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Everything posted by Yella_Forever

  1. [quote user="ForeverYellow"] Patti - son - son - son He is better than Dick-son Patti - son - son - son He''s our midfield magician On the left - on the right How he made Cardiff look shite He is class with a brass He''ll put Lisbie on his ARRRSEEE To the tune of this : http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=T7tz5T9oFiE   [/quote]   That is awesome......!!!! love it..........
  2. ok its not theft without copywrite but its sad... stolen my bloody pic!!!
  3. here it is:- http://www.canaries.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Home/0,,10355,00.html see what i mean!!!!!!
  4. look at this:- www.canaries.premiumtv.co.uk/page/home/ and look at my pic...... I TOOK THAT PIC!!!! THEFT, THEFT I TELL YA!!!!!!
  5. have a little look at what the Newcastle fans say about roeder now, after his comments on five live today..... http://www.nufcblog.com/2008/09/04/newcastle-news/glenn-roeder-newcastle-club-is-a-tragedy/ They really like him to be honest.... they say he did well.... so all those guys who came here and said they thought he was a rubbish choice of manager, and sometime even now people come on and slag him off!! I think so far the guy has done so so well with little or no cash, in what is, a very difficult time for our club. some really good things said on that site.... which is full of die hards i must add...... take a look! I think the board situation will sort its self out... and me personally, im looking forward to Plymouth Away with the big man up top...!! OTBC!!!!  
  6. anybody going to plymouth by train??? if so inbox me and i may be able to help u out..... one off!!! thanks
  7. Hi guys,   pm me if your going by train and i will offer my help..... thanks  
  8. [quote user="Smudger"] His managerial career/reputation will be in tatters... and all because he is a prat who dare not question his foolish employers!!! [/quote]   go away!!! if anything he will walk!!!
  9. YES MATE!!!    i remember...... it was good, nice to meet you too...... you all get back safely?? what a great weekend!!! was awesome taking the flag in.... had to be done!!!!
  10. [quote user="Berkshire Canary"]Was a great weekend, Bloc Party, Pendulem, Vampire Weekend, The Music and Metallica were awesome!!! highlight was singing city songs under the flag with a group of scummers standing opposite!!! Me and my mate wore our city shirts and ended up being stopped by loads of people, city fans or otherwise.......[/quote]   wasn''t it great..... "always s**t on the old blue and white......!!" awesome, nice to meet you mate....!!!
  11. CHECK OUT THE FLAG!!!!!!!!   http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4106595&id=643310211
  12.   HELLO GUYS........ it was me and my mate shaun, we took it straight to the front for Bloc Party, and then however some idiot broke our pole :-( it was such and atmosphere and so so many people came up and sung city songs with us...... we had shirts on too!!!!!! Lupoli!!!!!!!
  13. [quote user="matt crowhurst"] anybody would think it was the end of april the way some people on here go on.....give it time and it will come good keep the faith [/quote]   Will you be saying this if we dont win on saturday???
  14. [quote user="ncfcstar"]Right I am sorry, but the people bashing the team and the manager on here tonight are being unfair. Roeder needs our support, yes it looks like he hasn''t been backed by the board, and you can criticise them all you like, I am not a fan either. But....GET BEHIND YOUR BLOODY TEAM, and support Roeder. He is trying to turn our club around and unlike Grant he deserves the chance to try and succeed. Back Glen, and follow the boys. OTBC[/quote]   i am trying, i really am..... but where is this leading??? Where are the goals going to come from?!?? where?!?
  15. [quote user="duke100"]come back Browny all is forgiven !!![/quote] You laugh, but its a part of what we are missing!!!
  16. and im sorry to say, we are going to be looking up at them again.... ALL SEASON LONG!!!!
  17. i''m sitting here listening to the game tonight, and after being full of hope before saturday, i must say it is slowly crumbling.... where is the goal threat??? i just dont see where??? nobody in a yellow shirt seems to know where the goal is...... we need a threat from midfield and upfront... and its so frustrating as we have had all summer to get the players in..... How many more games can we afford to do this??? two games in no goals... its frusrating and predictable!!!!
  18. [quote user="seat124"] he WAS very good. The point i am making is that we give opposition players a lot of sticck for play acting. I do NOT want to see players of NCFC doing the same. Remember the sh*t Andy Johnson got, correctly, from us?   is that what you really want to see-be honest?     [/quote] Well i must comment, Firstly we are to much of a nicey nicey team... and i''m sick of it.... Diving and wriggling around on the ground now is all part of trying to gain an advantage, and although i''m not wanting to see cheaters at carrow road, i must say im glad that we have someone on board who is not gonna wince out of tackles or try to jump straight up and try to win his side a free kick or penalty.... were to nice, its part of the game..... get over it...!!!
  19. We need one signing, and it needs to be a forward, that and Bell on instead of Croft who just wastes chances for fun!!!!!
  20. Same story every bloody season, Coventry are poor.. very poor and we can not and wont put the ball in the net........ Coventry 4 shots Norwich 14.... Says it all....!!!!
  21. [quote user="San Miguel"][quote user="Yella_Forever"] [quote user="taintedtomcaster2000"]anyone watching SSN? Stelling and the gang are ace on a Saturday afternoon! [/quote]   cant beat it..... radio norfolk on, SSN on and the pink un loaded up.... all i need now is a beer, wheres that fridge??? [/quote] second only to being there perhaps! [/quote]   yes but cant have everything!!!  
  22. [quote user="taintedtomcaster2000"]anyone watching SSN? Stelling and the gang are ace on a Saturday afternoon! [/quote]   cant beat it..... radio norfolk on, SSN on and the pink un loaded up.... all i need now is a beer, wheres that fridge???
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