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Everything posted by Yella_Forever

  1. You still have this available? I could come and collect for cash? Thanks James.
  2. Hi all, a long time since I posted here now. But still I follow very closely! ;-) I have a friend coming over from Australia for the first time in 5 years and he desperately wants to go to the Newcastle game. Does anyone have one spare? I saw a thread on it yesterday but can not locate it now. Happy to have him meet you somewhere and collect, payment can be made in cash by him (if a season ticket he can also pay). I can not make it so just after the one ticket for him, any help appreciated. Also available on email jameskerwin82@gmail.com Thank you! James.
  3. Hi guys, I have a long term friend coming home to Norwich for Australia as a last minute decision to celebrate his last minute wedding with his family. I would love to provide him with a wedding gift of tickets to the Everton home games on Saturday - of course I will pay for them. He would need to sit near or with his new wife - so looking for two tickets. If you know of anyone that is not attending or you can not attend yourself please please help out afellow canary (indeed two) and get in touch with me on 07912621880 or email jamekerwin82@gmail.com I know its unlikely - but there are always people handing them back for buy back so thought I would try here first! Thanks.
  4. Kathy - Change the title of the thread and tells us where and you never know - someone may have seen them.
  5. One of my saved tweets is one of Rio''s where he talks about Simeon Jackson scoring the goal to get us promoted... He know a lot about football and obviously watches a lot too.
  6. If someone can provide me with the measurements and some art work - I work for an events company so have plenty of contacts for this sort of thing. I could get some quotes if I know what we want? Thanks.
  7. Hey - message me your number and keep my informed. Me and three mates are interested in this, just provide us with the travel costs. We all live in Norwich. Cheers
  8. [quote user="Mahogany"]Could be a silly move by Morison. If Lambert wanted it to be known that we had made a bid he would have put it out there, doubt he will be very pleased by Morison confirming this. We know Lambert likes CMS and I doubt we''d be bringing in another 2 strikers so might this push us towards other options? Do we want someone that will go to the press when he doesn''t get his way?[/quote]   Very good point.... sometimes it does not help by doing this and sometimes it does... But surely he must have taken advice before doing it?
  9. [quote user="Ben "]£2 million? That''s quite a bit. Wouldn''t bid any higher than that.[/quote]   Why do people keep saying things like this..... We are premiership now - meaning premiership transfer fees/wages and agent fees. 2 million is nothing, and we will have to pay a little more to get him, maybe in add ons.
  10. I have Andrew Surman on there! and he posts a few photos too..!
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/13584227.stm  - Surely he will be a city player within a fortnight? Whats the point in Millwall keeping him now? If he signs we have some good attacking options. Although we have grown as a club to fast for the likes of Johnson and Cody - who will more than likely move on in the summer now...
  12. [quote user="PhatCanary"]On Sky sports news this evening PL has yet again stated that Norwich will not break the bank for so called big name signings,he wants young and hungry players who will play for the Club,not money,spot on Mr Lambert.I also hope this will end the bullhsit posts about big name players who we are about to sign.[/quote] I think the first may be Cohen from Bolton. He has just been released too and featured a lot for Bolton Last season. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/13539995.stm
  13. Anyone know the way this works? You let the club know you want to move i assume - but then how do you go about getting the new seat - do they tell you at the end of the window if you have been succesful or not? I am a little unsure. Any views?
  14. [quote user="CT"][quote user="sergio"]A lot of people wanting these all of a sudden isn''t there. Couldn''t you be arsed with Walsall away on a Tuesday night last year. [/quote] [:D] Very harsh! I''ve been to 12 away games this year and only 4 last year... does that make me a glory hunter? [;)] [/quote] I do not think he was directing it at you - but what he states is true!! I was around the station after the 1P5WICH game and heard a woman saying to a man - "I really enjoyed that" he then replied with "how many times you been away? they great hey?" - her response really angered me - "oh I do not go that often, I went to Charlton away last season and Ipswich this season, and I think it was the Scunthorpe one at home this season... 6-0 it was!" how she got tickets for Charlton and ipswich I will never know - when me and my mates with 8 away stubs and home season tickets for years were left back in Norwich listening to it on the bloody radio!!!
  15. On Thursday night I was out in the city and saw Dean Ashton he looked a bit of a glum figure next to the girl dressed as a green fairy on his arm.... hardly reconised him... Limping badly he was too.... Could of been an England great that guy... I only mention him as it brought back memories of our last premier league visit... Dean - "I hope it brings a smile to your face.... watching on as we beat Manchester United at home again!!   OTBC!!!!
  16. In the jarrold and looking to get in to the Barclay near the wall next to snakepit - I think it a block! I have a feeling it may be a difficult task. I currently sit in row j of the jarrold, really hate the atmosphere and general moaning and not to mention the people going to the toilet every two half minutes!!!!
  17. [quote user="Yella_Forever"]http://www.ccmb.co.uk/fudforum/index.php?t=msg&th=269843&start=0&rid=0&S=9f729b023387a14ad118817acc3f7576 - The second comment here made me laugh! Yes he is a bellend! haha[/quote]   AND THE THIRD COMMENT IS EVEN BETTER!!!
  18. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/fudforum/index.php?t=msg&th=269843&start=0&rid=0&S=9f729b023387a14ad118817acc3f7576 - The second comment here made me laugh! Yes he is a bellend! haha
  19. @yellow4ever add me and search through who I''m following to find many footballers! J
  20.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gareth_McAuley   - It has been edited by moi! :-)   Take a look!  
  21. I know someone who has not attended any away games all season, has only attended one home game (while is brother was on holiday thus had his ticket!) and he got given two tickets by a certain ex welsh city striker! Now that sucks too!!!
  22. The one and only away game left that I thought i could get tickets for and go too.... Thanks sky!! Monday night? seriously?!?!
  23. [quote user="Yarmouthyellow1"] 1) What is the last line of OTBC?   I can never quite make it out as it''s sung so fast.  Could somebody translate?  Tried listening on few Youtube videos and can''t make it out either.  Sounds a bit like Popeye (a ga ga ga we''ve "scdagul" scolive?)    2) When did Paul Lambert''s green and yellow army become Paul Lambert''s yellow army.  Do you think if it was slowed down a bit we might be able to get the "green" back in?  Just a thought a when I sing it to myself it seems quite easy to sing "green and yellow army"?  Please let me know if this is out of the question though. 3) Why are some people trying to sing "When the greens go marching in" in a jazz type fashion?  Thought it had been alright for decades as it is??  4) Do the following songs still exist (i.e.) - My old man - When I was just a little boy - Wings of a sparrow etc. 5) Does anyone else, like me, run out of breath when singing nowadays and if so, do you think there''s any business to be made as a circular breathing consultant at Carrow Road.  I''ve heard aberigini digeridoo players use it to great effect. I''ve really got ot let this drop [/quote]   you been living under a rock?? What Norwich fan does not know the words to on the ball city?? really?
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