote user="Lord Snooty"]History suggests that McKenzie will score at least one against his old club and Marshall will make a series of miraculous saves........ against his old club. Cureton will plough a lonely furrow up front and we will be crap .............. just like our last two visits to the Ricoh.[/quote] Nothing like a bit of positivity on the eve of a new season eh?
  2. I turn 40 in December, and I''m not the slimmest of blokes, but the shirt is still worn with pride every week. Lets face it, its a football match, not a fashion show!!
  3. Once met Sir Bob in Sardinia during the build up to the 1990 World Cup. A top man, he was quite happy to spend a few minutes chatting with me (wearing a City shirt and having had probably had a bit too much to drink!!) about Englands chances in the tournament. Certainly does put things into perspective. Respect.
  4. And here we go again. Its the Conference for me this week (it seemed to work last season!!) Northwich v Cambridge - Away Win Fancy Cambridge to go one better this season and this ought to be a good start for them. Good luck Berkshire. OTBC
  5. Up to 61.79% now. Passed the link around the office, even our resident Leicester fan joined in!!!  
  6. Job done, 56.41% now. Wait for the howls of protest, then laugh some more!!
  7. Having witnessed both in action, I''d rather Riley than Binner D''Urso any day of the week!
  8. [quote user="Mangol Wurzel"] The great camel''s toe debate rages on! I''ve studied the picture very, very carefully. I think an inappropriately placed seam may be creating the ILLUSION of a camel''s toe. I think this would make a far more interesting topic for a Pink''un ballot than "was it the right decision to pull off Hucks?" Yawn. So, what can you see at http://www.linfieldfc.com/. Is it: A - camel''s toe B - seam (which must rub a bit, I''d imagine?) I throw it over to you, the Great British public to decide Wurzel [/quote] Definately A for me. Just looked again at the pic, feeling a bit light headed. Time for a lie down in a darkened room. Nurse....
  9. Top man arrdee, great work getting this up and running again. I have a feeling the "Top Tipster" competition could be interesting this year, any plans to publish a kind of league table every now and then?
  10. [quote user="Polar"][quote user="Evil Monkey"][quote user="Pboro_Canary"][quote user="C.T wizard"][quote user="Pboro_Canary"] If this happens with the Pink UN headline be "City Sign Bell - End of Saga"?  Go on Pete, make our day......[;)] [/quote] That would be legendary. Go on Pete[Y] [/quote] I will even change my name to Wizard if he does. Pleeeeeeaaaasssse [/quote] I''ll change my name to Evil Pete if he does! [:O] [/quote] i''ll change my name to polar pete [/quote] In honour, Hissing Pete may have to make an appearance. Come on Pete, you know you want to!!!
  11. Feb 1981 home to Liverpool, stood in the River End and we lost 1-0.
  12. Jim Magilton is on a boating holiday on the broads, when he falls overboard into the water. A boy notices Jim struggling to stay afloat, jumps into the water and pulls him to the shore. Jim is obviously thankful. "You saved my life, how can I ever thank you?" he says. "Well" says the boy "You could arrange a state funeral for me." "What do you mean?" says Jim "You''re only young, you''ve got years ahead of you yet" "I know" says the boy "but when my dad finds out who I''ve saved, he''s gonna kill me!"
  13. [quote user="Big Dave"] [quote user="Ian Shimmen"]he has just arrived at carrow road been seen getting out a taxi :-)[/quote] Don''t get over excited, he''s only gone to play Celebrity Supermarket Sweep in Morrisons. Carl Cort''s in the other team. [/quote] Morrisons? I won''t believe it until we have a confirmed report of a sighting in Asda!
  14. [quote user="Arthur Whittle"] [quote user="baldyboy"]what a stupid post! it would be the same if the chavs had won. id rather united won than the chavs after the disgraceful way they hounded the ref all night. so much for respect the refs chelski dont give a f**k about authority and deserved what they got.[/quote] What team was it again that started the hounding off referees in England? Those brave boys Man Utd you praise. In fact they still do it, but you dont mention that do you? As a neutral and having watched the game based on play from 30 minutes on, Chelsea deserved to win that game-they passed well, had the best chances, and looked the most dangerous, so over the 120 minutes they should have won but didnt, so now the thousands of "proud" mancs from Norwich to Torquay will be at work today in there best local accents saying how proud they are etc......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, what can you do about blatant glory hunters-how are they proper fans? [/quote] As baldyboy says though, how would it have been different if Chelski had won?
  15. So the end of the season rolls around. Before my nap, I''d like to add my thanks to arrdee and NN for their work on the Free Bet. Any ideas yet on the possibility of doing something for the Euro Champs? 7 from 11 so far, heres hoping for 8 from 12. Looked at the Prem and the play offs, couldn''t make a choice. In the end I''m going for the FA Trophy Final and Torquay to triumph over Ebbsfleet. Haven''t looked at the form too closely, I just feel Torquay will want to salvage something after their play off defeat to Exeter last weekend. Good luck all and thanks once again arrdee.
  16. Anyone remember the FA Cup Final last year. Surely this has to be a better game than that, although I can see it being very similar. United to win for me.
  17. Will be there as usual with Mrs Sid, looking forward to a great atmosphere. Can we outsing 35000 Wednesday fans with our following? I reckon so, then see Dion off in style. Enjoy everyone!
  18. Seconds out, Round...(How many is it now?) I''m on a roll now, with one correct selection in a row, so here goes. A popular choice this week: Nottm Forest vs Yeovil - Home win. Forest at home and can still gain automatic promotion, Yeovil with nothing to play for. Another knockout blow? Good luck Gent Jim.
  19. When visiting Naples a few years ago I took a trip to Pompeii. Whilst taking a tour of the town dressed in my red Norwich & Peterborough shirt (1997 vintage), there was a guy in another group in a City shirt. Later the same day we went to the top of Mount Vesuvius and I saw another couple sporting shirts.
  20. Hello again one and all. Spent a lot of  Time(s) looking at this weeks fixtures, before making an Independant decision which I''ll Mail here. Colchester vs Stoke - Away Win. Stoke, 1 defeat in the last 8, on the verge of being promoted, and will go up if they win and Hull fail to beat Palace. Col U have gone, only 1 win in the last 13 and 18 goals conceded in their last 6 games (although they kept a clean sheet vs Ip***ch!!!) Good luck Blah x3, hoping for a good Record this week with an Express win.
  21. Sorry to get picky Tadley, it was Robins (2), Phillips and Fox. Taxi!!!!
  22. Greetings again one and all. I seem to be on something of a losing streak recently with choices from the lower leagues, so I''m going to the Premier League this week for my nap. Arsenal v Reading - Home win. Good luck Graham.
  23. [quote user="1st Wheezard"] always liked Mr Allen, remember him scoring four goal against Boston in a 8-0 win. was it Boston? [/quote] Anorak time. It was Sutton United.
  24. Greetings again one and all, here we go again. Studied the fixture list this week, and there ain''t too much that stood out. However one that did was: Cambridge vs Stafford - Home Win Cambridge on course for the play offs and Stafford semmingly heading down. Good luck Fellas.
  25. [quote user="Web Team - Pete"] 7am - beer and bacon butties 9.30am - train 2pm - celebrating another Norwich win at Portman Road Rest of the day - snooze (well it is a Sunday) [/quote] This is my day too, with the addition of: 4pm - Squares for celebratory beers and Man Yoo v Arsenal.
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